Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4: Life in the past - Lesson 7: Looking back & project

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4: Life in the past - Lesson 7: Looking back & project

4. Read these situations and write wishes you want to make for them.

1. Your village does not have access to clean piped water.
 → I wish

my village had access to clean piped water.

2. Your school is on the other side of a river, and you have to cross the river by boat twice a day to school.
 → I wish

there were a bridge over the river, so we did not have to cross the river by boat twice a day to school.

3. There is no organization for social activities for teenagers in your town.
 → I wish

there were an organization for social activities in my town.

4. You are interested in basketball but you are not tall enough for the sport.
 → I wish

I were tall enough to play basketball

5. In your area, there are only two seasons: dry and wet. You love autumn and spring.
 → I wish

there were four seasons in my area. I wish we had spring and autumn in my area.


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1Welcome all of teachers and studentsUNIT 4: LIFE IN THE PASTLesson 7: Looking back & projectLesson plan for English 9VOCABULARY1. bare-footed /beə(r)-fʊtɪd/ : chân trần2. seniority /ˌsiːniˈɒrəti/ : sự thâm niên, tiền bối3. breadwinner /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ : trụ cột gia đình4. time - consuming /taɪm/ - /kənˈsjuːmɪŋ/ : tốn thời gian1. Choose the best answer A, B, or C to complete the sentences.1. The children in my home village used to go _____, even in winter. Now they all have shoes.A. on foot 	B. bare-footed 	C. playing around2. There is usually a _____ gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is changing so fast.A. generation 	B. value 	C. age3. Every nation has respect for their long-preserved _____.A. behaviors	B. practices 	C. traditions4. In Viet Nam, _____ often refers to age and social position, not to wealth.A. seniority 	B. tradition 	C. generation5. Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common _____ in many Asian countries.A. behavior 	B. practice 	C. tradition2a. Match the verbs in A with their definitions in B.AB1. act outa. bring together2. preserveb. perform3. collectc. bring enjoyment4. entertaind. no longer exist5. die oute. keep alive2b. Use the verbs in A in their correct forms to complete the sentences.1. Small children like listening to and ________ stories.2. Hand-writing a letter is a pastime that is beginning to ________ . I'm already beginning to miss it.3. Should we try to ________ every custom or tradition which is in danger of dying out?4. He's ________ data for his book Values in the Past.5. She often __________her children by telling them stories and acting them out.acting outdie outpreservecollectingentertains3. Write true sentences about the practice of the following things in the past, using used to and didn't use to.men/bread winner of the familywomen/go to workpeople/travel/on holidayfamilies/be/nuclearpeople/make banh chung at Tet/themselveschildren/play outdoor games Men used to be the bread winner of the family. Women didn’t use to go to work. People didn’t use to travel on holiday. Families didn’t use to be nuclear. People used to make banh chung at Tet themselves.Children used to play outdoor games.4. Read these situations and write wishes you want to make for them.1. Your village does not have access to clean piped water. → I wish2. Your school is on the other side of a river, and you have to cross the river by boat twice a day to school. → I wish 3. There is no organization for social activities for teenagers in your town. → I wish 4. You are interested in basketball but you are not tall enough for the sport. → I wish5. In your area, there are only two seasons: dry and wet. You love autumn and spring. → I wishthere were four seasons in my area. I wish we had spring and autumn in my area.my village had access to clean piped water. there were a bridge over the river, so we did not have to cross the river by boat twice a day to school. there were an organization for social activities in my town.I were tall enough to play basketball.1. I wish 2. I wish 3. I wish 4. I wish it would stop raining.the wind weren’t blowing so hard.the sun were shining.I were sitting in a warm house.6. Rearrange the sentences to make a meaningful conversation.1. Mai, are you going to the Tet flower market with us this afternoon?2. We used to. But this year my mother wants to bring back some traditions.3. Interesting! I'll come.4. I'm sorry I can't. I'm making candied fruits.5. Wow... That's time-consuming and it requires alot of patience. My family buys it.6. Certainly! And we can learn how to make banh chung too. My father will teach us.7. She said that if we didn't do it, our customs and traditions would die out.8. Oh, I see. Can I join you?9. Why?1. Mai, are you going to the Tet flower market with us this afternoon?2. We used to. But this year my mother wants to bring back some traditions.3. Interesting! I'll come.5. Wow, That's time-consuming and it requires a lot of patience. My family buys it.6. Certainly! And we can learn how to make banh chung too. My father will teach us.7. She said that if we didn't do it, our customs and traditions would die out.8. Oh, I see. Can I join you?9. Why?4. I'm sorry I can't. I'm making candied fruits.PRESERVING THE PASTLife has changed a lot over the past 50 years, and there are many good pastimes which seem to be dying out. Work in groups and search for a past tradition or pastime which you highly appreciate give reasons why you like it work out a plan to help preserve it. Then make a poster presenting your ideas and share it with your class.B. Life has changed a lot over the past 50 years and there are many good pastimes and traditions such as folk music, folk games, paintings C. But the tradition that I appreciate is writing letters because of some reasons: In the past, writing letters was such an important means of communication to contact people with people. As far as I know in the past Ho Chi Minh president used to use letters to contact with his comrade to make a plan for upcoming resistance. Otherwise, I feel very surprised and interested when I open a letter with some tiny stickers.D. Writing to friends and family was a great to keep in touch. It also enabled me to practice my literacy skills and communicate effectively. Writing letters can be seen as a gift because someone has taken her time to write, think and express love. But now, this pastime seems to be dying out. Technology is growing, so people communicate by email more than writing a letter. A. In conclusion, you should write a letter to your friends or family in your free time to preserve them for future generations, I am sure that it will be very interesting.*Put the letter in order.1-B2-C3-D4-AHOMEWORK - Learn by heart the structures- Rewrite the exercises into the notebooks- Prepare for UNIT 5

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