Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tiết 36 đến 41 - Năm học 2011-2012

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tiết 36 đến 41 - Năm học 2011-2012

• Aim : Practice speaking to persuade their partners to protect the environment and listen for details to complete the notes about the reasons why our ocean are polluted.

• Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to persuade their partners to protect the environment and listen for details to complete the notes about the reasons why our ocean are polluted.

• Skills :Speaking and Listening

• Teaching aids : posters , pictures .

• Procedure :


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Week : 19
Period : 37
Date : 16/12/2011
Aim : Reading about the work of a group of conservationists and practicing conditional sentence type 1.
Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to more about the environment problems and solution sand use the conditional sentence type 1.
Skills : Reading , Listening and Speaking. 
Teaching aids : posters , pictures , cues.
Procedure : 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I . Warm – up : Shark’s attack 
__ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____
- Setting up the activity
- Preparing a shark and a boy on cards.
- Drawing some steps on the board and the sea around the steps.
- Sticking the boy on top of the steps and the shark is in the sea.
- Drawing 11 gaps for the word ENVIRONMENT .
- Getting students in teams to guess the letters.
- Monitoring , assisting.
- Looking at the Bb.
- Guessing the letters.
II Presentation : 
ö Pre – teach vocabulary : 
- a garbage dump : baõi raùc .
- deforestation ( n ) : söï taøn phaù röøng 
š ( to ) deforest
- dynamite : thuoác noå 
- praying pesticides ( n ) : vieäc phun thuoác tröø saâu 
- disappointed ( adj ) by / about / at : thaát voïng 
- sewage ( n ) : nöôùc thaûi , nöôùc coáng.
ö Checking Vocabulary : What and Where 
ö Set the scene : 
Mr Brown , Mrs Smith , Mr Jones and some volunteer conservationists are going to clean the beach.
Mr Brown’d like the m to divide into 3 groups.
What is each group going to do ?
ö Listen and check : 
Key : 1f 2e 3b 4a 5c 6d.
ö Listen and repeat : 
ö Read and answer : 
What will they achieve if they work hard today ?
If they work hard today , they will make the beach clean and beautiful.
ö Target language :
If they work hard today , they will make the beach clean and beautiful.
ö Concept check : 
If Clause
Main Clause
Simple present
Simple future
I Conditional sentence : Type 1 ( real condition )
- Ñieàu kieän coù thaät ( real condition ) laø ñieàu kieän coù theå thöïc hieän hoaëc coù theå xaûy ra trong hieän taïi hoaëc trong töông lai vì haønh ñoäng trong meänh ñeà If hoaøn toaøn coù theå xaûy ra.
+ Coù theå duøng caùc ñoäng töø hình thaùi ( modal verbs ) : can , may , should , be going to , have to , must ñeå thay theá cho will / shall trong meänh ñeà chính.
Ex : If it rains , everybody can eat inside.
+ Ñoâi khi Simple Present cuõng coù theå ñöôïc duøng trong meänh ñeà chính ( main clause ) ñeå dieãn taû 1 söï thaät hieån nhieân , 1 quy luaät töï nhieân hoaëc 1 haønh ñoäng xaûy ra thöôøng xuyeân.
Ex : If you pour oil on water , it floats.
+ Meänh ñeà If ( If clause )coù theå ñöùng tröôùc hoaëc ñöùng sau meänh ñeà chính ( main clause ) . Khi meänh ñeà If ñöùng tröôùc , thì meänh ñeà If caùh meänh ñeà chính daáu phaåy ( , ).
- Eliciting š Modelling š Checking ( Meaning and Pronunciation )
+ What’s this ?
+ Who can tell me “ söï taøn phaù röøng “ in E ?
+ Who can tell me “ thuoác noå “ in E ?
+ What is he doing ?
+ He is disappointed at his marks.
+ Who can tel me “ nöôùc thaûi , nöôùc coáng” in E ?
- Asking students to copy down.
- Giving instructions
- Setting up the scene to introduce the lesson by using situation .
- Asking students to guess and match the names in column A with the task in column B ( a.p48 ).
- Asking students to match in 2 groups.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Asking students to listen to the tape and check what they guess.
- Giving the key and correcting.
- Asking students to listen to the tape and repeat in Chorus ( twice)
- Asking students to read the text again and answer the question .
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Presenting the new target language.
- Asking students some question 
+ What does it mean ?
+ What is the form ?
+What do we use it for ?
+ Intonation ?
- Asking students to copy down.
- Listening and repeating in Chorus š ind.
+ a garbage dump
+ deforestation
+ dynamite
+ do praying pesticides.
+ sewage
- Copying.
- Practicing.
- Matching in 2 groups. ( on the poster )
- Listening and checking.
- Correcting.
- Listening and repeating in Chorus.
- Reading and answering.
- Listening.
- Listening and answering.
- Copying.
III. Practice : 
1. Drill :
a. I / buy / car / if / have / money.
- I will buy a car if I have enough money.
b. She / stay / home / if / it / rain.
- She will stay at home if it rains.
c. If / we / plant / trees / there / fresh air.
- If we plant tress , there will be fresh air .
d. If / he / come / he / meet / you.
- If he comes , he will meet you.
2. Groupwork :
- Running through the cues.
- Asking students to make the complete sentences by using conditional sentence ( type 1 ).
- Modelling ( cues a ).
- Asking students to work in ind by speaking.
- Monitoring , assisting and correcting.
- Asking students to write the complete sentences in 2 groups.
- Monitoring and correcting.
- Repeating in Chorus.
- Repeating in Chorus š ind.
- Working in ind.
- Writing in 2 groups ( on the poster ).
IV . Prodution :Discussion 
Ex : We should clean the yard.
 We should ..
- Asking students to discuss what they are going to do to keep their school clean in 2 groups.
- Giving example.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Observing.
- Discussing in 2 groups.
V. Home work : 
- Answer the questions ( part b p.48 ) at home.
- Learn by heart Vocabulary and the new target language.
- Do LF 4 and LF5
- Be ready for Speak and Listend
- Telling the requests and explaining the HW.
- Listening and taking notes.
Week : 19
Period : 38
Date : 26/ 12 /11
Aim : Practice speaking to persuade their partners to protect the environment and listen for details to complete the notes about the reasons why our ocean are polluted..
Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to persuade their partners to protect the environment and listen for details to complete the notes about the reasons why our ocean are polluted.
Skills :Speaking and Listening 
Teaching aids : posters , pictures .
Procedure : 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I . Warm – up : Jumbled words :
1. uaderpse š persuade
2. beaargg š garbage
3. roderpvi š provide
4. lupotilon š pollution
5. duproce š produce
6. paispoidedntš disappointed
- Setting up the activity
+ Are they words ?
+ Are they put in correct order ?
+ Put the letters in correct order to make meaningful words.
+ for example
+ preparing in 1 minute
- Dividing the class into 2 groups and asking them to write the meaningful words ( 1 student – 1 word ).
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Listening ans\d answering
+ No
+ No
+ Observing
- Writing the meaningful words in 2 groups
II. Pre – speaking :
ö Pre – teach Vocanulary :
- ( to ) prevent : ngaên chaën , phoøng choáng
- ( to ) reduce : giaûm , laøm giaûm 
- ( to ) wrap :bao boïc , goùi
- a leaf : laù 
š leaves ( pl)
- ( to ) spill : laøm traøn 
- ( to ) dissolve : phaân huûy , hoøa tan
- ( to ) pump : bôm , ñoå 
ö Checking Vocabulary : Matching
ö Set the scene : 
ƒ Lan ƒ Nga 
Lan and Nga are talking each other about how they go to school every day in order to save energy.
Dialogue build :
Lan : How do you go to school ?
Nga : By motorbike
Lan : I think you should go to dchool by bike.
Nga : Why ?
Lan : Because we can keep the air cleaner.
ö Expressions :
- I think you should ..
- Won’t you 
- It would be better if you ..
- Why don’t you ..?
- Why not .?
- What / How about ?
I Expressions to persuade someone to do something
- Eliciting š Modelling š Checking ( Meaning and Pronunciation )
+ Who can tell me “ ngaên chaën , phoøng choáng” in E ?
+ last time , this shirt cost 50.00 dong. No , it costs 30.000dong. What happens ?
+ What am I doing?
+ What is it ?
+ Who can tell me “ laøm traøn” in E?
+ Who can tell me “ phaân huûy , hoøa tan” in E?
+ Who can tell me “ bôm , ñoå” in E ?
- Asking students to copy down.
- Giving instructions
- Asking students some questions
+ Who are they ?
+ What are they doing ?
+ What are they talking about ?
- Setting up the scene to introduce the speaking by Dialogue build.
- Modelling
- Writing some words on the Bb.
- Asking students to do role – play.
- Asking students to write the missing words.
- Correcting.
- Presenting the expressions to persuade someone to do something.
- Asking students to copy down.
- Listening and repeating in Chorus š ind.
+ to prevent
+ a leaf
+ to spill
+ to dissolve
+ to pump
- Copying.
- Practicing.
- Listening and answering.
+ Lan and Nga
+ talking together
- Listening.
- Modelling
- Writing some words on the Bb.
- Asking students to do role – play.
- Asking students to write the missing words.
- Correcting.
- Listening.
III . While – speaking.
1. Answer the questions ( b p.49 )
Example :
A : How cen we save paper ?
B : I think we should use banana leaves to wrap food.
A : Why ?
B : Be cause we can save trees and paper.
A : That’s a good idea.
( Do the same for the others )
2. Discussion :
Example : We should do something to protect the air and the water.
 We should go to school by bike.
- Sticking the poster of a and b p.49 on the Bb.
- Eliciting the poster of section a.
- Running through the questions.
- Asking students to answer the questions ( may use the ideas of section a ).
- Giving example
- Asking students to practice in pairs.
- Monitoring , assisting and correcting.
- Giving feedback
- Asking students to practice speaking in 4 groups to discuss what should they do to protect the air and the water .
- Giving example.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Giving feedback.
- Obsering and listening.
- Observing.
- Practicing in pairs 
- Observing
- Discussing in 4 groups.
IV . Post – speaking 
Listen to the report on how our oceans are 
polluted . Then complete the notes.
How the ocean is polluted
Firstly : raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea.
Secondly : garbage is ..
Thirdly : .come from ships at sea.
Next : Waste materials come from factories.
Finally : Oil is washes from the land.
Tape transcript : Our ocean are becoming extremely polluted . Most of this pollution come from the land , which means it comes from people. Firstly , there is raw sewage , which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries , both developed and developing , are guilty of doing this . Secondly , ships drop about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year . Thirdly , there are oils spill from ships . A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel . This noi only pollutes the water , but it also kills marine life . Next , there are waste materials from factories . Without proper regulation , factoyy owners let the waste run directly into the river , which then leads to the sea . And finally , oil is washed from the land . This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste.
- Asking students to listen to the tape carefully to complete the notes.
- Asking students to work in ind š share with their partners.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting.
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Listening and complete the notes in ind š sharing with their partners.
V . Homework :
- Learn by heart Vocabulary and expressions
- Be ready for Reading.
- Telling the requests and explaining the HW.
- Listening and taking notes.
Week : 20
Period : 39
Date :28/12/11 
Aim : Reading a poem about the environment.
Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to understand a poem about the environment.
Skills :Reading and Speaking
Teaching aids : posters , pictures .
Procedure : 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I . Warm – up : Chatting 
1. Do you like poetry ?
2. Which poet do you like best ?
3 .Name some poems that are your favorite ?
4. Do you think it is easy to understand a poem?
5. Have you ever read an English poem ? Do you understand it ? Do you like it ?
- Asking students some questions.
- Listening and answering in ind.
II . Pre – reading 
ö Pre – teach Vocabulary : 
- a junk yard : baõi chöùa ñoà pheá thaûi
- treasure ( n ) : chaâu baùu 
- a hedge : haøng raøo 
- nonsense ( n ) : ñieàu voâ nghóa , daïi doät
- foam ( n ) : boït
ö Checking vocabulary : R.O and R
ö Set the scene : the poem on p.49
Match each word in A to an appropriate explanation in B
1. junk - yard
2 .end up
3. treasure
4. foam
5. stream
6. hedge
7. folk
a. a row of things forming a fence 
b. people 
c. a piece of land full of rubbish
d. a flow of water
e. mass of bubbles of air or gas
f. valuable or precious things
g. reach a state of
- Eliciting š Modelling š Checking ( Meaning and Pronunciation )
+ a place where people store wastes.
+ Who can tell me “chaâu baùu” in E ?
+ What’s it ?
+ Who can tell me “ ñieàu voâ nghóa , daïi doät” in E ?
+ What’s it ? 
- Asking students to copy down
- Giving instructions
- Asking students some questions
+ What’s it ?
+ What does it talk about ?
- Asking students to guess and match each word in A to an appropriate explanation in B.
- Dividing the class into 2 groups.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Listening and repeating in Chorus š ind.
+ treasure
+ a hedge
+ nonsense
+ foam
- Copying
- Practicing
- Listening and answering.
+ a poem
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Guessing and matching.
II . While – reading
ö Read and check prediction 
Key : 1c 2g 3f 4e 5d 6a 7b
ö Read and answer the questions :
Luckt stars
a. According to the mother , what will happen if the pollution goes on ?
- If the pollution goes on , the world will end up like a second – hand junk – yard.
b. Who does the mother think pollute the environment ?
- The mother thinks other folk pollute ( are responible for the pollution of ) the environment but not her and her son.
c. What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such questions ?
- If the boy keeps on asking such questions , his mother will take him home right away.
d. Do you think the boy’s question ( lines 9 – 10 ) is silly ? Why ( not ) ?
- No . Because he is right : if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods.
e. What does the poet want us to learn about keeping the environment unpolluted ?
- The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution / stopping pollution.
f. What could you do in your school / house to minimize pollution ?
- Student’s answer
Ex : Put the bins around the school yard . Pick up the rubbish / garbage and throw it into a trash bin . Should not litter / spit on the ground/ 
- Asking students to read the poem to check what they guess.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Running through the questions .
- Asking students to read the poem again to answer the questions in ind š share with their friends š share with their groups.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Giving instructions about the game
+ Do you remember this game ?
+ How many lucky stars are there ?
+ If you choose a lucky stars , what will you do ?
+ If you choose a questions , what will you do ?
- Dividing the class into 2 groups and asking them to play the game.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Asking students to ask and answer in pairs after the game finished.
- Giving feedback
- Reading and checking.
- Correcting.
- Observing and listening.
- Reading and answering.
- Listening and answering.
+ Yes
+ 3
- Playing the game
- Practicing in pairs.
IV . Post – reading : Discussion 
What should you do to minimize pollution in your school ?
- Asking students to discuss in 4 groups what they should do to minimize pollution in their school .
- Monitoring , assisting and correcting.
- Giving feedback
- Listening and trying to understand
- Discussing in 4 groups.
V . Homework : 
- Read the poem again at home.
- Finish the questions and the answers in notebook.
- Be ready for Write.
- Telling the requests and explaining the HW
- Listening and taking notes.
Week : 20
Period : 40
Date : 30/12/11
Aim : Writing a letter of complaint.
Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to write a complaint letter..
Skills :Writing and Speaking
Teaching aids : posters , pictures .
Procedure : 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I . Warm – up : Kim’s game 
Suggest company driver clear 
 Stop way truck smell
 Leave garbage
- Setting up the activity .
- Asking students to look at the words on the poster and try to remember them in 20 seconds.
- Hiding the poster 
- Asking students to come to the Bb and rewrite the words from their memory in 2 minutes .
- Dividing the class into 2 groups ( 1 student – 1 word )
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Looking at the poster and trying to remember the words.
- Rewriting the words in 2 groups.
II . Pre – writing : 
ö Pre - teach Vocabulary : 
- ( to ) complain : phaøn naøn 
š complaint ( n ) 
š complication ( n ) : ñieàu gaây raéc roái.
- resolution ( n ) : söï quyeát taâm 
- ( to ) float : troâi noåi , boàng beành
- ( to ) prohibit : ngaên caûn , ngaên caám
ö Checking Vocabulary : R.O and R
ö Set the scene : 
ñ Put five sections in correct order :
a. Action
c. Politeness
d. Complication
e. Resolution
Key : 
1. b. Situation : states the reason for writing
2. d. Complication : mentions the problem
3. e . Resolution : make a suggest 
4. a . Action : talks about future action
5. c. Politeness : ends the letter politely.
ñ Mr Nhat wrote a complaint letter to the director of L & P Company in Ho Chi Minh City . The five sections of the letter are not in the right order . Label each section with the appropriate letter : S , C , R , A or P.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving.
I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the north.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company.
When the trucks of your company have a short break on the streets around my house , the drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment . When the trucks leave the place , the ground is covered with trash and a few minutes later there is smell and flies.
Faithfull ,
Tran Vu NHat
- Eliciting š Modelling š Checking ( Meaning and Pronunciation )
+ Who can tell me “ phaøn naøn “ in E ?
+ Who can tell me “ söï quyeát taâm “ in E ?
+ Where is the flower ? It floats on the water.
+ Who can tell me “ ngaên caûn , ngaên caám” in E ?
- Asking students to copy down.
- Giving instructions 
- Asking students some questions 
+ Have you ever written any letter ?
+ What do you write about?
+ Have you ever written a complaint letter ?
- Providing students five sections of a complaint letter ( with their definitions ) in random order.
- Asking students to put them in correct order in ind š share with their partners.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Giving the key , correcting and explaining five sections of a complaint letter.
- Sticking the poster of the complaint letter on the Bb.
- Asking students to read and label each section with the appropriate letter: S , C , R , A or P
- Diving the class into 2 groups.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Giving the key and correcting.
- Listening and repeating in Chorus š ind.
+ to complain
+ resolution
+ prohibit
- Copying
- Practicing.
- Listening and answering.
- Observing
- Putting five sections in correct order .
- Correcting and listening.
- Observing.
- Listening and trying to understand
- Working in 2 groups
- Showing what they make on the Bb
- Correcting.
III . While – writing :
ñ Suggested questions :
1. What do people do in the lake behind your house these day ?
- begin to catch fish .
2. What make you worried ? / What’s the problem?
- use electricity to catch fish
3. What suggestion do you want to make ?
- suggest the local should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using electricity to catch fish.
4. And future plan you want to make ? 
- look forward to seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities.
ñ Write a letter to the head of local authorities to complain about the way of catching fish in the lake behind your house . Following S C R A P format.
Begin with : 
I am writing to you about the problem of fishing catching in the lake behind my house .
- Asking students to read the production 6b on p. 53 and answer the questions in ind š share with their friends.
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Asking students to ask and answer in pairs.
- Giving feedback
- Asking students to write a complaint letter to the head of local to complain about the way of catching fish in the lake behind their house , using the information in part 6.
- Giving example
- Asking students to write in ind .
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Reading and answering in ind š sharing with their friends.
- Practicing in pairs.
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Observing
- Writing a letter in ind.
IV . Post – writing.
Correction of the letter.
Dear Sir / Madam ,
 I am writing to you about the problem of fish catching in the lake behind my house.
 I am very worried because people ( don’t use fishing rod or net ) but use electricity to catch fish . After a short time they left a place / lake , a lot of small fish died and floated on the water surface . Other animals such as frogs , toads , and even birds also died from electric shock waves.
 I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish.
 I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authority.
Sincerely , 
- Asking students to write their letter on the Bb.
- Correcting.
- Writing the letter on the Bb.
- Correcting.
V . Homework : 
- Rewrite the letter in notebooks.
- Be ready for Language focus.
- Telling the requests and explaining the HW
- Listening and taking notes.
Week : 21
Period : 41
Date : 2/1/2011
Aim : Practice using adverb clause of reason with because / as / since.
Objective : By the end of the lesson , Student will be able to use adverbs and adverb clauses of reason ( as / since / because ).
Skills :Listening and Speaking
Teaching aids : posters , pictures , cues
Procedure : 
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
I . Warm – up : Sing a song
- Asking students to singing a song.
- Singing a song in Chorus.
II . Presentation 
ö Set the scene : 
Lan is late for school . She says something to her teacher.
Dialogue build :
Lan : Sorry . May I come in Madam ?
Teacher : Oh , Lan . You are late . Why ?
Lan : I am late because my bike is broken down.
ö Target language :
I am late because my bike is broken down.
ö Concept check : 
S1 + V + because / since / as + S2 + V
S1 + V : main clause
because / since / as + S2 + V : adverb clause of reason
- Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ lyù do laø meänh ñeà phuï baét ñaàu baèng caùc lieân töø : because , since , as ( do , vì , bôûi vì ).
- Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ lyù do coù theå ñöùng tröôùc hoaëc sau meänh ñeà chính . Khi meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ ñöùng tröôùc , 2 meänh ñeà caùch nhau bôûi daáu phaåy ( , ).
- Setting up the scene by making situation to introduce the new lesson
 - Modelling
- Writing some words on the Bb.
- Asking students to do role – play.
- Asking students to write the missing words.
- Correcting.
- Presenting the new target language.
- Asking students some question 
+ What does it mean ?
+ What is the form ?
+ What do we use it 
for ?
+ Intonation ?
- Asking students to copy down.
- Listening
- Modelling
- Writing some words on the Bb.
- Asking students to do role – play.
- Asking students to write the missing words.
- Correcting.
- Listening.
- Listening and answering.
- Coppying.
III . Practice : 
ö Activity 1 : LF 2 : picture and word cues.
Join the pairs of sentences together . Using because , since , as.
a. ( Ba ) . I’m tired . I stayed up late watching TV.
- Ba is tired because / since / as he stayed up late watching TV.
b. ( Nam ) I have a broken legs . I fell over while I was playing basketball.
c. ( Lan ) I’m going to be late for school . The bus is late.
d. ( Hoa ) I broke the cup . I was careless.
ö Activity 2 : LF 1 : Change the adjectives into adverbs . Then use the adverbs to complete the sentences.
a. Hoa was extremely pleased that she got a A for her assignment.
b. The old man walked slowly to the park.
c. Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test.
d. The baby laughed happily as she play with her toys.
e. Mrs. Nga speaks English quite well
- Running through the pictures and the word cues.
- Asking students to join the pairs of sentences together using because , since or as.
- Modelling.
- Asking students to work in ind š share with their friends
- Monitoring , assisting and correcting.
- Giving feedback.
- Asking students to change the adjectives into adverbs then use the adverbs to complete the sentences.
- Modelling.
- Dividing the class into 2 groups 
- Monitoring and assisting.
- Correcting and evaluating.
- Repeating in Chorus.
- Observing and listening.
- Working in ind š sharing with their friends.
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Observing.
- Working in 2 groups.
- Correcting.
IV . Prodution : LF 3 : Complete the dialogue .
a. Ba : Dad ! I got mark 9 on my test .
 Mr . Ha : That’s wonderful . I’m pleased that you are working hard ( please / work / hard ).
b. Mrs. Quyen : When are you going on vacation with your family , Sally ?
 Mrs. Robinson : Tomorrow . I’m excited that I can go Da Lat this time ( excited / go / Da Lat )
c. Lan : I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday.( sorry / break bicycle )
 Tien : Don’t worry . I can fix it
d. Liz : I forgot to tell you I was going to Lan’s place.
 Mr. Robinson : I’m disappointed that you did not phone me about it.( disappointed / not phone )
e. Miss Lien : Congratulation !
 Nga : Thanks . I’m amazed that I could win the first prize. ( amazed / win first prize )
- Asking student to complete the dialogue by using adjective + that clause .
- Modelling.
- Asking students to practice in pairs.
- Monitoring , assisting and correcting.
- Giving feedback.
- Listening and trying to understand.
- Observing.
- Practicing in pairs.
V. Homework :
- Do exercises above at home.
- Be ready for Unit 7 : Getting Started , Listen and Read.
- Telling the requests and explaining the HW
- Listening and taking notes.
Period : 36
Date : 
. Aim : Correcting the mistakes of Ss after doing the 1st term test 
2.Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to recognize their short coming and how to 
 improve them 
3. Skills : Listening, Reading and writing .
4.Teaching aids : Posters and photocopies of the term test
 Procedure :
 Teqqacher’s activities 
Students’ activities 
I Warm up : Sing a song 
II. Activities 1 
+ Part 1 : LIstening 
Moãi caâu ñuùng : 0,25 x 6 = 1,5 ñ
 * Keys 
1. T 2. F .3. F 4 T 5.F 6 T
_Moãi caâu ñuùng : 0,25 x 4 = 1 ñ 
7.B 8. D 9 . C 10 . C 
II.Activities 2:
+Part 2: Reading 
-Moãi caâu ñuùng : 0,25x 6 = 1,5 ñ
* Keys :
1. F	2. T	3. F	4. T	5. T 6. F 
-Moãi caâu ñuùng : 0.25x 4 = 1 ñ
1. B 2 c 3 A 4 c 
III.Activities 3
-Moãi caâu ñuùng :0,25 x 10= 2,5 ñ
1. A	2. C	3. B	4. B 	5. D	6. A	7. A	8. C	9. D	10. C
IV. Activities 4 
-Moãi caâu ñuùng 0,25x 10 = 2,5 ñ 
I arrived at Tan Son Nhat Airport last Friday morning 
Mai met me at the airport and took me home by taxi 
In the afternoon , we went to the market near Mai’s house to buy some gifts 
Mai took me to Da Lat three days ago
I am in Nha Trang now 
The beach here is wonderful and the food is wonderful, to.
I enjoy swimming in the sea and eating seafood.
 We will leave for Ho Chi Minh city tomorrow 
I hope I can take a trip along the Mekong River before coming back to Japan 
I am very happy and enjoy myself so much here 
-Asking Ss to sing a song 
-Asking Ss to listen to the tape to Asnwer T or F 
-Playing the tape twice 
-Asking Ss to give the answer 
-Asking ss to read the text and answer the question with T or F carefully 
-asking Ss to give the answer 
-Asking Ss to look at part 3 ,choose the best answer and explain why choosing A, B ,C or D 
-Asking Ss to give the anwer
-Asking Ss to write the complete sentences fom the cues ìn 2 groups 
singing the song 
-Listening and lill in the blank 
 individually ®pairs 
-Giving the answer 
-Answering the questions with T or F .
-Working individually ® pairs 
-giving the answer 
- correcting 
-Looking at part 1 and choosing the best answer individually
-Giving the answer and explaining why choosing A,B, Cor D 
- Writing the complete sentences from the cues in 2 groups ( poster) 
-Showing the poster on the Bb after finishing 
- correcting 
 . Thoáng keâ : 
Döôùi Tb
0 - 2

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_tiet_36_den_41_nam_hoc_2011_2012.doc