Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1 đến 35 - Năm 2015-2016 - Nguyễn Thị Hằng

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1 đến 35 - Năm 2015-2016 - Nguyễn Thị Hằng

I/ Objectives :

 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce about himself or herself to others and especially to respond to the introduction. Students will be able to choose the pictures with correct orders from the conversation between Tim and Carlo.

II/ Language contents:

 1/ Structures: modal verb “must”


 2/ Vocabulary: industrial,nem, hamburger

III/ Teaching aids: cassette, pictures,subboard

IV/ Procedures:


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Date of preparing: 16 /08/2015 
Date of teaching :18/08/2015
I/ Objectives: Help ss revise the tenses which they have learnt 
II/ Language contents:
 1/ Structures: - simple past tense
simple present tense
present progressive tense
past progressive tense
near future
present perfect tense
reported speech
passive form
 2/ Vocabulary:
III/ Teaching aids: Subboard, textbook
IV/ Procedures:
 Teacher & Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:
T: Devide the class into 2 groups then ask them to write the past form of the following verbs 
Ss: Write
T: Remark
2/ Presentation & 3.Practice
T: Introduce the tenses
Ss: Listen
T: Call 1 student say tenses again
Ss: Say 
T: Present the simple present tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the present progressive tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the simple past tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the past progressive tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the simple future tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the near future tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: Present the present perfect tense
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Give the form and ask ss to give examples
Ss: Give out
T: retell sts about the reported speech
Ss: give example
Ss: give example about passive voice
T: remark, retell passive form
T: Ask ss to complete the blanks with the suitable verbs
Ss: Copy
Ss: Change the sentences into passive
Ss: Change the sentences into reported speech:
+ complete the exercises
+ prepare unit 1 : getting started + Listen and read
Write the past form of the following verbs
go - went have – had 
play – played swim – swam
visit – visited eat - ate 
break – broken sit - sat 
write – wrote say - said
1. The simple present tense :
Form : (+ ) S + V
 ( + ) S + V ( s/es) + O
Ex :	She often goes to school in the afternoon
	They are students.
	 ( -) S + do/ does + not + Vinf
ex: She doesn’t go to school
 ( ?) Do/Does + S + Vinf 
2. The present progressive tense :
Form :	 S + Be (am / is/ are) + V-ing 
Ex: 	They are playing football.
	S+ Be (am / is/ are) + not + V-ing
Ex: They are not playing football.
 Am / Is/ Are + S + V-ing? 
Ex: Is she listening to music?
3. The past simple tense :
Form : 	S + V2 / V-ed + O
Ex :	We watched a good film yesterday.
 S + did + not + Vinf
ex: I didn’t watch TV last night
 Did + S +Vinf ?
ex: Did she go to school?
4. The past progressive tense :
Form : 	S + Be (was / were) + V-ing 
Ex :	While my mom was watching Tv, my dad was reading a newspaper.
 S + Be (was / were) + not + V-ing 
 Be (was / were) + S + V-ing ?
5. The simple future tense :
Form : 	S + will / shall + V-inf 
Ex : 	We will visit my grandparents next month.
	S + will / shall + not + V-inf 
	Will / Shall + S + V-inf ?
6. The near future tense :
Form : 	 S + be going to + V-inf 
Ex : My friends are going to visit Hue on this summer
7. The present perfect tense
Form: S + have / has + V3ed
 ex: We have learnt English since 1990 
 S + have / has + not + V3ed
 Have / Has + S + V3ed ?
8.Reported speech:
* request, command and advice
à S + asked / told + 0 + ( not) + to-inf
à S1 + said + S2+ should + V inf
* Yes/No question: à If/Whether
* Statement
9. Passive form:
Passive form:
 Active: S 	 V 	O
 Passive: S 	be + pp 	by O 
I..Give the correct verb form: 
1/ I.............(go) to school every day.
2/ Next summer, We..............(visit) my grandparents.
3/ My mother (cook).................while my father (read) at 8 o’clock last night.
4/ We................(met) Lan since last week.
5/ Hue and huong...........(draw) this picture 5 years ago.
II. Change into passive:
1. He bought a new car yesterday.
-> A new car ..................................
2. He makes a new desk.
-> A new desk ...................................
3. Nam will collect me at the airport.
-> I.............................................
III. Change into reported speech:
1. He said: “ I am hungry now.”
-> He said .......................................
2. She said to us: “ Look at the board, please.”
-> She told us ............................................
3. The teacher asked me: “Do you have your book?”
-> The teacher asked ........................................
Week: 1 Date of preparing: 16/08
Period: 2 Date of teaching :20/08
	 Lesson 1: Getting Started & Listen and Read
Talk about visiting and entertainment that students are able to make for their friends when they come to visit their country from a foreign country. Introduce a visit from LAN’s pen pal.
II. Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: to correspond (v), mosque (n), to be impressed by , to pray (v)
2. Structure:	- Past simple tense: S + V-ed ( Past column of the irregular Verbs)
- Past simple tense with wish
IV. Teaching aids: 	- Pictures in the textbook
	- Some pictures about the sciences and cultural activities of our country.
	 - Cassette
IV. Procedures:
 Teacher & Ss’ activities:
1: Warm up(5’): 
T: shows the pictures and asks sts to answer the questions :
Sts : look at the pictures , name the places in the pictures
- Ask students to work in pairs to tell where they should take their friends to.
- Ask some students tell about their opinions.
-T. lets Ss play the games.
-Ss. Give some places in Ha Noi.
-T: introduce the context
T: play the tape and get sts to listen.
Sts listen
T: explains some new words – read 
Sts : copy down – repeat after teacher.
Checking : Rub out and remenber.
T: -explain the Simple past tense and the the past simple with Wish 
 -Give some examples
Sts : copy down 
- Give feedback to the whole class to the open prediction.
-Ask students to read the text to check their prediction and add some more information.
- Ask students to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page 7 (work in pairs)
- Ss. Play the role .
-T. explains how to play the role.
Ss: work in pairs do the exercise
Ss: read aloud complete sentences
- Ask students to recommend places of interest in their city.
-Ask them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should do
-T. guides Ss how to play the role.
T. guides Ss how to build a dialogue.
-Ss. Base on the dia and do the same
- Ss. Practice speaking.
5. Home work:(1’) 
-- Learn their lessons and voc
- Do the exercises 3, 4 in their workbooks
- Prepare the lesson “ Speak + Listen ” Unit 1
* Getting started:
- Do you have pen pals?
- Do you have any friends abroad / in the North / in the South?
- Do you like to have pen pals?
“ Where would you go in these places ? “
* Example answer :
St A : ( point at picture c) I think this is one of the places I want to take my friends to. We can do the shopping or I’ll just introduce them a Vietnamese market.
St B : Good idea ! I believe they will be interested in it.
/ think I will take my friend to Do Son/Sam Son/Cat Ba beach where we can swim and build sand castles. And then we will visit....
(Imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week. What activities would you like to do during the visit? The pictures in the book may help you.)
- to correspond : Trao ñoåi thö töø 
( explaination: if two people correspond, they regularly write to each other) 
- to be impressed by : coù aán töôïng 
(admiring someone or something very much)
- to pray : caàu nguyeän ( mime )
- a mosque : nhaø thôø Hoài giaùo ( picture )
- keep in touch : giöõ lieân laïc (with s.o)
* Rub out and Remember
{ Structures :
The simple past tense : S + V-ed/ V2 + O 
Ex : Hoa bought some flowers yesterday.
The past simple with Wish : 
I wish + S + Past subjunctive
Ex : I wish I were in the swimming pool now
 I wish I had a computer now.
Lan's Malaysian pen pal came to visit her in Hanoi. Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay?
(Lan has a pen pal and this is the first time this friend has come to Ha Noi. You read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False.)
1. Lan's pen pal comes from Malaysia.
2. Kuala Lumpur is a small city.
3. The girls visited Hang Luoc Street on Monday.
4. They will write letters to each other again.
1T 2.F 3.F 4.T 
(Do you have any pen pals? Where does he I she come from?Have you met him / her?
* choose the correct option to complete the sentences
- Answers:
1. Maryam usually writes to one another every two week.
2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi people were friendly.
3. The girls went to see famous places in Hanoi, areas for recreation, a place of worship.
4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur
- Speaking
.Cues: LangCo Beach -> swimming/beach in Hue
BachMa National Park -> mountain climbing / ecological tour Linh Mu Pagoda, Tu Duc Tomb 
A: I am a foreigner, I am new, and would you recommend where should I go first?
B: Oh, First, You should go to Black Lady Mountain then you should visit Cao Dai Holy
Week :2 
Period: 3 
 Lesson 2: SPEAK + LISTEN
I/ Objectives :
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce about himself or herself to others and especially to respond to the introduction. Students will be able to choose the pictures with correct orders from the conversation between Tim and Carlo.
II/ Language contents:
 1/ Structures:	modal verb “must”
 2/ Vocabulary: industrial,nem, hamburger
III/ Teaching aids: cassette, pictures,subboard
IV/ Procedures:
Teacher & Ss’ activities
1.Warm up:
T:show the picture, Introduce the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan our side her school.
Ss: Observe the pictures
T: Ask some questions .
Ss: Answer
*.Pre- speaking:
T: Ask ss to put their dialogue in the correct order and copy it into your exercises book.
Ss: Work in pairs and complete the dialogue
T: Explain some new words
Ss: Listen and copy
T: Guide ss how to read
Ss: Repeat after teacher
T: Check words: What and where”
Ss: Role play and practise the dialogue
T: Remark
*While – speaking
T: Show the chart then guide Ss to do section (b), have Ss pick out new words , read aloud as writing.
Ss: Drill.
T: Go around and check Ss or help them.
Ss: Drill.
T: Give the correct ones after correcting.
Ss: Answer.
T: Call some pairs to practice before the class, 
T: Ask Ss for the common structures of introducing.
Ss: Answer.
T : Have Ss practice speaking freely after with their classmates.
Ss: Drill.
* Pre- listening:
T: Hang pictures and have Ss guess the content , the characters then choose the pictures.
Ss: Work in groups and guess.
T: Ask ss to present their guessing
Ss: Present
T: introduce the word “ hamburger”
Ss: read, copy.
While- listening:
T: Introduce the content of the lesson:” let’s listen tim and carlo. What are they going to do? and where do they go?”
Ss: Listen
T: Play the tape 3 times
Ss: Listen, take notes and choose the pictures of their own.
T: Pause at some difficult sounds in the text or sentences.
Ss: Listen and copy.
T: have Ss listen again
Ss: obey.
T: Call Ss to compare with friends.
Ss: Work in pairs
T: Ask for Ss answers and corrections
Ss: Answer.
T: Have Ss listen again and choose the right pictures.
Ss: Listen again
T: Correct and give the answer
T: Ask some more questions for comprehension or have ss talk about the content of the conversation. 
- Learn by heart all new words, the structures.
- Do exercise in workbook.
 - Prepare for lesson 4 unit 1: Read 
Nga Maryam
? Have Nga and Maryam met each other before?
? Is Maryam enjoying her stay in HN?
? What does she like in VN.
I/ Speak
New words:
- industry (n): coâng nghieäp
- industrial (adj)
- nem = spring roll: chaû gioø
1/ c/ That’s right. I am
5/ b/ Please to meet you , Nga. Are you one of Lan’s classmates?
4/ d/ Oh, yes, very much. Vietmamese people are very friendly and Ha noi is a very interesting city.
2/ e/ Yes. I live in Kuala Lumpur. Have you been there?
3/ a/ The two cities are the same in some ways.
Modal dialogue :
A: Hello. You must be Yoko.
B: That’s right. I am.
A: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue?
B: Oh yes, very much. I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in Vietnam.
A: Do you live in the city , too?
B: Yes, I live in Tokyo. Have you been there?
A: No. What’s it like ?
B: It’s a busy big city capital. It’s different from Hue.
A: I see.
 II/ Listen
New words:
- hamburger (n): 
* Tape transcript:
Tim: Are you hungry, Carlo?
Carlo: Yes.
Tim: Okay. Let’s go to a restaurant downtown. If we go through the park, we can catch a bus on Ocean Drive.
Carlo: That’s fine. I really like walking in the park. You `re lucky to have a place like this close to your home. It`s so beautiful with all the trees and flowers and a pond in the middle.
Tim: Carlo! Be careful. You`re walking on the grass. The park keeper is growing some more - you’ll kill the new grass.
Carlo: Oh, sorry. I didn`t see the sign.
Tim: Come on. It`s time we caught the bus.
Carlo: Is that our bus, Tim?
Tim: No. That`s a bus 103. We want the number 130.
Carlo: Where are we going to eat?
Tim: It`s up to you. There’s a new Mexican restaurant in town.
Carlo: Oh, no. I can eat Mexican food at home. I love American food. I`d rather eat hamburgers.
Tim: Okay. I know exactly where we need to go.
a/ Will Carlo eat Mexican food?
b/ What will he eat? where?
c/ What is the number of the bus they go?
Week: 3 
Period: 4 
 Lesson 3: READ
By the end of the lesson, students will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN.
II/ Language content:
1/ Vocabulary: currency, federation, territory, major, Islam, Hinduism, official religion, national language, instruction , ethnic, compulsory , additional, optional, continue, comprise
2/ Structures: The present simple
III. Teaching aids: pictures , cassette, colored chalk, ruler, books.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and student’s activities
1. Warm up : (5min) 
T: guide sts how to do the network about writing names of ASEAN countries.
Sts: write.
T: Correct
2.Pre - reading : (15min)
T: ask sts what they know about Malaysia .
Sts : answer
T: comment.
T: guide sts how to complete the table with the information they already know about Malaysia. (prediction ; group work)
Sts: work in group and complete the table.
T: introduce the vocabulary.
Write them on the board.
Read them
Sts: guess; make examples; write.
Check up : Rub out and remember.
3. While - reading : (20min)
Sts: read the text and compare their guess with the information in the book. 
T: correct and give the feedback
Sts: do the True or False statements and correct False statement
Sts: compare with a partner’s answer.
T: correct and give the feedback.
4.Post – reading : (4min)
T: guide sts to match the name of the capitals with appropriate countries
Sts : match. And speak aloud. (as the model)
T: comment and give the feedback.
5.Homework : (1min)
 Summary the text at home.
Prepare for U1-Write.
Net work:
Viet nam
Malaysia Thailand
What is the capital of Malaysia?
What is it population?
How big is Malaysia?
What language is spoken in this country?
{ Vocabulary : 
1. ASEAN : Association of South East Asian Nations : Hieäp hoäi caùc quoác gia Ñoâng Nam AÙ
2. region ( n ) : area ( khu vực)
3. comprise ( v ) : consist (of) ( bao gồm)
4. tropical climate (n) : khí haäu nhieät ñôùi
5. unit of currency : đơn vị tiền tệ
Ex: Dong is the unit of currency of Vietnam. 
6.. compulsory ( a ) # optional. bắt buộc
* (passive words)
1. Islam ( n ) : Ñaïo Hoài
2. official ( a ) : chính thöùc
3. Buddhism ( n ) : Ñaïo Phaät
4. Hinduism ( n ) : Ñaïo Hinñu
5. Bahasa = Malay : Tieáng Malay
6.. Tamil ( a ) : Tieáng/ ngöôøi Tamil
7. instruction ( n ) : kieán thöùc, lôøi chæ daãn
a) Fill in the table with the right information about Malaysia :
Area : 329,758 sq km
Population : over 22 million
Climate : tropical climate
Unit of currency: ringgit (consisting of 100 sen) 
Capital city : Kuala Lumpur
Official religion : Islam
National language : Bahasa Malaysia
b) True or False :
1. T
2. F ( There are more than two religions.)
3. F ( English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken )
4. F ( One of the three : Malay, Chinese, Tamil)
5. F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language instruction.)
1. Viet Nam a. Bangkok
2. Malaysia b. Phnom Penh
3. Thailand c. Ha Noi
4. Cambodia d. Jakarta
5. Indonesia e. Kuala Lumpur
=> Ha noi is the capital of Vietnam.
Week : 3 
Period: 5 
 Lesson 4: WRITE
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter.
II. Language content:
 1, Vocabulary: consolidate all the new words
2, Grammar: The present perfect tense; The past simple tense; The future simple tense.
III. Teaching aids: pictures, colored chalk, ruler, books.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and student’s activities
1.Warm up : (5min)
T: asks sts some questions
Sts : answer
T: Correct
2.Pre - writing : (15min)
T: set the scene and ask sts some questions. 
Sts : answer.
T: comment.
T: Remind sts about the format of a personal letter by asking the questions. 
Sts: answer.
T: comment and write on the board.
3.While - writing : (20min)
T: give the cues. 
Sts: write the letter in groups (each group writes with 4 paragraphs)
(write on sub boards)
T : Go around class and correct if any.
4. Post – writing : (4min)
T: correct their writing. Give the suggested letter.
Sts : read the letter aloud.
T : correct if any.
5. Homework : (1min)
Sts write a similar letter at home. 
Prepare for U1-LFocus 1,2,3.
1. Have you ever visited any other places in Viet Nam?
2. When did you go?
3. How did you get there?
=> Image you are visiting your relatives or friends in another places part of Viet Nam 
Questions :
When did you arrive?
Who did you meet at the bus station?
What did you do ?
What places did you visit ?
What kin of food did you tried ?
How do you feel now ?
What do you think interest you most?
When are you returning your home ?
=>What are the parts of a personal letter?
A. Heading – writer’s address and the date.
B. Opening – Dear . , 
C. Body of a letter.
D. Closing – your friend / regard / love.
Letter possible :
Dear .. ,
I / arrive/ Hue Station / 7am on Sunday. Uncle Hung/ take/ me home/ taxi.
I/visit/the Imperial City. I /be / amazed / magnificent monuments there. I / also go/ Dong Ba Market, / the biggest market in Hue. This /be/ the place where/ I /buy/ a lot of souvenirs. Yesterday uncle Hung and I /go/ eat /beef noodle. I /enjoy/ it /very much.
I/ leave /Hue/ Saturday. I /be/ so happy. People in Hue /be/very nice /and friendly. I / miss /them very much. The train /be/ scheduled to come to Ha Noi/ 7pm. Please pick/ me /up /at station.
I /look forward/ meet and tell/ you about the trip in Hue.
See you then.
Suggested letter:
Dear .. ,
I arrived at Hue Station at 7am on Sunday. Uncle Hung took me home by taxi.
I’ve visited the Imperial City. I was amazed by magnificent monuments there. I also went to Dong Ba Market, the biggest market in Hue. This is the place where I bought a lot of souvenirs. Yesterday uncle Hung and I went to eat beef noodle. I enjoyed it very much.
I’ll live Hue on Saturday. I am so happy. People in Hue are very nice and friendly. I will miss them very much. The train is scheduled to come to Ha Noi at 7pm. Please pick me up at station.
I am looking forward to meeting and telling you about the trip in Hue.
See you then.
Week: 4 
Period: 6 
 By the end of the lesson, students will know how to use Past simple with Wish.
II.Language content:
1,Vocabulary: consolidate all the new words
2, Grammar: The past simple tense; The Past simple with Wish.
III. Teaching aids: pictures, colored chalk, ruler, books.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and student’s activities
1.Activity1: (9min)
T: set the scene: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what ba did on the weekend.
T: read the dialogue with a good st.
Sts: listen the dialogue.
Sts: read the dialogue in pairs. 
Sts : say the use of the Past simple tense and give some examples.
T: guide sts how to make similar dialogues about Nga, Lan, Nam and Hoa.
Sts : work in pairs.
Sts: speak aloud the dialogues.
T: comment. 
2.Activity 2: (5min)
T: show the pictures, explain the task. 
Sts: read the words and phrases in the box. Give the past form of the verbs.
Sts: tell the class the activities in each picture.
Sts: write in pairs about the things Lan and her friends did.
Sts: write on the board.
T: correct and give the feedback. 
3.Activity 3:
T: give some examples.
 Explain the Wish sentence.
T: make some more examples.
Sts: make similar examples.
Sts: do the task.
T: correct if and give the feedback.
4.Home work:
- Do exercises of U1.
- Prepare for the U2. lesson: getting started & listen and read
1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about what each person did on the weekend.
T : What did Ba do on the weekend?
P : He went to see a movie call “Ghosts and Monsters”.
T : When did he see it ?
P : He saw it on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
{ The Past simple tense: S + V2/ V-ed.
Ex: He went to the zoo yesterday.
Cues (if):
- go to the concert performed by Hanoi singers.
- go camping held by Y and Y.
- watch a soccer match Dong Thap vs. The Cong.
- go to see the play called “Much Ado about nothing”
2. Write the things they did to prepare for the party. Use the pictures and the words in the box.
1. The girl made a cake.
2. The boy hung colorful lamps 
3. The girl bought flowers
4. The boy painted a picture of Hanoi
5. The girl went shopping.
3. Write wishes you want to make in these situation:
 The past simple with Wish : 
Ex : I wish I were in the swimming pool now
 I wish I had a computer now.
Form : I wish + S + past simple. (be: Were)
b- I wish I were in the swimming pool now.
c- I wish I had a computer now.
d- I wish I lived close to school.
e- I wish I had a sister.
f- I wish I drew well.
g- I wish I had my friend’s phone number.
h- I wish I knew many friends.
Week: 4 
Period: 7 
	 Lesson 1 : Getting started- Listen and read
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some more about AO DAI, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women
II/ Language content: : 
1. Vocabulary: tunic; slit; loose; fashion; inspiration; Pattern; unique; minority	;fashionable;	design; Symbol
2. Grammar: The present perfect tense; The passive form
III. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, colored chalk, ruler, books.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and student’s activities
1.Warm up : (8mins)
T: show the pictures and asks sts to look at the clothes people wearing and take turn to decide where each person comes from
Sts : answer
T: can give sts some information about the clothes they are wearing such as : sari; veil ; kilt; kimono
T: Correct if.
2.Presentation : (12mins)
T: Set a situation. Guide Sts how to predict about the text.
Sts: Predict. 
T: explain some new words, give examples.
T: read them. 
Sts: listen and repeat in chorus / individually.
copy down
repeat after teacher
Checking : Rub out and remember
Sts: listen to the tape and get the main information to check prediction.
T: correct if. 
T: review the present perfect tense
Sts: tell its use and its form
T : give ex
3.practice : (18mins)
Sts: read the text again and complete the sentences in groups then read the completed sentences before class
Sts : work in groups
T: correct if any, give the feedback.
Sts: answer the questions in pairs.
T: correct if and give the feedback.
. Production : (6mins)
Sts: guide sts how to tell more what they know about Ao dai
Sts : tell before class.
5. Homework : (1min)
- Do homework 1.
- Prepare unit 2: lesson “Speak”
I. Getting started
Picture A : 
T: Where is the woman in this picture from ?
S1: She comes from Japan
T: How do you know she comes from Japan
S1: Because she is wearing Kimono.
b. She’s from Vietnam
c. He’s from Scotland
d. She’s from India
e. He’s from Western part of the USA
f. She’s from an Islamic country
II. Listen and Read:
{ Vocabulary : 
1. poet ( n ) : nhaø thô
Ex: Nguyen Du, Huy Can are poets 
2. a long silk tunic : aùo luïa daøi roäng
3. slit ( v ) : to make a long thin cut in something: xeû
4. inspiration ( n ) : caûm höùng, höùng khôûi
=> take inspiration from something : laáy caûm höùng töø
5. ethnic minority : daân toäc thieåu soá 
Ex: Thai, Muong, Ede are ethnic minority people.
6. pattern ( n ) : ( picture ) hoa vaên, maãu
7. fashion ( n ) thôøi trang
=> fashionable ( a ) : hôïp thôøi trang, ñuùng moát
8. unique (a) : ñoäc ñaùo, raát ñaëc bieät
9. loose pants : quaàn roäng
EX: They have mentioned the ao dai in poems, novels, and songs (The present perfect tense)
{ Structures : 
The present perfect tense :
Form : S + has / have + V3/ V-ed
a) Complete the sentences. Use the information from the passage:
1 . For a long time the ao dai has been the subject of poems, novels and songs.
2 . The Ao dai is described as a long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants.
3 . The majority of Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing at work.
4 . Some designers have modernized the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it.
5 . Another alternative is to add symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes.
b) Answer the questions:
1 . Traditionally, men and women used to wear the “Ao dai “
2 . Because it’s more convenient.
3 . They have printed lines of poetry on it and added symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes.
Write what they know about Ao dai in their notebooks
Week: 5 
Period: 8 
	 Lesson 2 : SPEAK
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and respond to questions on personal references.
II. Language content:
1, Vocabulary: plain suit; baggy jean; plaid skirt
2, Grammar: The present simple
III. Teaching aids: pictures, colored chalk, ruler, books, sub-board.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher and student’s activities
1.Warm up : (5mins)
T: guide sts how to play.
Sts: do as directed.
T: comment. 
2.Pre-speaking:: (9mins)
T: guide Sts how to match the pictures with the phrases.
Sts : discuss in pairs and match.
T : correct if, give the feedback.
T: ask some questions about their clothes they like.
Sts: answer.
T: comment.
3.While-speaking: : (19mins)
T. Set the scene then let sts work in groups. 
Sts: work in groups to write more questions, sts use the questions in the survey to interview members of another group.
Sts : do as directed
4.Post - Speaking: (10mins)
T: guide sts to present the result of the survey in front of the class.
Sts : speak.
T: correct and comment if
5.Homework : (2mins)
guide sts how to write at home.
Do homework :2
Prepare unit 2.lesson: “Listen”
Noughts and crosses
I) Match the phrases to the pictures :
a- a colorful T – shirt (aùo thun nhieàu maøu saéc)
b- a sleeveless sweater ( aùo len khoâng tay)
c- a striped shirt ( aùo sô mi soïc )
d- a plain suit ( boä comleâ trôn )
e- faded jeans ( quaàn Jean baïc maøu )
f- a short – sleeved blouse ( chieác aùo ngaén tay)
g- baggy pants ( quaàn roäng )
h- a plaid skirt ( vaùy caroâ ngaén )
i- blue shorts ( quaàn sooùc maøu xanh )
II.) Work in small group. Write two more questions for the last section :
Items of
1. What do you often wear on the weekend?
2.. Why do you wear these clothes?
3. What is your favorite type of clothing? Why?
4. Is it possible to wear uniform?
5. What color is it?
6. What type of clothing do you usually wear on Tet Holiday?
7. What would you wear to a party?
Lan: What do you usuaaly wear on the weekend? 
Mai: I usually wear a T-shirt and shorts.
Lan: Why do you wear them?
Mai: Because they are tidy. They make me more comfortable to play sports_I often play sport at the weekend.
Lan: What is your favorite type of clothing?
Mai: Casual clothes are my favorite type.
Lan: Why?
Mai: Because they are comfortable and convenient. I can wear what I like
Lan: Is your school uniform comfortable?
Mai: I don’t think so.
Lan: What color is it?
Mai: It’s white. I don’t like. It makes me look bigger. But I’m quite short.
Lan: Oh, I see. (How about your clothes on special occasions?). What do you usually wear on Tet holiday?
Mai: I often wear a suit for jeans and a long-sleeved blouse
Lan: How about your wear to a wedding?
Mai: Oh, of course, I wear the Ao dai. It’s traditional.
Three people said they liked their uniform.
Two people said they usually wore colorful T- shirt on the weekend.
Hoa said she loved Jeans.
 Make a list of types of clothes that most of the sts in

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