Bài kiểm tra 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (có đáp án)

Bài kiểm tra 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (có đáp án)

I.  LISTENING (1.5pt) You will hear the recording twice.

Part 1. Listen and circle the appropriate answer A, B or C. (0.5 pt)

1. What time do the photography classes begin?

A. 5.15 p.m. B. 6 p.m. C. 6.45 p.m.

2. How much does Philip pay for the photography course?

A. 55$ B. 75$ C. 95$

3. Philip’s happy with the course because he’s __________

A. learning about famous photographers. B. using a new camera. C. getting better at photography.

4. Philip thinks it’s easy to take photographs of__________

A. trees B. animals C. children

5. After the course, Philip will__________

A. buy a new camera B. get a job in photography C. make photography his hobby

Part 2: Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct information from the recording. (1.0 pt)


Evening class on : Thursday

Next course starts on : 22 : (1)__________________________

Speak class with Miss : (2)__________________________

Cost for 12 classes $: 78

Address : (3)__________________________Fitzroy Square

School next to the : (4) __________________________

Stress Unstress/weak

II- PHONETIC. Put the underline words into the correct column.( 0.5pt)

1. When will you finish kniting the sweater?

2. Are you felling all right? Yes, I am

Circle the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. ( 0.5pt )

3. A. talked B. watched. C. lived D. stopped

4. A. measure B. dream C. weave D. team-building

III. Circle the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (1.5 pt. )

1. Do you know who’s ____________ his pottery workshop?

A. bringing out B. taking over C. passing down D. turning down

2. When did your grandparents set ____________this workshop?

A. up B. off C. out D. in

3. This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs ____________the other one.

A. so much as B. twice as much as C. as many as D. twice as many

4.____________ she was tired, she finished the scarf for her dad.

A. Because B. So C. But D. Although

5. After I found all the information I needed, I ____________the computer.

A. looked for B. switched on C. turned off D. put off

6. Why don’t we go to Da Nang city on the weekend? - “___________”

A. That’s a fine day B. That’s a good idea C. That’s a trip D. That’s a reason


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Class: 9
 WRITTEN TEST 1(Time: 45 minutes)
I. 9 LISTENING (1.5pt) You will hear the recording twice.
Part 1. Listen and circle the appropriate answer A, B or C. (0.5 pt)
What time do the photography classes begin?
A. 5.15 p.m. 	B. 6 p.m. 	C. 6.45 p.m.
2. How much does Philip pay for the photography course?
A. 55$ 	B. 75$ 	C. 95$
3. Philip’s happy with the course because he’s __________
A. learning about famous photographers.	B. using a new camera.	C. getting better at photography.
4. Philip thinks it’s easy to take photographs of__________
A. trees 	B. animals 	 	C. children
5. After the course, Philip will__________
A. buy a new camera	B. get a job in photography 	C. make photography his hobby
Part 2: Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct information from the recording. (1.0 pt) 
Evening class on	: Thursday
Next course starts on	: 22 	: (1)__________________________
Speak class with Miss 	: (2)__________________________
Cost for 12 classes $: 78
Address	: (3)__________________________Fitzroy Square
School next to the 	: (4) __________________________
II- PHONETIC. Put the underline words into the correct column.( 0.5pt) 
1. When will you finish kniting the sweater?
2. Are you felling all right? Yes, I am
Circle the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. ( 0.5pt )
3. A. talked 	B. watched. 	C. lived 	D. stopped
4. A. measure	B. dream 	C. weave 	D. team-building
III. Circle the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (1.5 pt. )
Do you know who’s ____________ his pottery workshop?
A. bringing out 	B. taking over 	C. passing down 	D. turning down
2. When did your grandparents set ____________this workshop?
A. up 	B. off 	C. out 	D. in
3. This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs ____________the other one.
A. so much as 	B. twice as much as 	C. as many as 	D. twice as many
4.____________ she was tired, she finished the scarf for her dad.
A. Because 	B. So 	C. But 	D. Although
5. After I found all the information I needed, I ____________the computer.
A. looked for 	B. switched on 	C. turned off 	D. put off
6. Why don’t we go to Da Nang city on the weekend? - “___________”
A. That’s a fine day	B. That’s a good idea 	C. That’s a trip 	D. That’s a reason
IV. Give the correct tense/ form of the verbs in brackets. (1 pt.)
She said she (sell)_______________________ that car the following day.
I won the game because I (play) ___________________ it a lot with my brother.
I’m looking forward to (meet)_______________________________ you again soon. 
I don’t know where (visit) _________________________this summer vacation.
V. Give the correct form of words in the brackets: (1pt)
1.What is the (small) country in the world? I think it’s Monaco.
2.New York is a multi- (culture) city . It has people from all over the world living in it.
3.We must face up to that our handicrafts are in (compete) with those of other village.
4.This hand- (embroider) picture was too expensive for us to buy.
VI. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word from the box to complete the passage. (1 pt).
 stressed	 advice 	get 	frustrating 	 take	 
Hi Thi,
I am wondering if you could give me some (1)__________. My last semester exam is coming up in a few days. I have to go to school, (2) ____________ extra classes and study for an English oral contest. When I (3) ____________ home from extra classes at 7 pm and I have to eat dinner. When it's 8:30 pm, I do my homework. When I'm done it's almost 9 pm and I study for another
hour. I go to bed at 10pm. I haven't got enough sleep and I'm really tired. It's (2) ____________. I'm freaking out now. Could you give me some advice?
Thanks a lot.
VII. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below. (1pt)
The ancient town of Hoi An lies on the Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da Nang. It was formerly a major trading center in Southeast Asia between the 16th and 17th centuries. Hoi An is famous for its old temples, pagodas, small tile-roofed houses and narrow streets. All the houses were made of wood and their pillars were carved with ornamental design. 
All visitors to Hoi An are commended a visit to the Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregation. This house was built in 1855 and still keeps many precious objects that belonged to the Chinese community of Hoi An. Another attractive address to tourists is Tan Ky House, which was conducted nearly two centuries ago as house of a Vietnamese merchant. The house now looks almost exactly as it did in the early 19th century. 
 In recent years, Hoi An has become a popular tourist destination in Viet Nam. In 1999, it was certified by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site.
Where is the ancient town of Hoi An?
What is Hoi An famous for?
When was Hoi An recognized as a world Heritage site?
Is it one of famous tourist places in Viet Nam?
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means the same as the first one. (1 pt) 
1. You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words.(LOOK)
2. “What should we do to make Linh feel happier?” they wondered.
=> They wondered what .................................................................................................................................
3. The last exhibition was not as interesting as this one. 
=> This exhibition is much...............................................................................................................................
4. The mother was happy when she learned that her daughter had enjoyed herself at the party.
=> The mother..................................................................................................................................................
IX. In about 60-80 words, write a paragraph about the draback of living in the city.
 . .. ... 
Dạng bài
Chuẩn kiến thức
Mức độ
Số câu
Số điểm
Nhận biết
Thông hiểu
Vận dụng
cấp thấp
Vận dụng cấp cao
- Part 1. Choose the correct one
- Part 2. Fill in the missing information/ word
Grammar and vocabulary
- Phrasal verbs 
- Comparative
- Complex sentenses
- Speaking everuday
- Verb form/word form
Reading (2 passages)
A- Gaps fill
B- Answer the questions
- Rewrite: 
- Answer an open question about 40-50 words (a paragraph)
Tổng số câu
Tổng điểm
Tỉ lệ %
100 %
 Đáp Án
(Chấm theo thang điểm 10)
I. 9 LISTENING (1.5pt) 
Part 1. Listen to the recording and circle the appropriate answer A, B or C. (0.5 pt)
1. C	2. B	3. C	4. A	5. C
Part 2: Listen and fill in the blanks (1.0 pt)
1. September 	2. J- A-R-V-I-S / Jarvis 	3. 223	4. bookshop/ book shop
a. Put the underline words into the correct column.( 0.5pt) 
	 (0.25 pt each correct answer)
b. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. ( 0.5pt )
 (0.25 pt each correct answer)
1. C. lived 	 2. A. measure 
III. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (1.5 pt )
	(0.25 pt each correct answer)
1. B. taking over 	2. A. up	3. B. twice as much as 	4. D. Although
5. C. turned off 	6. B. That’s a good idea 
IV. Give the correct tense/ form of the verbs in brackets. (1 pt) (0.5 pt each correct answer)
1. would sell	2. had played	3. meeting	4. to visit 
V. Give the correct form of words in the brackets: (1pt)
1. smallest	2. cultural	3. competition	4. embroidered
VI. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word from the box to complete the passage. (1 pt). (0.25 pt each correct answer)
1. advice	2. take	3. get	4. frustrating
VII. Read the passage carefully. then answer the questions below. (1pt)
(It lies) on the Thu Bon river bank.
(It is famous for) old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and narrow streets.
in 1999 (UNESCO officially recognized Hoi An as a world heritage site in 1999)
Yes, it is.
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means the same as the first one. (1 pt) 	 (0.25 pt each correct answer)
You should use a dictionary to look up the meaning of new words.
They wondered what to/ what they should do to make Linh feel happier.
This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one. 
The mother was happy to know that her daughter had enjoyed the party.
IX. In about 60-80 words, write a paragraph about the drawback of living in the city. 1 điểm
1. Nội dung: (0,5 pt)
- Đúng chủ đề, đúng cấu trúc của đoạn văn: Topic sentence, Supporting sentences, Concluding sentence.
- Logic, hợp lý, có sự liên kết giữa các phần. 
- Số lượng từ đủ theo yêu cầu.
2. Ngôn ngữ, trình bày: (0,5 pt)
- Đúng ngữ pháp, từ vựng phong phú. 
- Có sáng tạo, viết sạch sẽ, có ý tưởng tuy vẫn còn một số lỗi sai ngữ pháp. 
3. Trừ điểm: 
- 04 lỗi từ vựng, chính tả,..: trừ 0,25
- 02 lỗi ngữ pháp, cấu trúc: trừ 0,25

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docbai_kiem_tra_45_phut_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_co_dap_an.doc
  • mp3Test 1.mp3