Bài tập theo từng unit môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9

II. PRONUNCIATION: The pure vowel of /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ // /ɑ:/
III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Present Perfect Tense (review) 2. The Passive Voice (review)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
01. A. equal B. fashion C. champagne D. match
02. A. only B. cotton C. cross D. economic
03. A. baggy B. minority C. style D. symbol
04. A. design B. ghost C. clothing D. strong
05. A. casual B. sale C. sleeveless D. slit
II. From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable.
06. A. interesting B. redundant C. intelligent D. important
07. A. baggy B. design C. equal D. poetry
08. A. inspiration B. fashionable C. modernize D. symbol
09. A. casual B. embroider C. designer D. occasion
10. A. convenient B. encourage C. material D. modernize
III. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below.
11. My father_________ for the national bank from 1990 to 2003.
A. works B. working C. has worked D. worked
12. I never go to any foreign country. I_________ abroad yet.
A. don’t go B. didn’t go C. have gone D. haven’t gone
13. I haven't heard from Maria_________.
A. since many months before B. for many months
C. for many months ago D. since a long time
14. The longest fish in the contest_________ by Thelma Rivers.
A. was catching B. caught C. was caught D. catch
15. "Are we about to have dinner?" - "Yes, it_________ in the dining room."
A. is serve B. have been served C. is being served D. served
16. New opportunities will emerge as the_________ climate improves.
A. economics B. economic C. economical D. economy
17. Mom always_________ us to discuss our problems.
A. encourage B. encouragement C. encouraging D. encouraged
18. He's a choreographer who has drawn_________ from Javanese dance.
A. inspired B. inspires C. inspiration D. inspiring
19. The dragon_________ the enemies of the Church.
A. symbolizes B. symbols C. symbolic D. symbolism
20. The problem is not_________ to British students.
A. unique B. uniqueness C. uniquely D. unitary
21. It's a_________ Italian restaurant.
A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashions D. fashionably
22. She presented her ideas clearly and_________.
A. logically B. logic C. logical D. logics
23. Nguyen Du is a famous Vietnamese_________.
A. poem B. poetry C. poetic D. poet
24. These clothes need_________ immediately.
A. washed B. be washed C. to wash D. washing
25. Malaysia enjoys the tropical_________.
A. weather B. climate C. season D. country
26. They will keep_________ touch.
A. in B. on C. from D. with
unit 1. A visit from a pen-pal I. VOCABULARY: 01. Buddhism /’bu:di:zәm/ n Phật giáo, đạo Phật 02. climate /’klaimәt/ n Khí hậu 03. comprise /kәm’praiz/ v Gồm, gồm có 04. compulsory /kәm’pLlsәri/ a Bắt buộc 05. correspond /kɔ:rә’spɔnd/ v Trao đổi thư tín 06. depend /di’pend/ v Phụ thuộc 07. divide /di’vaid/ v Chia ra 08. ethnic /’eqnik/ a Dân tộc thiểu số 09. federation /fedә’reiʃәn/ n Liên đoàn, hiệp hội 10. friendliness /’frenlinәs/ n Sự thân thiện 11. ghost /gәʊst/ n Ma quỉ, bóng ma 12. Hinduism /’hindu:izәm/ n Đạo Hin-đu 13. impress /im’pres/ v Gây ấn tượng 14. Islam /iz’lam/ n Đạo Hồi, Hồi giáo 15. mausoleum /mәʊsә’liәm/ n Lăng tẩm 16. mosque /mɔsk/ n Nhà thời (Hồi Giáo) 17. notice /’nәʊtәs/ v Nhận thấy, nhận ra 18. official /ә’fiʃәl/ a Chính thức 19. optional /’ɔpʃәnәl/ a Không bắt buộc 20. pray /prei/ v Khấn, cầu nguyện 21. primary /’praimәri/ a Hàng đầu, chính yếu 22. puppet /’pLpәt/ n Con rối 23. region /’ridʒ әn/ n Vùng, miền 24. religion /ri’li:dʒәn/ n Tôn giáo 25. ringgit /’riŋgit/ n Đồng Ring-git 26. separate /’sepәreit/ v Chia tách 27. soil /sɔil/ n Đất 28. Tamil /’tæmәl/ n Tiếng Ta-min 29. territory /terә’tɔ:ri/ n Vùng, lãnh thổ 30. tropical /’trɔpikәl/ a Nhiệt đới II. PRONUNCIATION: The pure vowel of /i/ /i://e//æ/ III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Past Simple Tense (review) 2. The Use of Wish. IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. out B. round C. about D. would 02. A. chair B. check C. machine D. child 03. A. too B. soon C. good D. food 04. A. though B. enough C. cough D. rough 05. A. happy B. hour C. high D. hotel II. From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable. 06. A. region B. comprise C. Malaysia D. compulsory 07. A. association B. Buddhism C. divide D. together 08. A. enjoy B. religion C. Hinduism D. population 09. A. Chinese B. although C. instruction D. currency 10. A. primary B. religion C. tropical D. friendliness III. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below. 11. Your hat doesn’t go__________ your clothes. A. up B. with C. of D. down 12. The plane will__________ at 06.30 so you must be there at 06.00. A. take after B. take down C. take off D. take up 13. The thieves waited until it was dark enough to__________ his house yesterday. A. broke into B. broke out of C. broke away D. broke through 14. The bomb missed it mission then__________. A. went down B. went off C. went through D. went away 15. The earth is a(n)__________ . A. satellite B. state C. planet D. star 16. I borrowed this coat__________ my father. A. from B. to C. at D. by 17. If you need an extra bed for your guest, you can use one of__________. A. our B. us C. ours D. we 18. We went by car but the children went__________ foot. A. on B. by C. to D. with 19. Buddhism is an__________. A. group B. religion C. association D. imagination 20. Lan__________ the peaceful atmosphere while Maryam was praying. A. enjoying B. has enjoyed C. enjoyed D. enjoy 21. They wanted to know if the woman had died of the rare__________. A. illness B. pain C. ache D hurt 22. “I wish I__________ stay longer,” Maryam said to Lan at the end of the week A. could B. can C. will D. may 23. Malaysia is divided__________ 2 regions A. to B. on C. in D. into 24. Maryam was really__________ by the beauty of Ha Noi. A. impressed B. impress C. impression D. impressive 25. The United States has a__________ of around 250 million. A. population B. separation C. addition D. introduction 26. Vietnamese people are very__________ . A. friend B. friendless C. friendly D. friendship 27. We were having dinner__________ the telephone rang. A. when B. while C. until D. since 28. I__________ call you as soon as I come back home. A. have B. will C. am D. is going 29. Would you mind__________ the door? A. open B. opened C. opening D. to open 30. My family loves this house. It__________ the family home since my grandfather built it 60 years ago. A. was B. is C. has been D. will be IV: Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English. 31. I feel really tired. I wish I didn’t go to the party last night. A B C D 32. I have broken my pencil. May I borrow one of your? A B C D 33. When I was on holiday last summer, I was going to the beach everyday. A B C D 34. Tom used to going to school by bus. Now he goes by bike. A B C D 35. Mary is used to do her homework by herself. A B C D V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers. New York – The “ Big Apple” Our arrival in New York was spectacular. It’s skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty make a (36)_________ sight. New York has a (37)_________ of over seven millions and it is probably the world’s most famous city. The inhabitants of the “Big Apple” come from many (38)_________ countries. There are more nationalities in New York (39)_________ in any other places on the earth. It also has (40)_________ tourists than any other city except London, especially in the summer. (41)_________ come from all (42)_________ the world and have a wonderful time. There are so many (43)_________ for them to get enthusiastic about – whether it has some of the (44)_________ museums in the world or the (45)_________ little streets of Greenwich Village. 36. A. sad B. beautiful C. horrible D. cold 37. A. attraction B. impression C. population D. people 38. A. same B. young C. old D. different 39. A. than B. rather C. of D. to 40. A. many B. much C. more D. lots 41. A. Visit B. Visitors C. Workers D. Goers 42. A. in B. from C. over D. of 43. A. attraction B. place C. sights D. area 44. A. good B. better C. best D. nicer 45. A. to charm B. charm C. charmed D. charming VI: Rewrite sentences, using “I wish ..” 46. I don’t know many English words. → I wish ................................................................................................................................. 47. My friend can not stay with me longer. → I wish ................................................................................................................................. 48. I don’t have time to go around the city. → I wish................................................................................................................................ 49. We don’t have a computer therefore we cannot get access to the Internet. → I wish ................................................................................................................................ 50. I can not go to the car show at the city show ground → I wish................................................................................................................................ VII: Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one. 51. I don’t really want to go to the museum. → I’d rather............................................................................................................................ 52. The fire has destroyed many houses. → Many houses .................................................................................................................. 53. May I borrow your pen? → Would you mind .........................................................................................................? 54. I started work for the company a year ago. → I’ve ...................................................................................................................................... 55. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. → She left ............................................................................................................................... VIII. Give the correct word formation. 56. We like their_____________. (friend) 57. The_____________ between Vietnam and China is good. (relate) 58. They seem to be_____________. We dislike them. (differ) 59. There will be a_____________ in this street. (meet) 60. Can you give me some_____________ the next flights to Florida? (inform) _________THE END_________ unit 2. CLOTHING I. VOCABULARY: 01. baggy /bægi/ a Rộng, thụng (quần áo) 02. bear /ber, bær/ v Mang tên, sinh, đẻ 03. casual /’kæʒәwәl/ a Không trang trọng 04. champagne /’ʃæmpein/ n Rượu sâm-panh 05. comic /’kɔ:mik/ n Truyện tranh 06. cotton /’kɔ:tәn/ n Vải bông 07. cross /krɔs/ n Chữ thập 08. design /di’zain/ v/n Thiết kế, kiểu dáng 09. economic /ikә’nɔmik/ a Kinh tế 10. embroider /im’broidә/ v Thêu, hoa văn 11. encourage /in’kLridʒ/ v Động viên 12. equal /’i:kwәl/ a Công bằng, đều 13. fade /feid/ v Mờ, phai, bạc 14. fashion /’fæʃәn/ n Thời trang 15. grow /grәʊ/ v Phát triển, mọc lên 16. inspiration /inspi’reiʃәn/ n Hứng khởi, cảm hứng 17. label /’leibәl/ n Nhãn hiệu 18. logical /’lɔdʒikәl/ a Hợp lí, lô-gic 19. material /mә’tiriәl/ n Vật liệu, chất liệu 20. minority /mә’nɔ:rәti/ n Thiểu số 21. novel /’nɔvәl/ n Tiểu thuyết 22. occasion /ә’keiʒәn/ n Dịp, dịp lễ 23. peer /pir/ n Đứng tuổi, bậc trung 24. plaid /plæd/ a Kẻ ca-rô 25. plain /plein/ a Trơn (không hoa văn) 26. poet /’pәʊәt/ n Nhà thơ 27. poetry /’pәʊtri/ a Thuộc thơ ca 28. rivalry /’raivәlri/ n Ganh đua 29. sale /seil/ n Doanh số 30. sleeveless /’sli:vlәs/ a Không tay, cộc tay 31. slit /slit/ n Đường xẻ 32. stripe /straip/ n Vạch kẻ 33. style /’staiәl/ n Kiểu, mẫu 34. subject /’sLbdʒikt/ n Chủ đề 35. symbol /’simbәl/ n Biểu tượng 36. tunic /’tu:nik/ n Rộng, chùng (quần áo) 37. unique /’jʊnik/ a Độc đáo, duy nhất II. PRONUNCIATION: The pure vowel of /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /L/ /ɑ:/ III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Present Perfect Tense (review) 2. The Passive Voice (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. equal B. fashion C. champagne D. match 02. A. only B. cotton C. cross D. economic 03. A. baggy B. minority C. style D. symbol 04. A. design B. ghost C. clothing D. strong 05. A. casual B. sale C. sleeveless D. slit II. From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable. 06. A. interesting B. redundant C. intelligent D. important 07. A. baggy B. design C. equal D. poetry 08. A. inspiration B. fashionable C. modernize D. symbol 09. A. casual B. embroider C. designer D. occasion 10. A. convenient B. encourage C. material D. modernize III. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below. 11. My father_________ for the national bank from 1990 to 2003. A. works B. working C. has worked D. worked 12. I never go to any foreign country. I_________ abroad yet. A. don’t go B. didn’t go C. have gone D. haven’t gone 13. I haven't heard from Maria_________. A. since many months before B. for many months C. for many months ago D. since a long time 14. The longest fish in the contest_________ by Thelma Rivers. A. was catching B. caught C. was caught D. catch 15. "Are we about to have dinner?" - "Yes, it_________ in the dining room." A. is serve B. have been served C. is being served D. served 16. New opportunities will emerge as the_________ climate improves. A. economics B. economic C. economical D. economy 17. Mom always_________ us to discuss our problems. A. encourage B. encouragement C. encouraging D. encouraged 18. He's a choreographer who has drawn_________ from Javanese dance. A. inspired B. inspires C. inspiration D. inspiring 19. The dragon_________ the enemies of the Church. A. symbolizes B. symbols C. symbolic D. symbolism 20. The problem is not_________ to British students. A. unique B. uniqueness C. uniquely D. unitary 21. It's a_________ Italian restaurant. A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashions D. fashionably 22. She presented her ideas clearly and_________. A. logically B. logic C. logical D. logics 23. Nguyen Du is a famous Vietnamese_________. A. poem B. poetry C. poetic D. poet 24. These clothes need_________ immediately. A. washed B. be washed C. to wash D. washing 25. Malaysia enjoys the tropical_________. A. weather B. climate C. season D. country 26. They will keep_________ touch. A. in B. on C. from D. with 27. I wish I_________ a famous writer. A. am B. was C. were D. have been 28. The ao dai is the traditional_________ of Vietnamese women. A. dress B. skirt C. blouse D. poem 29. The ao dai used for men were different_________ those for women. A. for B. from C. with D. to 30. Today , the ao dai looks modern and very_________. A. unfashionable B. fashionable C. fashionably D. fashion 31. Fashion_________ want to change the traditional ao dai. A . designate B. designer C. designers D. design 32. Poets have taken_________ from the natural beauty. A. inspirational B. inspiration C. inspire D. inspiring 33. The pigeon is the_________ of peace. A. symbolize B. symbolically C. symbol D. symbolic 34. Lan wants to have a trip abroad but it all_________ on her parents. A. dependence B. depend C. dependable D. dependent 35. Lan likes fashion. She always wears_________ clothes. A. fashionnable B. new C. tend D. modal 36. The Ao dai is the _________dress ofVietnamese women. A. workable B. fashionnable C. traditional D. cassual 37. For a long time the Ao dai has been the__________of songs poems and novels. A. words B. things C. objeet D. subjeet 38. Some designers have modernized the Ao dai by printing_________ on it. A. lines of poeïtry B. words of poets C. pictures of poems D. poetie photos 39. Vietnamese wonmen today often prefer to wear modern clothing at work because it is more_________. A. careful B. easy C. expensive D. convenient 40. In the 1960 a lot of university and college wore jeans A. pupils B. workers C. students D. goers 41. Desgners made different_________ of jeans to match the 1960s fashions. A. form B. appearenee C. moduls D. styles 42. I saw Mary at the party last night She_________ a beautiful pink dress. A. worn B. was wearing C. had worn D. was worn IV. Read the passage. Then decide whether each of the statements below isvTRUE (T), or FALSE (F). 43. Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia. __________ 44. All the countries in Southeast Asia enjoy tropical climate. __________ 45. Islam is the only official religion in Indonesia. __________ 46. There are more people in Indonesia than in the USA. __________ 47. Indonesia is one of the countries of ASEAN. __________ 48. The Indonesian unit of currency is sen. __________ 49. Islam is the most common religion in Indonesia. __________ 50. Bahasa Indonesia is the only language spoken in Indonesia. __________ IV: Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English. 51. These televisions are quite popular in Europe, but those ones are not. A B C D 52. Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tennis tournaments. A B C D 53. Many people believe that New York is the most great city in America. A B C D 54. They asked me what did happen lastnight, but I was unable to tell them. A B C D 55. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today. A B C D VII. Give the correct word formation. 56. What is the__________ between living in the city and living in the countryside? (differ) 57. She always does things__________. Things seem go wrong when she touches them. (care) 58. I enjoy a__________ life in Vietnam. (peace) 59. __________, we visit our relatives and friends on New Year’s Day. (Tradition) 60. She has the__________ to create new designs for the ao dai. (inspire) unit 3. A trip to the COUNTRYSIDE I. VOCABULARY: 01. admire /әd’mair/ v Ngưỡng mộ 02. blanket /’blæŋkәt/ n Chăn, mền 03. collection /kә’lekʃәn/ n Bộ sưu tập 04. comment /’kɔment/ n/v Bình luận 05. exchange /iks’tʃeindʒ/ n/v Đổi, trao đổi 06. gather /’gædәr/ v Thu hoạch, tụ tập 07. grocery /’grәʊsәri/ n Thực phẩm, tạp hóa 08. hamburger /’hæmbәgәr/ n Bánh hanburger 09. hike /haik/ v Đi bộ dài 10. locate /’lәʊkeit/ v Xác định, tọa lạc 11. maize /meiz/ n Ngô 12. pagoda /pә’gәʊdә/ n Chùa 13. picnic /’piknik/ n Đi dã ngoại 14. plow /plaʊ/ v Cày 15. relax /ri’læks/ v Thư giãn 16. rest /rest/ v Nghỉ ngơi 17. route /ru:t/ n Tuyến đường 18. shrine /ʃrain/ n Miếu, am thờ 19. sightseer /sait-si:әr/ n Người ngắm cảnh 20. tip /tip/ n Tiền thêm, lời khuyên II. PRONUNCIATION: The pure vowel of /ʊ/ /u:/ /ә/ /з:/ III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Use of Prepositions (review) 2. The Phrases and Clauses of Result (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word, which is pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. map B. sand C. water D. bag 02. A. public B. music C. use D. value 03. A. clear B. learn C. hear D. fear 04. A. pollute B. truck C. bubble D. public 05. A. tired B. rich C. kind D. bicycle II. Choose the word that has the stress part pronunced differently from the orthers. 06. A. village B. banyan C. bamboo D. entrance 07. A. enjoyable B. convenient C. exciting D. interesting 08. A. travel B. exchange C. collect D. design 09. A. countryside B. hamburger C. mountain D. Vietnamese 10. A. family B. complete C. grocery D. primary III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences. 11. I wish you__________ us someday. A. will visit B. visited C. would visit D. visit 12. He used to__________ full time, but now he is a part time worker. A. working B. worked C. to work D. work 13. Let’s__________ somewhere for a drink. A. do B. doing C. go D. going 14. I wish you__________ me with my work. A. will help B. helped C. help D. would help 15. The stamp collection made in__________ famous in the country. A. been B. being C. to be D. be 16. Ba's village lies near the foot of a mountain and__________ the river. A. by B. at C. next D. to 17. I cannot have a new bike. I wish I__________ a new bike. A. have B. can have C. had D. could have 18. We have a meeting__________ 8.00 and 10.15 am. A. from B. at C. since D. between 19. We caught a bus and arrived home early__________ the morning. A. on B. in C. at D. for 20. I was born__________ December 15th, 1992. A. on B. in C. at D. for 21. She asked me "What is your name?" → She asked me__________. A. what my name is B. what is my name? C. what my name was D. what was my name? 22. Minh is new to English, he should attend the__________ class. A. beginner B. intermediate C. advance D. supper 23. I look forward__________ from you. A. hear B. to hear C. to hearing D. hearing 24. "I must leave now" → She said__________. A. she had to leave now B. she must leave now C. she had to leave then D. she must leave then 25. It’s an__________ journey. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly 26. The weather was bad, __________ we didn’t go on a picnic. A. however B. so C. because D. but 27. She sings very__________. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 28. My village is about 120 kilometers__________ the west of Ho Chi Minh City. A. in B. at C. for D. to 29. There is a shrine__________ the top of this mountain. A. on B. in C. at D. to 30. He used to__________ full time, but now he is a part-time worker. A. work B. working C. worked D. to work 31. The accident happens because of driving_________. A. careful B. careless C.carefully D. carelessly 32. I wish you__________ us some day. A. visit B. will visit C. would visit D. visited 33. Van is a(n)__________ student in the USA. A. bright B. foreigner C. exchange D. intelligent 34. There is a river__________ across the village. A. flowing B. running C. lying D. reaching 35. A. He is considered one of the greatest__________ of the country. A. heroin B. heroes C. heroic D. heronins 36. The weather is nice. Shall we__________ mountains this morning? A. come B. climb C. travel D. go 37. There is a small bamboo__________ at the entrance to the village. A. forestation B. forestry C. forest D. fores anger 38. Getting to the village is very__________ journey. A. interest B. nterests C. interested D. interesting. 39. My village lies near the__________ of the mountain and by the river. A. foot B. feet C. legs D. leg 40. Now he doesn’t take the train as he__________. A. does B. is C. did D. used to 41. We were lucky enough__________ the last bus. A. to catch B. catch C. caught D. catching 42. Many people go to my village on the weekends to have a rest after__________. A. hard working week B. a working hard week C. a hard working week D. a hard week working 43. There is a big old banyan tree at the__________ to the village. A. door B. gate C. chance D. entrance 44. Liz wishes she__________ Ba's village again someday. A. can visit B. could visit C. visit D. visits 45. I had__________ to the countryside last month. A. a two-day trip B. a two-days trip C. two-day trip D. two-days trip 46. Liz took a lot of photos__________ the trip to her parents. A. show B. showing C. to show D. showed 47. __________ do you go to school? - I go by bike. A. What B. When C. How long D. How 48. What do people do__________ a living in your village? - They plant rice and vegetables. A. to B. with C. for D. of 49. There is a river flowing__________ my village. A. across B. crossing C. into D. through 50. The bus stopped at a/an__________ to get some more fuel. A. airport B. pond C. store D. gas station IV. Each sentence has a mistake underlined and correct it. 51. The fruit was so rotten that it had to throw away. 52. Mrs. Brown used to jogging during the summer months now it often rains so she stops jogging. 53. The film we saw last night was so bad that we wish we didn’t go to see it. 54. The doctors know that it would be difficult to save the life of the patient but they’ll do their best. 55. I’ll go to the school to collect the children. They are used to be picked up after school everyday. V. Give the correct word form of these words. 56. She (regular)___________ gets letters from people who have read her novels. 57. No one knows the (important)___________ of the problem. 58. (Luck)___________, he has just had an accident. 59. I’m afraid it will be (convenience)___________ for you to see him tomorrow. 60. She looks (attract)___________ in her new coat. __________THE END__________ unit 4. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE I. VOCABULARY: 01. advance /әd’væns/ n/v Trước, tiến bộ 02. amount /ә’maʊnt/ n Số lượng 03. campus /’kæmpәs/ n Khu trường học 04. course /kɔ:rs/ n Khóa học 05. deposit /di’pɔzәt/ n Tiền đặt cọc 06. dormitory /’dɔ:mәtɔ:ri/ n Kí túc xá 07. edition /i’diʃәn/ n Xuất bản, bản in 08. experience /iks’piri:әns/ v Trải nghiệm 09. fee /fi:/ n Phí 10. institute /’instәtu:t/ n Viện, học viện 11. intermediate /intәr’mi:di:әt/ n Cấp giữa, trung cấp 12. linguistics /liŋ’gwistiks/ n Ngôn ngữ học 13. order /’ɔ:rdәr/ n/v Đơn hàng, ra lệnh 14. publish /’pLbliʃ/ v Xuất bản 15. reputation /repjʊ’teiʃәn/ n Tiếng tăm 16. scenery /’sinәri// n Cảnh đẹp 17. until /’Lntil/ pre Cho đến khi 18. well-qualified /wel-‘kwɔlәfaid/ a Có tình độ II. PRONUNCIATION: The diphthongs of /ei/ /ai/ /ɔi/ /jʊ/ III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Use of Modal Verbs (review) 2. The Indirect Speech (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word, which is pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. lecture B. cure C. furniture D. picture 02. A. pause B. cause C. laugh D. naughty 03. A. passage B. massage C. message D. village 04. A. heart B. wear C. bear D. pear 05. A. check B. chair C. chalk D. character II. Choose the word that has the stress part pronunced differently from the orthers. 06. A. climate B. comprise C. casual D. cotton 07. A. occasion B. religion C. federation D. collection 08. A. puppet B. unique C. tunic D. notice 09. A. compulsory B. convenient C. correspond D. communicate 10. A. economic B. encourage C. embroider D. experience III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences. 11. His house has been sold___________ $ 1,000,000. A. at B. for C. in D.with 12. Bread is usually___________ wheat. A. made of B. made with C. made by D. made from 13. Peter, can I___________ you a drink? A. buy for B. buy to C. buy D. invite 14. It isn't quite___________ that they will come to our party. A. sure B. exact C. certain D. right 15. ___________ goes to the bus; now we will have to walk home. A. On time B. At once C. There D. Early 16. Don't hurry! There is no need___________ . A. running B. to run C. run D. you run 17. Please write your answers___________ ink. A. in B. with C. of D. by 18. Peter was not feeling well, so we gave him___________ to do than you. A. fewer work B. less work C. little work D. least work 19. He spent half a year___________ this house. A. to build B. building C. built D. on building 20. Will you___________ the door open? A. leave B. allow C. permit D. give 21. What food should you eat if you want to___________ on weight? A. take B. get C. put D. carry 22. The weather was cold. I wish it___________ warmer. A. had been B. has been C. were D. was 23. Dickens___________ wrote a lot of interesting stories. A. his is one of England's best-known writers B. as one of England's best-known writers C. besides one of England's best-known writers D. one of England's best-known writers 24. Mike had hoped___________ his letter. A. her to answer B. that she answer C. that she would answer D. her answering 25. It is a___________ skirt. A. French cotton flowered B. cotton French flowered C. flowered cotton French D. flowered French cotton 26. Do you know the beautiful girl___________? A. sit in the car B. sat in the car C. sitting in the car D. who sit in the car 27. This shirt costs___________ 88,000 VND. A. approximate B. approximation C. approximately D. approximative 28. I can complete a___________ English test if you want. A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. spoke 29. If you study at the Brighten Language Center- UK, you can live in a___________ on campus. A. hotel B. mobile room C. private room D. dormiroty 30. I saw your school’s___________ in today’s edition of the Vietnam News. A. advertiser B. advertisement C. advertising D. advertise 31. Do you enjoy___________ English? A. learn B. learnt C. to learn D. learning 32. The government supplied the victims___________ food and water. A. on B. for C. to D. with 33. She said that she___________ learning English with you. A. liked B. to like C. liking D. like 34. She asked me where I___________ from? A. came B. to come C. come D. coming 35. If you want to attend the course, you___________ pass the examinatin. A. has to B. have to C. had to D. could 36. She___________ me whether I liked classical music or not. A. asks B. asked C. asking D. ask 37. he asked mewho editor of this book___________? A. was B. were C. are D. is IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answers. Lucky survivors English is a very useful language. If we (38)__________ English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not find it hard to make people understand (39)__________ we want to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of (40)__________ hundreds of books are (41)__________ in English everyday in (42)__________ countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge (43)__________ all corner of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better (44)__________ and (45)__________ among the countries of the world. 38. A. to know B. know C. knew D. known 39. A. what B. where C. when D. how 40. A. subjects B. things C. ideas D. plans 41. A. write B. wrote C. written D. writing 42. A. much B. lot of C. many D. a lots of 43. A. in B. with C. at D. to 44. A. to understand B. understanding C. understand D. understood 45. A. friend B. friendly C. friendliness D. friendship V. Each sentence has a mistake underlined and correct it. 46. It was say that he would have money problem. 47. They asked me how old is she. 48. She asked me if was I happy to shop there. 49. Tom said he can’t come to our party on Friday. 50. He asked me if I can speak more slowly. VI. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided. 51. “I have something to show you now.” He said to me. → He told me . 52. “I’m leaving here for Hue tomorrow.” She said. → She said .. 53. “I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready.” Tom said to her. → Tom told her 54. “I must go now.” The father said to us. → The father told us . 55. “Why do you come here late?” she asked me. → She asked . VII. Supply the correct verb form. 56. I asked her if she (listen)________________ to music. 57. They asked him if he (must)________________ go then. 58. She asked me where I (buy)________________ that car. 59. She asked him where he (be)________________ from. 60. They said that they (sell)________________ their house. ________________THE END_______________ UNIT 5. THE MEDIA I. VOCABULARY: 01. access /’ækses/ n Tiếp cận, dùng 02. adult /ә’dLlt/ n Người lớn 03. article /’a:rtikәl/ n Bài báo 04. benefit /’benәfit/ n/v Lợi ích, lợi 05. commercial /kә’mзrʃәl/ a Thương mại 06. communicate /kә’mjʊnәkeit/ v Giao tiếp 07. control /kәn’trәʊl/ n/v Điều khiể
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