Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: English in the world

Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: English in the world


1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.

1. A. accent B. factor C. anniversary D. variety

2. A. global B. operate C. erode D. openness

3. A. rusty B. stimulate C. puree D. confusion

4. A. flexible B. checkout C. tender D. explore

5. A. imitate B. simplify C. bilingual D. whisk

2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line.

1. A. fluent B. language C. explore D. massive

2. A. immersion B. dominance C. dialect D. stimulate

3. A. flexibility B. multinational C. simplicity D. inaccessible

4. A. official B. exotic C. imperial D. versatile

5. A. establishment B. stimulating C. magnificent D. affordable


doc 6 trang Hoàng Giang 01/06/2022 8893
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1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.
1. A. accent	B. factor	C. anniversary	D. variety
2. A. global	B. operate	C. erode	D. openness
3. A. rusty	B. stimulate	C. puree	D. confusion
4. A. flexible	B. checkout	C. tender	D. explore
5. A. imitate	B. simplify	C. bilingual	D. whisk
2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line.
1. A. fluent	B. language	C. explore	D. massive
2. A. immersion	B. dominance	C. dialect	D. stimulate
3. A. flexibility	B. multinational	C. simplicity	D. inaccessible
4. A. official	B. exotic	C. imperial	D. versatile
5. A. establishment	B. stimulating	C. magnificent	D. affordable
1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1. He was born in London and his first language is England/English.
2. She comes from Central Viet Nam and she speaks Vietnamese with a very strong accent so sometimes I can't understand what she speaks/does she speak.
3. In some countries, besides their mother/official tongue, students have to learn another language.
4. He is from Canada and he can speak two/bilingual languages: English and French.
5. In Viet Nam, English is a/an compulsory/official subject at junior and senior high schools.
2. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.
1. Nowadays, English has become a global language thanks to its as a mother tongue in all continents of the world, (establish)
2. In Viet Nam, English	schools have been built to create ail-English environments for English learners, (immerse)
3. Many English words have been over the centuries to make it easy to learn. (simplify)
4. New English words are being invented every day all over the world due to the free admission of words from other languages and the easy of compounds and derivatives, (create)
5. My sister tries her best to learn English well because she has just been recruited to work for a company, (multination)
3. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. English today is the most _____ spoken language in the world.
A. widely	B. early	C. largely	D. quickly
2. My friend from India speaks a ______ of English that I sometimes find it hard to understand.
A. language	B. dialect	C. jargon	D. bilingual
3. When I worked in Canada, I could communicate with people there in French but now I am a rusty.
A. many	B. much	 	C. little	D. some
4. Do you know English is a/an _______ subject in schools in Viet Nam now?
A. compulsory	B. alive	C. second	D. official
5. I know from my experience that to gain a good ______of a foreign language, one must work hard at it every day.
A. way	B. type	C. method	D. knowledge
6. In 1066, the Normans came to England from France but they continued to use French for almost two hundred years before beginning to _______ English.
A. tell	B. speak	C. say	D. know
7. If Phuong comes to England, it will be a good ______ for her to improve her English.
A. opportunity	B. advantage	C. experience	D. possibility
8. Mai has worked for a bank in London for three years and she speaks English.
A. by well very now	B. very by well now
C. very well by now	D. by very well now
9. In English, the same word can operate as many parts of speech. That's due to its___
A. variety	B. vocabulary	C. flexibility	D. openness
10. When I don't know what an English word means, I often look it _______ in my English-Vietnamese dictionary.
A. on	B. in	C. at	D. up
4. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box.
varieties	pronunciation	accent	skills	simplified
bilingual	operate	vocabulary	vowel	language
1. Nowadays, more and more people around the world are learning English a second _______ and the way that they study it is changing.
2. What is the longest word in English which has only one _______?
3. Can you give me an English word that can _______ as a noun, a verb, and an adjective?
4. One of the reasons why the ____________of English is open is that it has borrowed many words.
5. Nowadays, there are many ________ of English all over the world such as British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English, etc.
6. My sister's close friend works as a _____ secretary for an insurance company. She is able to speak English and French equally well.
7. One of the basic characteristics of English is the simplicity of form. Many English words have been ______ over centuries.
8. It's not easy for adult students to improve their ____ when they learn English because they often find it hard to change the way they speak.
9. Adult students have more difficulties in developing speaking _____ than young learners.
10. When you begin learning English, don't worry about not having a native-English _______ . It's more important to be able to be able to speak clearly so that people can understand you.
1. Read the following passage, then answer the questions by choosing the best option A, B, C, or D.
My most favourite subject is English, which is today one of the most important languages and it is spoken and understood In all parts of the world.
English has become an international language for a variety of reasons. One of the most important of those is that the English people have been well-known for their knowledge of science, medicine, engineering, government and all other matters that are useful for the progress of the human race. It is thanks to the scientists of England that the motor-engine has become the .most important machine in the world today.
The thirst for knowledge of the English scholars has contributed to the progress of man in almost all fields of his activity. Thousands of books have been written by such scholars on almost every subject that one can think of. Thus, people whose mother tongue is not English have learnt English with great interest as a means of acquiring knowledge of all human affairs.
As a result of this interest, English is used almost everywhere m the world. It is used in all the important meetings and conferences in the United Nations. It is also used in all leading universities in the world and in international trade and commerce. As it is used so widely, English has indeed become a very rich language. People of all the countries of the world have contributed new ideas and thoughts to this language. Thus, more and more new words are being created to make this language more and more useful for the communication of ideas and information among the peoples of the world.
1. English is the most important language in the world because _______
A. it is spoken and understood in all parts of the world.
B. it is my favourite subject.
C. it is used in meetings.
D. it is used in all leading universities.
2. The motor-engine has become the most important machine in the world today thanks to ______
A the people all over the world	B. the scientists of England
C. the United Nations	D. the Americans 
3. Thousands of books _______________________________	
A. have been sold by English scholars on almost every subject
B. were written in English
C. were read by English scholars
D. have been written by English scholars on almost every subject that one can think of
4. Because English is used so widely, ________________
A. it has become a very rich language.
B. it has become a very interesting language.
C. it has indeed become a very poor language.
D. it has become a very useless language.
5. Why do people whose mother tongue is not English have learnt English with great interest?
A. Because it is a means of doing everything for all human affairs.
B. Because it is an international language.
C. Because it is a means of acquiring knowledge of all human affairs.
D. Because it is a means of practising what people have achieved in their jobs.
2. Read the text and answer the questions.
In countries like the United Kingdom, the USA, and Australia people speak English as a first language. But they don't speak exactly the same English. English sounds different in these countries because people use different pronunciation and there are different word for some things. Americans don’t say “football”, they say “soccer”, and they say “movie”, not “film”. Some Australians say “G’day”, not “Hi”, and they don’t say “this afternoon”, they say “this arvo”. In some countries, for example India and some African countries there are a lot of different languages, so people use English as the official language.
	In countries where English isn’t a first language, people speak it as a foreign language. People want to study English because it’s an international language; it’s in films, magazines and pop songs. A lot of people, especially scientists and business people, use English when they work, travel or use a computer.
	About 80% of the information on the Internet is in English. A lot of people communicate on the Internet in English too. Some people write a different type of English when they communicate in chat rooms or by instant messages like MSN. They use words like “uok”, “thnx” and “cul8r”. These words are faster to write than “Are you OK?”, “Thanks” and “See you later”!
1. In what countries do people speak English as a first language?
2. What do some Australians say when they meet someone?
3. Why do some countries use English as an official language?
4. Why do people all over the world want to learn English?
5. Why do many young people use shorter words in messages? 
3. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage.
The English language began (1) ______ England, of course. But when people went from England to (2) ______ countries, they brought their language with them. The first English people to come to North America (3) _____ many things that they did not know about before, especially different kinds of animals and plants. So they took the (4) ______for these plants and animals from the people (5) ______were already living in America – the Indians. "Raccoon", -skunk", "tomato", and “tobacco" are all American Indian words.
Other people from Europe also came to America at the (6) ______time as the English, or even before them - the French, the Dutch, and especially the Spanish. The Spanish (7) ______ the first Europeans to live in the American West. Because of this, many words that tell about the West (8) ______ from Spanish, such as "canyon", -mesa", "bronco", and "mustang". Also, many of the Indian words in American English were taken up (9) ______ the brought words to American English. These words include -cookie" from Dutch, "butter" from French, and "banjo" from Bantu, a West African language.
1. A. in	B. at	C. on	D. of
2. A. newly	B. other	C. much	D. not
3. A. watched	B. looked	C. saw	D. heard
4. A. languages	B. vocabulary	C. tongue	D. words
5. A. that	B. which	C. who	D. whose
6. A. part	B. same	C. full	D. ancient
7. A. is	B. are	C. was	D. were
8. A. come	B. comes	C. coming	D. came
9. A. along	B. with	C. at	D. by
10. A. words	B. languages	C. nations	D. countries
1. Rewrite the sentences using the conditional sentences type 2.
1. I learn ten new items of vocabulary a day. I can speak English with foreigners easily.
If I _______________________________________________________________
2. She goes to an English speaking club every week. She speaks English fluently now.
If she	_______________________________________________________________
3. I think you should spend more time listening to the radio, watching TV and practising speaking English with your friends to improve your English.
If I were ___________________________________________________________	
4. I am a lot worried about the English exam because my vocabulary is poor.
If my vocabulary __________________________________________________ 	
5. Linh is very good at English because she goes abroad at every summer time.
If Linh _____________________________________________________________
3. There are ten mistakes in this passage. Can you find and correct them?
It has been said that the British and American are “two peoples separated by a common language”. However, the differences among British and American English are comparatively small. Despite some British people occasional complain about the latest American TV series of that they are unable to understand a word, it is clear that little people have serious problems. 
In fact, it is television, films, and pop music that have helped to bring him closer together, and that minor difficulties which might occur in comprehension are probably many fewer than 40 or 50 years ago. Normally four or five American programs are finding in an evening on British television, and 6 or 7 of the American 20 better records are by British artists.

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