Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 5: Natural wonders of the word - Lesson 5: Skills 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 5: Natural wonders of the word - Lesson 5: Skills 1


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop reading skill for general and specific information about the topic;

- use the lexical items related to the topic ‘things in nature’ and ‘travel items’;

use what they have learnt to talk about a famous place, and what people must/ mustn’t do there.

1. Knowledge:

 * Vocabulary: lexical items related to the lesson.

 * Grammar: Modal Verb: must in advice

 2. Skills: Reading and speaking

 3. Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling.

4. Competences: develop reading, speaking and co-operating skills; Talk and give travel advice


 1. Teacher: Text books , pictures, planning ,

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, skills 1

- Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards


 2. Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, .


docx 5 trang Hoàng Giang 03/06/2022 11830
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 Period 38: Lesson 5 : Skills 1
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
develop reading skill for general and specific information about the topic;
use the lexical items related to the topic ‘things in nature’ and ‘travel items’;
use what they have learnt to talk about a famous place, and what people must/ mustn’t do there.
1. Knowledge: 
 * Vocabulary: lexical items related to the lesson.
 * Grammar: Modal Verb: must in advice
 2. Skills: Reading and speaking
 3. Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling..
4. Competences: develop reading, speaking and co-operating skills; Talk and give travel advice
 1. Teacher: Text books , pictures, planning , 
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, skills 1
- Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards
 2. Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, .	
1. Warm-up (5’)
 * Aim: To introduce the topic of reading.
 * Content: Game: Hidden picture.
 * Products: Students’ answers.
 * Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
- T- Ss
* Set the scene.
Teacher sets the scene: “Next month, I am going travelling. Guess where I will visit.” 
Let’s students guess the places by opening the boxes one by one. The pictures are hidden behind the boxes. 
Teacher shows the pictures on the screen. 
Teacher leads in the lesson by asking questions: 
Game: Hidden picture.
- Have you ever been to these places?” 
“Today, let’s see what do they have.” 
2. Presentation (7’)
 * Aim:. To provide students with some lexical items before reading the text. 
 * Content: Learn some vocab related the topic.
 * Products: Read and understand the meaning of words.
 * Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
T –Ss :
- Pre teach vocabulary
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (pictures, situation, explaination ..)
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
* Checking vocab: 
- tourist attraction (n) : điểm thu hút khách du lịch
- popular (adj): phổ biến
- landscape (n) : phong cảnh
- slope (n) : dôc, sườn
- sand dune (n) : cồn cát
*Checking: Matching
3. Pre -reading (5’)
* Discussing:
Task 1:
* Aims: To activate Ss' knowledge of the topic in the reading text.
* Content: Look at the pictures and answer some questions.
* Products: Ss say the answers aloud.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
Task 1:T –Ss 
Teacher asks students to close the book. 
Teacher shows the pictures of the places and asks students to answer the questions:
Teacher invites some students to share their discussion in front of the class. 
- Teacher asks students to open the book. Read the text and check their ideas.
. * Discussing:
Task 1: Look at the pictures and make predictions about the reading. (p. 54)
1. What are the places? 
2. What do you know about these places?
4. While-Reading (5’)
Task 2
 * Aims: To check students understanding of using correct lexical items about the topic.
* Content: Complete the sentences, using the words from the box. 
* Products: students swap their answers with their partner and say the correct answers.
* Organization of implementation :
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
- Teacher askes students to do Exercise 2 individually, in 3 minutes. 
After 3 minutes, teacher lets students swap their answers with their partner. 
Check the answers. 
Task 2. Complete the sentences, using the words from the box. (p. 54)
* Answer key: 
1. islands 
2. wonder 
3. desert
4. Remember 
5. visit
5. While-Reading (5’)
Task 3: 
 * Aims: To develop reading skill for general and specific information.
* Content: Read the text and answer the questions.
* Products: Students play game by answering the questions correctly. 
* Organization of implementation :
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
Task 3: T - Ss, Ss – Ss 
- T has Ss anser the questions by playing game : Lucky number. Class is divided into 2 groups.
Teacher prepares 7 numbers which includes 5 questions about their school, and 2 lucky numbers.
Each team takes turns and chooses a number and answers the question behind the number. If the team answers the question correctly, they will get 1 point. If the team chooses the lucky number, they get 1 point without answering the question and may choose another number.
Task 3: Read the text and answer the following questions. (p. 54)
* Answer key:
 Ha Long Bay is in Quang Ninh. 
You can enjoy great seafood and join in exciting activities. 
No, there isn’t. It’s like a desert, not a real desert. 
You can have a picnic in Mui Ne by the beach. 
5. The best time to visit the Mui Ne Sand Dunes is early morning or late afternoon.
5. Post reading (5’) + Pre -speaking
Task 4
* Aims: To check students’ reading comprehension and prepare for the next part.
* Content: Make notes about one of the places in the reading
* Products: Students’ answers on the posters.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
Task 4: T - Ss, Ss – Ss 
-Teacher asks students to work in groups of 3 and make notes about one place in the reading. 
- Compare the notes with other groups. 
Teacher asks students to tell their partner about the place by looking at the notes. 
- Teacher goes around and offers help if needed.
- Students share their ideas with the whole class.
Task 4: Work in pairs. Make notes about one of the places in the reading. You can add your own ideas. (p. 54)
Ha Long Bay
Mui Ne
- interesting islands
- many islands and caves
- beautiful beaches
- great seafood
- exciting activities
- a beautiful places
- amazing landscapes
- different colour
- like a desert
- many activities
* Example: 
Ha Long Bay has a lot of interesting islands. It also has many caves and beautiful beaches. You can enjoy great seafood here and take part in exciting activities.
6. While –Speaking (5’)
Task 5:
* Aims: To help students form the ideas for their speaking.
* Content: Some foreign visitors are visiting your city/ town/ area. You are their tour guide. Tell them some interesting things about the place as well as what they must and mustn’t do there. 
* Products: Students’ idea in groups and share with the class.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
T - Ss, Ss – Ss 
Teacher askes students to work in groups of 5.
+ Leader?
+ Idea thinkers?
+ Presenters?
+ Drawers? 
Teacher asks students to choose a famous place in their city or area. 
Teacher asks students to discuss and make notes of the information they want to share with the class.
Teacher asks students to refer to the questions as suggestions for their notes or they can do it in their own way.
- Teacher goes around and offers help if needed.
 Task 5: Some foreign visitors are visiting your city/ town/ area. You are their tour guide. Tell them some interesting things about the place as well as what they must and mustn’t do there. 
+ Where is it? 
+ What does it have?
+ Are there any interesting things here?
+ What must they do or mustn’t do there? 
* Example: 
- You must wear sun scream when you're in My Khe beach
- You must go to the My Khe beach in late afternoon
- You mustn't litter on the beach.
- You mustn't swim alone
7. Post-Speaking (3’)
* Aims: To help students use what they have learnt so far to talk about a famous place
 To help students improve next time.
* Content: Students Tell some interesting things about the place as well as what they must and mustn’t do there.
* Products: Some students share their preparation with the whole class.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
- Teacher asks students to practice presenting in their groups. 
- Teacher makes sure that students speak in full sentences.
- Then, teacher invites some groups to go to the board and share their preparation with the whole class. 
- Teacher allows students to give comments for their friends and vote for the most interesting and informative presentation.
- Teacher gives feedback and comments.
* Students’ presentation
7. Consolidation (2’)
* Aims: To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
* Content: Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills.
* Products: Students say what they have learnt with the two skills in font of the class.
* Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
- Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
- 2 skills ( talk about some famous places )
 8. Homework (2’) 
* Aim: To revise the knowledge that students have gained in this lesson.
* Content: Review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson .
* Products: Students’ textbook and workbook
* Organization of implementation:
- Teacher asks students to prepare the new lesson
- Do Ex inWB
- Practice speaking a place you like.
- Prepare: Skills 2 
*- Evaluation: 

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_5_natural_wonders_of_the_word_l.docx