Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My house - Năm học 2021-2022

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My house - Năm học 2021-2022

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:

- Use the lexical items related to the topic My house: (town house (n), country house (n), flat (n) .)

- Use the words for types of house, rooms and furniture.

- Ask and answer about where someone lives.

2. Competences:

By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:

- Develop their reading skill through reading for general and specific information about houses.

- Ask and answer the question about their houses.

- Develop communication and collaboration; problem solving and creativity skills through pair-work and group-work activities to practice the dialogue and taking part in the class activities.

3. Qualities:

By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:

- Show their love and responsibility for their houses by talking about it with positive attitudes.


1. Materials:

- Teacher’s book;

- Pictures of types of houses, text book unit 2 page 6,7;

2. Equipment: Computer, projector, camera, TV.


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Tuần 3 Ngày soạn: 15/09/2021
 Ngày dạy: /09/2021
Period 9 UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
Lesson 1: Getting started
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge: 
By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic My house: (town house (n), country house (n), flat (n) ..) 
- Use the words for types of house, rooms and furniture. 
- Ask and answer about where someone lives.	
2. Competences: 
By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:
- Develop their reading skill through reading for general and specific information about houses.
- Ask and answer the question about their houses.
- Develop communication and collaboration; problem solving and creativity skills through pair-work and group-work activities to practice the dialogue and taking part in the class activities.
3. Qualities: 
By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:
- Show their love and responsibility for their houses by talking about it with positive attitudes.
1. Materials:
- Teacher’s book;
- Pictures of types of houses, text book unit 2 page 6,7;
- webpage: 
2. Equipment: Computer, projector, camera, TV. 
Steps + time
Learning Activities/ Procedures 
Language focus /Content 
1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
To motivate students and lead-in the lesson.
Game: A hidden word
Teacher divides the class into two teams and asks a member of each team to look at the pictures and answer the questions. 
For each right answer, the team will get 1 point and 1 secret letter to help them find out the hidden word today.
There is one picture including two secret words. The team gets this picture will get 2 points.
The team which has more points or can guess the hidden word first will be the winner.
What is it? – It’s a _ _ _ _ . (ROOM)
2. We have a small house in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (COUNTRY)
3. Where are they? – They are in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (KITCHEN)
4. They have a house in the 
_ _ _ _ . (TOWN)
5. How many rooms are there in this house? 
– There are _ _ _ (SIX) rooms.
6. Which house is it? – It’s an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (APARTMENT)
* Vocabulary
- room( n)
- country( n)
- kitchen( n)
- town( n)
- six( n)
- apartment( n) 
2.Listen and read (10 minutes)
To lead in the topic of My house.
Teacher draws students’ attention to the pictures in the textbook and asks them some questions about the pictures.
What are Nick and Mi doing? 
What might they talk about?
Suggested answers:
They are talking to / discussing with each other through the Internet.
T- Ss
To help students understand the text.
Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
+ showing the pictures illustrating the words
+ providing the synonym or antonym of the words
+ providing the definition of the words
1. town house (n): [visual]
2. country house (n): [visual] 
3. flat (n): [synonym] à apartment
a town house
a country house
Teacher plays the recording, asks students to underline the words related to the topic My house. (Teacher may check the meaning of some words if necessary.)
Teacher can play the recording more than once.
Students listen and read.
Teacher can invite some pairs of students to read aloud.
Then, teacher confirms the correct answer:
+ They are talking about their houses.
+ Mi is describing their new flat which her family was moving to.
Practice ( 10 minutes)
To set the context for the listening and reading text.
To help students understand the text.
Task 1: Tick the correct answers. (Ex. 2, p. 17)
Teacher asks students “Which family members does Mi talk about?” without reading the conversation again.
Then, teacher tells them to read it again individually and check their answers.
Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class and encourages them to give evidence.
Teacher calls some students to check.
Answer key:
Task 2: Complete the sentences. (Ex. 3, p. 17)
Teacher asks students to work independently to fill each blank with the word from the conversation.
Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class. 
Teacher calls some students to check. Teacher confirms the right answers and writes on the board.
Answer key:
1. sister 2. TV
3. town 4. country
5. three
T- Ss
Production( 10 minutes)
To develop students’ knowledge of the vocabulary about types of house.
To help students practise asking and answering about where they live.
Task 3: Complete the word web: Types of house. (Ex. 4, p. 17)
* Game: Networking 
Teacher divides the class into two teams, then writes the topic “Types of house” on the board and gives them two minutes to discuss.
After that time, a student from each team one by one runs to the board and writes one word.
The team which has more correct answers is the winner.
Types of house
Suggested answers:
Task 4: Survey
Teacher asks students to work in groups of 4 or 6 to take turns to ask and answer about where they live.
Teacher can model with one student.
Teacher moves around to observe and offer help when needed.
By the end of the activity, one student from each group can stand up and report to the class.
Suggested answers:
In my group, Linh lives in a flat, Lan and Huong live in a country house, etc .
Team work
Group work
Consolidation( 5 minutes)
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
Homework( 5 minutes)
To prepare for the next lesson.
Prepare the vocabulary for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
Tuần 3 Ngày soạn: 15/09/2021
 Ngày dạy: /09/2021
Period 10 UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
 Lesson 2: A closer look 1
1. Knowledge : 
 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
	- use some lexical items about rooms and furniture (hall, cupboard, chest of drawers, diswasher, sink....) 
- pronounce and recognize the final sounds /s/ and /z/ correctly.
 2. Competences: 
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to develop linguistic competence; independent working; communication and collaboration through pair-work, group- work activities to ask and answer about the furniture in a room.
3. Qualities: 
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to show their love and responsibility for their house by talking about it with positive attitudes.
Teacher’s book 
Pictures of rooms and furniture, text book unit 2 page 17, 18, word cards 
Equipment: computer, projector/ TV, board, 
Steps +time 
Learning activities/ Procedures 
Language focus /Content
(5 minutes)
To motivate students and lead in the lesson.
Kim’s game:
- T introduces the rules of the game.
 + Ss have a quick look (10 seconds) at the picture p17(on the screen) and remember the names of the rooms in the house
+ 1 student from each group will have to go to the board and write the names of the rooms. 
+ The group which has the most right words will be the winner.
- Ss play in 4 groups.
- T announces the winner. 
- Teacher checks Ss’ understanding of the words and leads in the new lesson.
* Vocabulary
- ‘kitchen (n): bếp
- ‘bedroom (n): phòng ngủ
- ‘living room (n): phòng khách
-‘bathroom (n): phòng tắm
2- New lesson
* Vocabulary
(22 minutes)
a.Presentation Activity 1
( part 1 P17)
(5 minutes)
- To revise/teach the names of the rooms in the house 
-T asks Ss to say the names of the rooms in their house/ they know
- Ss quickly look at the rooms and name them
- T explains the meaning of the word hall ( using the hall in front of the students’ classroom to explain)
- hall: a space inside the entrance or front door of a building/ house
a. hall b. living room c. bedroom d. bathroom e. kitchen
Activity 2 
( part 2 P17)
(10 minutes)
-To revise/ teach the names of furniture pieces
- T sticks the word cards about the names of the rooms on the board in different places.
- Ss work in pairs to name the things in each room.
- 4 Ss from 2 different pairs go to the board and write the names of the furniture under these rooms (one piece of furniture can belong to more than one room)
- T asks other Ss to comment
- Ss can add more things to each room.
Bedroom: lamp, chest of drawers, picture
Living room: lamp, picture, sofa
Hall: picture
Kitchen: cupboard, dishwasher, sink, fridge
Bathroom: toilet, shower, sink 
- other words: chair, fan, cooker, ..
b. Practice
Activity 3 
( part 3 P17)
(5 minutes)
- To help Ss practice asking and answering about the furniture in a room..
- T models the activity with a student.
- Ss work in pairs: One student thinks of a room in his/ her house, the other asks questions to guess the room.
- T calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
- T comments on their performance.
T: What’s in your room?
S: A shower and a sink.
T: Is it the bathroom?
S: Yes.
c. Production
(2 minutes)
To help Ss memorise and use the words with a range of spoken activities.
- Each student makes up a sentence with the words in part 1, 2 P17
Eg: My living room has a picture.
(14 minutes)
Activity 4 
( part 4 P17)
(5 minutes)
-To help Ss identify how to pronounce the final sound /s/ and /z/
- To help Ss practice pronouncing these sounds in words.
- T introduces 2 sounds /s/ and /z/ to Ss and let them listen and repeat the words in Ex 4 ( P 18)
- T plays the recording (twice)
- Ss comment on the way to pronounce these two sounds at the end of the words
- T explains the rules quickly.
 - T asks Ss to give some words they know containing these sounds
*/s/ : Final s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds (/t/,/k/,/p/,/θ/,/f/)
Eg: cat, books, lamps, months, roofs
*/z/: Final s is pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds ( /b/, /d/, /g/, /n/, /m/, /l/, and any vowel sounds.
Eg: beds, dogs, cans, rooms, videos, cookers, bees 
Eg: books, pens, rulers 
b. Practice
Activity 5
( part 5 P18)
(7 minutes)
-To help Ss practice pronouncing the final sounds /s/ and /z/ correctly in context.
- Ss quickly read the conversation and underline the final sound s in the words
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the conversation and write /s/ or /z/ under each s that they have underlined
- T tells Ss to put the words with the final s in the correct column according to the sound of “s” 
- Ss work in pairs to compare their answers
- T checks Ss’ answers. Ask them to explain their answers.
- T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the conversation.
- Ss work in pairs to practice the conversation.
- T calls on some pairs to practice the conversation.
- Ss comment on the pronunciation of the final “s”
/s/: chopsticks, lamps
/z/: bowls, things, homes 
c. Production
 (2 minutes)
To give Ss chances to apply what they have learnt in context
- T asks Ss to find some more words that have these two sounds: /s/, /z/ and use them to make sentences (to describe a room in your house/ school).
the sounds /s/ and / z/ 
Eg: books- I have 2 books.
3. Wrap up
(2 minutes)
4. Homework
 (2 minutes)
-To help Ss remember what they have learnt.
- To help Ss develop the skills of an independent learner
- To enable Ss to make maximum progress
- Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Remind students to do their homework.
- Vocabulary: 
- Pronunciation: .
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Make up sentences with the words in part 2 P17
- Prepare the next lesson: A closer look 2- Unit 2
Feedback: ...
Tuần 3 Ngày soạn: 15/09/2021
 Ngày dạy: /09/2021
Period 11 UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge (language focus): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Identify and use the lexical items related to the house, prepositions of place to describe where people or things are.
Explain and use the ideas or concepts for possessive case to descibe possessions.
2. Competences: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Express grammatical relationships in spoken utterances.
Use technology to search for information.
Collaborate and build stimulate Ss’ critical thinking, analytical thinking, presentation skill, problem solving skill, communicative skills in order to communicate effectively.
Develope enthusiasm and effectiveness in pair work and team work.
3. Qualities: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Be aware of about my house and types of houses.
Build their love for their home and appreciate more about house and home.
Highlight the value of house and home.
Collaborate and build enthusiasm and effectiveness in pair work and teamwork.
1. Materials: Text book, laptop, posters, cards, board, pictures, handouts 
2. Equipment: Computer, projector, speakers
Steps + time 
Learning Activities/ Procedures 
Language focus /Content 
1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
- To activate students’ prior knowledge related to the targeted grammar of present simple tense
- To lead into the new lesson. 
1.Game: Memory game
- T divides the class into 4 groups.
- T tells students the rules of the game:
+ Students have to study the picture of 3 people (Jack, Polly and Greg) and try to Memorize the things belonging to each person in 30 seconds without writing down in their notebooks.
+ After 30 seconds, teacher shows the things of Jack, Polly and Greg and a member of each team has to answer quickly the question “Whose is it?”
+ The group with more correct sentences will be the winner.
- Ss work in groups to play game.
2. Leading to the new lesson:
Questions: Can you guess the topic today?
- T asks Ss a question for the topic of the lesson. 
- Ss answer the T’s question.
- T leads in the new lesson.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
- T asks Ss to open their book and introduces what they are going to study.
- Ss open their book and write.
Unit 2: My house
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
1. Whose jumper is it? 
– It’s Polly’s jumper. 
2. Whose T-shirt is it? 
– It’s Greg‘s T-shirt.
3. Whose ball is it? 
– It’s Jack’s ball.
4. Whose sock is it? – It’s Jack’s sock.
5. Whose shoes is it? 
– It’s Greg’s shoes.
6. Whose sock is it? – It’s Polly’s sock.
7. Whose jumper is it?
 – It’s Greg’s jumper.
8. Whose T-shirt is it? 
– It’s Polly’s T-shirt.
2. PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
- To present and introduces the targeted grammar of the lesson: possessives case and form of preposition of place and use them correctly to describe where people or things are.
1. Grammar 1: The possessive case
- T reminds Ss of the knowledge of the grammar point that they have learnt before.
- Ss give the opinions in mother tongue.
- T gives the feedback and comments.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
- T introduces the new points of grammar.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
2. Grammar 2: The prepositions of place
- T reminds Ss of the knowledge of the grammar point that they have learnt before.
- Ss give the opinions in mother tongue.
- T gives the feedback and comments.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
- T introduces the new points of grammar.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
1. Grammar 1: The possessive case
Handouts of the theory at the end of the lesson plan
2. Grammar 2: The prepositions of place
Handouts of the theory at the end of the lesson plan
(20 minutes)
- To help students identify the correct form of possessive case.
- To help students practise forming the correct form of possessive case.
- To help students practice using prepositions of place correctly to describe where people or things are.
Task 1: Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
- T has Ss read the requirements of the task. 
- Ss look at the task and read the requirements of the task. 
- T explains the way to do the task.
- Ss listen to the T.
- T guides Ss how to do the task.
- Ss take notes.
- T asks Ss to do the task individually.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks some Ss to give their answer in the class.
- T checks and corrects, gives the corrects answers.
- Ss listen to the T, and copy the answers if necessary.
Task 2: Complete the sentences with the correct possessive forms.
- T has Ss read the requirements of the task. 
- Ss look at the task and read the requirements of the task. 
- T explains the way to do the task.
- Ss listen to the T.
- T guides Ss how to do the task.
- T asks Ss to work independently.
- T calls 1 or 2 Ss to write their answers on the board, checks their answers sentence by sentence.
- Ss listen to the T and take notes.
Task 3: Write the correct preposition in the box under each picture.
- T has Ss read the requirements of the task. 
- Ss look at the task and read the requirements of the task. 
- T explains the way to do the task.
- Ss listen to the T.
- T guides Ss how to do the task.
- Ss take notes.
- T asks Ss to do the task individually.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks some Ss to give their answer in the class.
- T checks and corrects, gives the corrects answers.
- Ss listen to the T, and copy the answers if necessary.
Task 4: Decide True or False statements. 
- T has Ss read the requirements of the task. 
- Ss look at the task and read the requirements of the task. 
- T explains the way to do the task.
- Ss listen to the T.
- T guides Ss how to do the task.
- Ss take notes.
- T asks Ss to do the task individually.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks some Ss to give their answer in the class.
- T checks and corrects, gives the corrects answers.
- Ss listen to the T, and copy the answers if necessary.
Task 1: Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1. grandmother’s 
2. sister’s 3. cousin’s 
4. Nam’s 5. An’s
Task 2: Complete the sentences with the correct possessive forms.
1. Mi’s 2. teacher’s 
3. Nick’s 4. father’s 
5. brother’s
Task 3: Write the correct preposition in the box under each picture.
Answer key:
1. on 2. next to
3. behind 4. in
5. in front of 6. between 
7. under
1. The dog is on the chair.
2. The dog is next to the armchair.
3. The cat is behind the TV.
4. The cat is in the wardrobe.
5. The dog is in front of the kennel / doghouse.
6. The cat is between the lamp and the armchair.
7. The cat is under the table.
Task 4: Choose the correct answer A or B to complete each sentence
1. T
2. F (The school bag is under the table.)
3. F (The clock is between the two pictures.)
4. T 
5. F (The cap is on the pillow.)
(7 minutes)
- To consolidate the knowledge that Ss have just learnt.
- To give Ss a chance to apply what they have learnt.
Task 5: Memory challenge
- T has students work in pairs to play the game Memory challenge. 
- Ss look at the picture in Exercise 4 for 30 seconds and then cover it. They ask and answer questions about the position of the things in the picture. 
- T invites some pairs to perform in front of the class.
Task 5: Memory challenge
A: Where are the books?
B: They’re on the table.
(3 minutes)
- To review the knowledge that students have gained in this lesson.
-Give core value of the lesson: Be aware of about houses and types of houses.
-Build their love for their home.
1. Consolidation:
- T asks Ss to remind the new knowledge that they have just studied.
- T summarizes some main points.
- T Exlains the core value of the lesson.
2. Homework:
- T instructs homework for the Ss.
- Ss listen to the T’s instructions and take notes.
1. Consolidation:
- Use the words related to the topic house and home.
- Grammar: the possessive case and prepositions of place.
2. Homework:
Learn by heart the new words 
Do the tasks in the workbook 
Prepare the next lesson “Lesson 4: Communication”
Tuần 3 Ngày soạn: 15/09/2021
 Ngày dạy: /09/2021
Period 12 UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
1. Knowledge: 
- This section aims at helping students use everyday English phrases and expressions and develop their language skills, as well as learn about Vietnamese culture and other cultures.
Students learn how to give suggestions.
+ Vocabulary: use the words related to the topic My house.
 + Grammar:- use possesive case to describe possession ; 
- use prepositions of place to describe where people or things are;
- give suggestions;
- Final sounds: /s / and / z /;
- Reading about rooms and furniture
- Describing houses, rooms, and furniture
- Listening about someone’s house
- Writing an email to a friend .
 Describing a house
2. Compentece: By the end of the lesson students will be able to practice reading and listening the conversation between Mi and Nick about types of rooms and houses. using possesive case to describe possesion; using prepositions of place to describe where people or things are;
3. Quality/ behavior : To teach Ss the love of English, the love of their own room and house ; The knowledge of working in group, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector 
- Students: Text books, studying equipments .
- Method;: T-WC; group works; individual 
Steps + time
Learning Activities/ Procedures 
Language focus /Content 
To introduce the lesson.
* Pictures describing:
Teacher shows the picture of Nam’s house and asks students to describe as many things in the picture as possible. 
Students give their answers.
Teacher checks the answers.
Suggested answers:
This is Nam’s house.
There are 4 rooms in his house.
In the living room, there is a lamp, a picture, a table and a sofa.
In the kitchen, there is a fridge, a dishwasher and a sink.
Lead in
To lead in the lesson. 
Teacher leads students into the lesson by telling what they are going to learn: “We are going to learn how to give suggestions and practice describing a house”.
To introduce two ways to give suggestions.
Task 1: Listen and read a dialogue. 
* Giving suggestions:
Teacher plays the recording for students to listen and read the dialogue between Elena and her mum at the same time. 
Teacher asks students to pay attention to the highlighted sentences. 
Teacher elicits the structures to give suggestions from students.
à How about + V-ing?
à Let’s + V. 
Teacher has students practise the dialogue in pairs. Call some pairs to practise the dialogue in front of the class. 
à How about + V-ing?
à Let’s + V. 
To help students practise giving suggestions.
Task 2: Make similar dialogues.
Teacher give students some situations to practice:
Situation 1: You want to buy some furniture for their homes.
Situation 2: You want to do some activities at the weekend with your friend.
Situation 3: You want to buy some new school things
Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
Teacher moves around to observe and provide help.
Teacher calls some pairs to practise in front of the class, then comments on their performance.
Suggested answers:
A: I am so bored.
B: How about going to the cinema this weekend?
A: Great idea!
Pair work
To give students a sample of a house description
To help students practise using some grammar points and vocabulary related to the topic.
Task 3: Complete the sentences. 
Teacher has students look at the picture and try describing Mi’s grandparents’ country house. 
Teacher encourages students to say full sentences. 
Then ask students to work in pairs to complete the given sentences. 
Teacher moves around to observe and provide help. 
After that, teacher invites students to share their answers. 
Teacher confirms the correct answers.
- Observe and help when and where necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and intonation.
Answer key: 
1. country 2. are 3. is 4. chairs 5. on 
* Vocabulary: 
-hall (n) sảnh
- put (v) đặt để
- store (n) cửa hàng
- wardrobe(n) tủ quần áo
Answer key: 
1. country 2. are 3. is 4. chairs 5. on
To help students practise asking and answering about the differences between two houses.
Task 4: Find the differences between the two houses. 
Teacher models with a student.
Suggested conversation:
T (look at Nick’s house): Nick lives in a country house. Where does Mi live?
S: (look at Mi’s house): She lives in a town house.
T: How many rooms are there in Mi’ house?
S: There are six rooms. What about in Nick’s house?
Teacher asks students in each pair not to look at each other’s picture and make similar conversations.
Teacher reminds students to note down the differences between the two houses.
After some minutes, the pair which has the most differences will be the winner. Ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Other pairs listen and add more differences if there are any. 
To help students practise describing their house.
Task 5: Drawing a simple picture of your house.
Teacher gives students 5 – 7 minutes to draw a simple picture of their house, then asks students work in pairs to tell each other about their house. If time allows, teacher can ask them to note down the differences between their houses.
Teacher calls some students to describe their friend’s house to the class.
Students may also present the differences between their house and their friend’s. Other students and teacher listen and give comments. The group with higher scores will win the game.
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
To prepare for the next lesson: 
Skills 1.
Do exercises in the workbook.
Tuần 3 Ngày soạn: 15/09/2021
 Ngày dạy: /09/2021
Period 13 UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
Lesson 5: Skills 1 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge (language focus): 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
understand the description of a room at the Crazy House Hotel in Da Lat;
describe one room (in their imagination) in that hotel.
+ Vocabulary: use the words related to the topic My house : crazy (adj), hotel (n), shape (n), strange (adj), wardrobe (n), desk (n), shelf (n), put(v)
+ Grammar: 
- use prepositions of place to describe where people or things are: on, between, next to, under (review)
give suggestions: You should stay here when you visit Da Lat.
To pronounce the final sounds /s / and /z/ correctly; (review)
2. Competences: 
By the end of the lesson students will be able to: 
- pratice speaking, reading, listening and writing about the conversation between Mi and Nick about types of rooms and houses.
- using possesive case to describe possesion
- using prepositions of place to describe where people or things are
- describing the rooms they have designed.
- develop communication and collaboration; problem solving and creativity skills through pair-work and group-work activities to practice the dialogue and taking part in the class activities.
3. Qualities 
By the end of the lesson, students will/should be able to:
Having the love of learning English, the love of their own room and house. 
Having the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.
- Teacher: Text book (Grade 6 textbook, Unit 2, Skills 1), laptop, loudspeaker. 
- Students : Text books (Grade 6 textbook, Unit 2, Skills 1 page 22), studying equipments .
- Method;: T-WC; group works; individual 
- Pictures, sets of words.
 - webpage: 
2. Equipment: Computer, projector, camera , smart TV 
Steps + time
Learning Activities/ Procedures 
Language focus /Content
(5 mins)
To introduce the topic of reading.
*Shark attack
Teacher divides the class into 2 teams.
Then, teacher lets students play “Shark attack” to find the hidden words.
The team which finds the word first will be the winner.
Group work
2.Lead in
(2 mins)
To lead in the lesson about Skills 1.
Part 1: Look at the text. Answer the questions
Teacher asks students to read the “Reading skill” box and explains any words that Ss do not know.
Teacher tells students that predicting is an important reading skill that can help them have a general understanding of the text.
* Set the scene: 
Teacher tells students to quickly look at the text, the pictures and answer the questions.
Teacher asks for students’ answers.
Then teacher tells them to read the text quickly to check their prediction.
After that, teacher confirms the correct answers.
Answer key: 
1. It’s an email.
2. The text is about Nick’s room at the Crazy House Hotel.
Pre-Reading (Pre-teach vocabulary)
(5 mins)
To provide students with some lexical items before reading the text again. 
Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
+ Providing the synonym or antonym of the words.
+ Providing the pictures of the words.
+ Providing the definition of the words.
crazy (adj) [after game]
shark (n) [after game]
hotel (n) [ visual]
shape (n ) [ visual]
 5. strange (adj) [explanation] 
 6. wardrobe (n) [visual] 
 7. desk (n) [visual]
 8. shelf (n)
 9. put(v) [visual]
Note: - You should stay here when you visit Da Lat.
-I put my bag under the bed.
- Teacher helps Ss to remmeber the new words by games: matching the words with the meaning or clapping on the words..... 
Part 3: Circle the things in the Tiger Room. 
(Ex. 3, p. 22)
Teacher asks students to read through the words given and then locate them in the text. If they find a similar word in the text, they should circle it in the list. 
Teacher lets students compare their an

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_2_my_house_nam_hoc_2021_2022.docx