Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2020-2021


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to to listen for specific information about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang, understand Ba’s diary.

2. Competences: Comunication, self study, co-operation, using language

 Students know how to talk about specific information about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang.

3. Behavior : Ss take part in the lesson actively and effectively.

 II. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher: CD, cassette.

2. Students: Prepare A3-4

III. Procedure

1.Activity 1: Warm up( 5')

a.Aims: Help students review old lesson and Guide students to the new lesson

b.Contents: write the past forms of the verbs

c.Outcome: Students write words in past form and answer the questions



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Week: 20
Period: 57
 Lesson: A3- 4 
Date of preparing: 10 /1/2021
Date of teaching: /1/2021
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to to listen for specific information about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang, understand Ba’s diary.
2. Competences: Comunication, self study, co-operation, using language
 Students know how to talk about specific information about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang.
3. Behavior : Ss take part in the lesson actively and effectively.
 II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: CD, cassette.
2. Students: Prepare A3-4
III. Procedure
1.Activity 1: Warm up( 5')
a.Aims: Help students review old lesson and Guide students to the new lesson
b.Contents: write the past forms of the verbs
c.Outcome: Students write words in past form and answer the questions 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Checks Ss’ homework
- Ask Ss to go to the board and write the past forms of the verbs below.
- Check and correct mistakes.
WC - Write on the board.
- Answer the questions.
2.Activity 2: Presentation ( 10')
a.Aims: Students know some new words 
b.Contents: New words
c.Outcome: Read and write the new words
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
peaceful (adj) (exp)
(to) take a bus (exp)
(to) move (trans)
(to) improve (trans)
(to) keep in touch (trans)
(to) rent (exp)
Thanh bình, yên tĩnh
Bắt xe buýt
 Chuyển đi
Cải tiến, tiến bộ
Giữ liên lạc
Checking vocab: Rub out and Remember
- Repeat chorally.
- Repeat individually.
- Copy.
- Rewrite the new words.
3.Activity 3: Practice ( 20')
a.Aims: listen for specific information about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang, understand Ba’s diary 
b.Contents: Listen and choose the correct sentences.
 read Ba’s diary and correct the sentences
c.Outcome: Ss’answers.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
* Pre-listening
- Sets the scene: You are going to listen about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang. Listen and choose the correct sentences.
- Runsthrough all the sentences
* While-listening
- Asks Ss to listen to the tape twice 
- Gets feedback and correct mistakes 
* Pre-reading
- Sets the scene: You are going to read Ba’s diary. Then make the sentences true.
- Runs through all the sentences
* While-reading
- Asks Ss to read Ba’s diary and correct the sentences
- Asks Ss to compare their answers with a partner
- Gets feedback and correct mistakes
- Pay attention
- Listen and choose the correct sentences
- Call out the answers
Answer key
 b) d) e) h) j)
- Pay attention
- Work individually
- Swap and correct
- Call out the true sentences
 Answer key
a.Liz lived next door to Ba.
b.Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam.
c.Ba collects stamps.
d.Liz’s aunt lives in New York.
e.The Robinsons moved to the other side of Ha Noi.
f.The Robinsons moved. Now Ba is sad.
g.Ba will see Liz next week
4.Activity 4: Application ( 10')
a.Aims: further practice
b.Contents: Recall 
c.Outcome: students tell about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Asks Ss to tell about the Robinsons’ trip to Nha Trang
- Calls on some Ss to practice before the class
- Gives feedback and correct mistakes
- Gives feedback and correct Ss’ pronunciation
- Guides sts to do Ex 5-6 in workbook and review the past simple tense and vocabulary about sewing to prepare for the next lesson.
- Retell the contents of Ba’s diary
- Practice before the class
- Listen and take note. At home do homework and review the past simple tense, vocabulary about sewing to prepare for the next lesson.
Week: 20
Period: 58
B. Neighbors. B1, B2
Date of preparing: 10 /1/2021
Date of teaching: ./1/2021
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about past activities using the Past simple tense in Negative and Interrogative forms and short answers.
2. Competences: Communication, co-operation, self-study, creativeness, solving problems, using language. Listening and reading comprehension; speaking.
3. Behavior : Ss take part in the lesson actively and effectively.
 Students live in a friendly way with the neighbors and friends.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: Laptop, speakers.
2. Students: Prepare B1, B2
III. Procedure
1.Activity 1: Warm up( 10')
a.Aims: Help students review old lesson and Guide students to the new lesson
b.Contents: write the past forms of the verbs
c.Outcome: Students write words in past form and answer the questions 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask Ss to go to the board and write the past forms of the verbs below.
- Check and correct mistakes.
* Chatting:
Where do you live?
Are your neighbors friendly?
Do you often help them?
Do they often help you?
What do you usually do for them?
What do they usually do for you?
WC - Write on the board.
- Answer the questions.
2.Activity 2: Presentation ( 8')
a.Aims: Students know some new words 
b.Contents: New words
c.Outcome: Read and write the new words
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
a hairdresser (trans)
a dressmaker (exp)
material (e.g)(n)
clever (adj) (exp)
(to) cut (mime)
: thợ cắt/ làm tóc nữ
: thợ may
: chất liệu, vải
: thông minh, khéo tay
: cắt
Checking vocab: Rub out and Remember
- Set the scene: This is Lan and Hoa. They are talking to each other. Listen and answer the question below:
 What are Lan and Hoa talking about?
- Repeat chorally.
- Repeat individually.
- Copy.
- Rewrite the new words.
3.Activity 3: Practice ( 15')
a.Aims: talk about past activities using the Past simple tense in Negative and Interrogative forms and short answer
b.Contents: listen to the tape and answer the question
c.Outcome: Students know the model sentenses and then practice with a partner
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Get Ss to listen to the tape and answer the question.
- Get feedback and give the key.
 They are talking about Hoa’s new hair and dress.
- Ask Ss to listen again.
- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue.
- Call on some pairs to practice before the class.
- Listen and correct Ss’ pronunciation.
 Comprehension questions B1-P.93
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner.
- Get feedback and give the key.
 Answer key
She is a hairdresser.
She is a dressmaker.
* Yes/ No questions of past simple tense with ordinary verbs:
Model sentenses:
Did your uncle do it? - No, he didn’t. 
Did your aunt cut your hair? - Yes, she did.
- Analyse the modles to build the form, use.
? What is the form of Yes/No-questions of simple past tense?
Form: Did + S + Vinf? - Yes, S + did.
 - No, S + didn’t.
.- Pay attention.
- Look at the pic and guess.
- Listen. 
- Call out the answer.
- Listen again and check the answer.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice aloud.
- Work individually.
- Swap and correct.
- Call out the answers.
- Repeat the model in chorus.
- T- WC
- Take note.
4.Activity 4: Application ( 11')
a.Aims: further practice
b.Contents: ask and answer the questions about the dialogue 
c.Outcome: students use the model sentences to work in pair 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Questions and Answers: B2-P.93
- Give instructions: Read the dialogue again and answer the questions with short answers given.
- Get feedback.
 Answer key
No, she didn’t.
No, she didn’t.
Yes, she did.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make 3 other Yes/No- questions and answer basing on the content of the dialogue.
- Get feedback.
- Listen and comment.
- Write all the answers in your notebook.
- Do Ex 1 in the workbook. Use the past form of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. 
+ Revise the forms of Past simple tense. Read the passage and answer the questions. 
+ Write the past forms of the verbs in B4.
- Pay attention to T.
- Work in pairs.
- Demonstrate.
- Pairwork, prepare in 3’.
- Demonstrate.
- Pay attention to T.
- Take note.
Week: 20
Period: 59
B. Neighbors. B3, B4
Date of preparing:12/1 / 2021
Date of teaching: ./1 /2021
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a passage about one’s hobby then answer the questions about the content of the passage. Ss practice retelling past activities.
2. Competences: Communication, co-operation, self-study, creativeness, solving problems, using language. Reading comprehension; Writing
3.Behavior : Ss take part in the lesson actively and effectively.
 Students should make some small work for themselves and get on well with the neighbors and friends. 
II.Teaching aids
1. Teacher: Subboards.
2. Students: + Revise the forms of Past simple tense. Read the passage and answer the questions. 
+ Write the past forms of the verbs in B4.
III. Procedure
1.Activity 1: Warm up (9') 
a.Aims: Help students review old lesson and Guide students to the new lesson
b.Contents: work in pairs, practice Yes/ No- questions about things you did before.
c.Outcome: students know about asking and answering the questions about things you did before
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask students some questions:
?What do you like doing?
?What did you do last weekend?
?Who did you do with? 
- Listen and give introduction to the new lesson.
- WC.
- Answer the questions.
- Pay attention to T.
2.Activity 2: Pre-reading (12’)
a.Aims: Students know some new words
b.Contents: Students know some new words in the lesson
c.Outcome: Read and write the new words 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
. Pre-teach
a hobby (exp)
a sewing machine (trans)
a cushion (exp)
useful (adj)(exp)
(to) sew (e.g)
(to) fit (exp)
(to) try on (exp)
(to) decide (trans)
: sở thích
: máy khâu
: cái đệm gối
: có ích, hữu dụng
: may, vá
: vừa, hợp
: thử
: quyết định
Checking vocab: Matching (subboard)
- Set the scene: Today you are going to read about Hoa. She did some things. Guess and put the sentences in the correct order.
 Ordering (subboard)
First, she made a cushion.
Next, she made a skirt.
Hoa bought some material.
Hoa’s neighbor helped her.
She tried it on.
It fitted well.
It was too big.
- Get feedback.
- Repeat chorally.
- Copy.
- Do the matching.
- Pay attention.
- Guess to order.
3.Activity 3: While- Post reading (15’)
a.Aims: read the passage and do exercises
b.Contents: read the text and answer the questions
c.Outcome: Students answer the questions
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask Ss to read the passage and guess 
- Get feedback and give the key.
 Answer key
 1-c; 2-a; 3-b; 4-e; 5-g; 6-d; 7-f
 *Comprehension questions:
- Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions.
- Get feedback.
- Listen and correct if necessary.
- Give out the guess.
- Work individually.
- Call out the answers.
- Work in pairs.
- Demonstrate.
 Answer key
a) She learned (how) to use a sewing machine.
b) She made a cushion for her armchair first.
c) It was blue and white.
d) Next, she made a skirt.
e) It was green with white flowers on it.
f) It looked very pretty.
g) She tried it on but it didn’t fit.
h) Hoa’s neighbor helped her.
i) Finally, it fitted very well.
4.Activity 4: Application (9’)
a.Aims: Students know how to retell a story
b.Contents: Students retell the content of the story
c.Outcome: Retell the story
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Asks students to retell the story 
.- Pay attention to T.
- Take note
Thanh khê, ngày 14/ 1/ 2021
Bùi Thị Nhiên.
Week: 20
Period: 60
Date of plan: 13/1/2021
Date of teaching: 21/1/2021
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in the past simple tense, prepositions of place, how much/ how far to talk about price and distance, comparatives with more/ fewer/ less.
2. Competencies: Communication, co-operation, self-study, creativeness, solving problems, using language. Reading, writing, doing exercies..
3.Behavior : Ss take part in the lesson actively and effectively.
 Students love English and love doing exercises. 
II. Teaching aids
1. Teacher: Textbook and workbook.
2. Students: Prepare Language focus 3
+ Revise the ways to ask and answer about the price; directions and distances.
+ Revise the forms and the use of simple past tense comparing with present simple and future simple tenses.
+ Revise the forms and the use of comparatives with more/ fewer/ less.
III. Procedure
1.Activity :Warm up (6’)
a.Aims: Help students review old lesson 
b.Contents: write the past forms of the verbs
c.Outcome: Students write words in past form and talk about the past or yesterday. 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask students to do exercise 3 in the textbook page 97. 
Write the past form of the verbs in the box. Then use these words to talk about the past or yesterday. 
- Check and correct.
- WC
- Write on board and speak out
2.Activity 2: . Presentation (12’)
a.Aims: Students know How to use some model sentences to do the exercises
b.Contents: How much...?;Prepositions of place; The Present Simple/ Past Simple/ Future simple; More/ fewer/ less
c.Outcome: Students know the model sentenses 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. How much...?
- Ask Ss to repeat the forms of the ways to ask and answer about the price.
a) - How much + be + S?
 It is/ They are + giá tiền.
b) - How much + do/ does + S + cost?
 It costs/ They cost + giá tiền.
2. Prepositions of place
- Ask Ss to call out the prepositions of place.
in, on, at, in front of, behind, next to, between, near, to the right/ left of, opposite, beside,...
? How to describe the location of a place?
- Explain some more about these prepositions.
3. The Past simple tense
- Ask Ss to repeat the use and the forms of past simple tense.
* Notes: V-ed, irregular verbs, pronunciation of -ed 
4. The Present Simple/ Past Simple/ Future simple
- What are the differences between the present simple and the past simple/ the future simple?
- Explain some more about the differences between the three tenses: forms/ use...
5. More/ fewer/ less
- Explain some more about more/ fewer/ less
 more + N (uncount)/ N(count)
 fewer + N(count)
 less + N(uncount)
- Repeat.
- Take note.
- Repeat.
- Take note.
- Repeat.
- Pay attention.
- Repeat the forms.
- Take note
- Pay attention.
- Take note.
3.Activity 3: Practice ( 15')
a.Aims: Help student do the exercises in the textbook
b.Contents: Use the new model sentences to do the exercises 
c.Outcome: Students do the exercises
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Exercise 1
Section a)
- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue.
- Call on some pairs to practice before the class.
Section b) 
- Give instructions: Now make similar dialogues using the words the prices in the table.
- Call on some pairs to practice before the class.
- Listen and comment.
.Exercise 2
Section a)
- Give instructions: Look at the map. Write the location of each place in the map.
- Give an example: in the book.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise
- Get feedback.
- Listen and comment.
Section b)
? How to ask and answer about the distances?
- Give instructions: Look at the table. Ask and answer questions with a partner about distances.
- Give an example: 
S1: How far is it from the shoe store to the minimart?
S2: It’s 500 meters.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise, make the similar dialouges.
- Call on some pairs to practice before the class.
- Listen and commment.
 Exercise 3
Section b)
- Give instructions: Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise.
- Get feedback.
- Check and correct.
Exercise 4
- Give instructions: Look at Nga’s diary and complete the dialogue.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise.
- Get feedback and correct mistakes.
 Answer key
- Every day I clean my room, help my mom and study English.
- I cleaned my room, helped my mom, studied English, watched TV, played volleyball, and stayed at Hoa’s house.
- I will study English, clean my house, ...
 Exercise 5
- Give instructions: Compare things in the fridge before with now using more/ fewer/ less.
- Analyse the examples in the book.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise.
- Get feedback and correct mistakes.
- Work in pairs.
- Role play.
- Pay attention.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice again.
- Pay attention to T and look at the map.
- Work individually, prepare in 4’.
- Call out the answers.
- Read the example aloud in pairs.
- Work in pairs.
- Work individually.
- Share the partner.
- Write on the board.
- Work in pairs.
- Demonstrate.
- Pay attention to T.
- Work individually to write the comparatives.
- Compare with a partner.
- Call out the answers.
4.Activity 4: Application (7’)
a.Aims: Redo all the exercises in your notebook
b.Contents: Do the exercisses in Test yourself 3 in the workbook
c.Outcome: complete the Test yourself 3 in the workbook
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Asks students to redo all the exercises in your notebook
- Asks students to do the exercisses in Test yourself 3 in the workbook
.- Pay attention to T.
- Take note
Duyệt giáo án : Ngày 18 tháng 1 năm 2021

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tuan_20_nam_hoc_2020_2021.doc