Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 13: Festivals - Lesson 2: Speak (P.123) - Năm học 2021-2022

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 13: Festivals - Lesson 2: Speak (P.123) - Năm học 2021-2022

1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)

 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation of the lesson.

 b) Content: Students listen and answer teacher's questions about festivals their like. Answer the questions in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.

 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to answer the question about sport their like in the communicative situations.


docx 3 trang Hoàng Giang 03/06/2022 4500
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Date of preparation: 17/11/2021 
Date of presentation: 18 /11 /2021 - Class 8A
 19 /11 /2021 - Class 8B 
Lesson 2: Speak (p.123)
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation of the lesson. 
 b) Content: Students listen and answer teacher's questions about festivals their like. Answer the questions in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to answer the question about sport their like in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
*Networks: (Name of festivals you like)
Name of festivals you like
Work in group.
Lunar New Year Hue Festival 
Name of festivals you like
Lim Festivals
Perfume Festivals
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials. Learn and use language materials simply. 
 b) Content: Listen and repeat the dialogue. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups: ask and answer the questions, then, present in the class.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Introduce new words:
+ Pomegranates.
+ Sweetie.
*What do you always do before Tet?
-What is the most important to prepare for Tet?
-Who are they? What are you doing?
+ Ordering.
+ Groupwork.
-Repeat chorally first, the individually.
Answer key:
-Copy, repeat, read out, practice dialogue , and learn them by heart at home.
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson.
 b) Content: Listen, read and answer the questions. Apply knowledge to arrange these sentences and practice the dialogue with a partner. Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
*Make a similar dialogue
*Work in pair, make a similar dialogue for one of the following festivals.
1. a village festival
2. a school festival
3. a spring festival
4. a harvest festival
5. a flower festival
-Make a similar dialogue.
-Practice the dialogue in front of the class.
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements: practice dialogue.
 b) Content: Free practice similar dialogue . Students apply knowledge to tell about their sports as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements in small groups; experience in the situations then present in the class.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Topic: There are many festivals in the world. Which festivals do you like best? Why? 
-Call some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class.
-Correct their pronunciation.
-Correct their mistake if neccessary.
-Practice the dialogue in front of the class.
- Work in pairs.
3. Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home: Read the dialogue many times and learn them by heart .
+ do exercises: talk about festivals their like.
+ get ready for the next lesson.
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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_13_festivals_lesson_2_speak_p_1.docx