Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My house - Period 16: Getting started – A look inside - Năm học 2021-2022

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My house - Period 16: Getting started – A look inside - Năm học 2021-2022


 1. Knowledge:

 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic My house; ask and answer about where someone lives.

 * Vocabulary: town house (n), country house (n), flat (n), .

 * Grammar: possessive case and prepositions of place

 * Skills: Listening, speaking and reading

 4. Competences: - Co-operation, self- study, using language to do exercises

 3. Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their house .


- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 2, Getting started

- smart TV and cards, visual aids




docx 3 trang Hoàng Giang 03/06/2022 5730
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P: 6.10.2021
T: 9.10.2021 – 6ABCDE
Period 16.	UNIT 2: MY HOUSE
 Getting started – A look inside
 1. Knowledge: 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic My house; ask and answer about where someone lives.
 * Vocabulary: town house (n), country house (n), flat (n), .
 * Grammar: possessive case and prepositions of place
 * Skills: Listening, speaking and reading
 4. Competences: - Co-operation, self- study, using language to do exercises
 3. Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their house .
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 2, Getting started
- smart TV and cards, visual aids
Teacher’s and Ss’activities
1.Activity 1. Warm-up (5’)
 * Aim: To introduce the topic and To lead in the topic of My house.
-Check Ss’s homework.
-Teacher divides class into 2 teams and asks students to choose a pair of number.
- If students choose the correct number and picture, They get 2 marks.
-The team who has more correct words is the winner.
Lead in: These are types of house
T asks Ss some questions.
Ss answer
- T Introduces the topic of the lesson.
* Game: Pelmanism
1. How is your house?
2. Is your house big or small?
3. How many rooms are there in your house?
2. Activity 2. Presentation (5’)
 * Aim: To prepare students with vocabulary related to the topic My house;
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (pictures, situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
* Checking vocab: 
* Vocabulary
- flat (n) : căn hộ
- country house (phr. n): nhà ở quê
- town house (phr. n) : nhà ở phố
- behind (prep) : Ở đằng sau
- cousin (n): anh, chị, em họ
- move (v): di chuyển
Ex.1: Listen and read. (5’)
* Aims: To set the context for the listening and reading text.
Teacher draws students’ attention to the pictures in the textbook and asks them some questions about the pictures.
* Now we are going to listen a conversation between Nick and Mi
Teacher plays the recording, asks students to underline the words related to the topic My house. (Teacher may check the meaning of some words if necessary.)
Teacher can play the recording more than once.
Students listen and read.
Teacher can invite some pairs of students to read aloud.
Then, teacher confirms the correct answer:
* Chatting 
What are Nick and Mi doing? 
What might they talk about?
Suggested answers:
They are talking to / discussing with each other through the Internet.
Ex.1: Listen and read.
+ They are talking about their houses.
+ Mi is describing their new flat which her family was moving to.
3.Activity 3. Practice (20’)
* Aims: To help Ss understand the text.
Ex.2: Tick the correct answers. 
Teacher asks students “Which family members does Mi talk about?” without reading the conversation again.
Then, teacher tells them to read it again individually and check their answers.
Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class and encourages them to give evidence.
Teacher calls some students to check.
Ex.2: Tick the correct answers. 
“Which family members does Mi talk about?”
Answer key:
Ex.3: Complete the sentences. 
Teacher asks students to work independently to fill each blank with the word from the conversation.
Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class. 
Teacher calls some students to check. Teacher confirms the right answers and writes on the board.
Ex.3: Complete the sentences. 
* Answer key:
1. sister
2. TV
3. town
4. country
5. three
* Aims: To develop students’ knowledge of the vocabulary about types of house.
 Teacher divides the class into two teams, then writes the topic “Types of house” on the board and gives them two minutes to discuss.
After that time, a student from each team one by one runs to the board and writes one word.
The team which has more correct answers is the winner.
Ex.4: Complete the word web: Types of house. 
 * Game: Networking 
* Suggested answers:
* Aims: To help students practise asking and answering about where they live.
Teacher asks students to work in groups of 4 or 6 to take turns to ask and answer about where they live.
Teacher can model with one student.
Teacher moves around to observe and offer help when needed.
By the end of the activity, one student from each group can stand up and report to the class.
- Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Ss work indepently
Ex.5: Survey
Suggested answers:
In my group, Linh lives in a flat, Lan and Huong live in a country house, etc .
- Vocab about house and know types of house.
- Read and understand content of the conversation
5. Homework (2’)
* Aim: To review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson.
- T reminds Ss to do homework and prepare the new lesson.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Read the dialogue again.
- Prepare lesson 2 Skills 1

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_2_my_house_period_16_getting_st.docx