Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Bùi Thị Phương

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Bùi Thị Phương

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in using “Ed and Ing” participles and Do/Would you mind.?

2.Competences: Self- study, using languge, co- operation students will be able to do all the exercises using these grammar items

3. Behavior: Ss may love practising in using “Ed and Ing” participles and Do/Would you mind.?

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: picture unit 11

- Students: books

C. Procedure:

1. Activity 1. Warm up (2’)

a. Aim: check ss’ homework “write an unforgetable memory”

b. Content: narrative paragraph

c. Outcome: narrative paragraph


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Week 24
Period 70
Date of preparing: 07/02/2021
Date of teaching: 
UNIT 11: Traveling around Vietnam
Lesson 6: Language Focus
Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B
Time: 1 period
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in using “Ed and Ing” participles and Do/Would you mind...?
2.Competences: Self- study, using languge, co- operation students will be able to do all the exercises using these grammar items 
3. Behavior: Ss may love practising in using “Ed and Ing” participles and Do/Would you mind...?
II. Preparations: 
- Teacher: picture unit 11
- Students: books
C. Procedure:
1. Activity 1. Warm up (2’)
a. Aim: check ss’ homework “write an unforgetable memory”
b. Content: narrative paragraph
c. Outcome: narrative paragraph 
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm up: 
 - T invites one student stand up and read her narrative story.
- T checks spelling and mistakes.
- read
- listen to the teacher’s feedback
2. Activity 2. Presentation (20')
a. Aim: help ss know how to use “ed” and “ing” participles
b. Content: questions, examples
c. Outcome: Students know how to use “ed” and “ing” participles and apply to do the exercises
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1. Present Participles: (V-ing)
 Language Focus1
- sets the scene: It’s time for recess and the people at Quang Trung School are in the school yard. What are they doing?
- elicits the target language:
T: Who is the man walking up the stairs?
The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang.
 (N) (present participle phrase)
 Concept check
Form: N + V-ing... (present participle)
Use: a present participle can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning
- explains some more about the present participle
2. Past participles: 
 Language Focus2
- elicits the target language by asking the question below and has Ss repeat
 Model sentences
T: How much is the old lamp made in China?
The old lamp made in China is five dollars.
N past participle phrase
 Concept check
Form: N + V-ed/C2 (past participle)
Use: a past participle can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning
- explains some more about the past participle
3. Making requests: Do/Would you mind...?(13’)
 a. Language Focus 3
- gives instructions: Work with a partner. Use the wordcues to make and respond to requests. A check means agree to the request, a cross means disagree.
- gives an example:
a. move/ car
Would you mind moving your car?
No, of course not.
 b. Language Focus 4
- gives instructions: Work with a partner. Look at the pictures. Ask questions and give suitable responses, using Do/ Would you mind if I....?
- gives a model:
a. Would you mind if i sat down?
 No, I don’t mind.
- pay attention
- repeat chorally
- write
- pay attention
- repeat chorally
- write
- pay attention
- pay attention
3.Activity 3: Practice (10’)
a. Aims: ss can do the exercises of “ed” and “ing” participles
b. Content: pictures and participle exercises
c. Outcome: ss’s writing sentences using “ed” and “ing” participles 
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1. Present Participles: 
- asks Ss to do the exercise
- gets feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
+ The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien.
+ The boy standing next to Miss Lien is Nam.
+ The boy sitting under the tree is Ba.
+ The girl standing by the table is Lan.
+ The girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa.
2. Past participles: 
- asks Ss to look at the picture, listen to the questions and answer
1. How much is the box painted green?
S: The box painted green is one dollar.
2. How much is the truck made from drink cans?
3. How much is the doll dressed in pink?
4. How much are the flowers wrapped in yellow paper?
5. How much are the toys kept in the box?
- gives feedback and corrects
- asks Ss to write the sentences in their exercise book
3. Making requests: 
a. Language Focus 3
- asks Ss to do the same
- gets feedback and corrects
a. Language Focus 4
- runs through all the pictures
- asks Ss to do the exercise
- gets feedback and corrects
- pay attention
- work individually
- call out the answers
- WC 
- call out the answers
- work in pairs
- call out the answers
- work in pairs
- call out the answers
4. Activity 4: Application (5’)
a. Aims: students can apply the use of participles to supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets 
b. Content: exercises
c. Outcome: ss’s exercise products
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
Exercise 1: Supply the correct participles of the verbs in brackets:
The plays (write) _____ by Shakespeare still are still loved by millions of people.
The buses (run) ____ along this route are all new.
The bags (hang) ____ on the wall are our team’s.
She wore a skirt (make) ______ from cotton.
The singer (perform) _____ on TV last night is my favorite one.
Dairy products (sell) _______ in this shop are safe for our health.
The man (talk) ______ to my father is my form teacher.
The boys (play) ______ soccer in the street are our friends.
The cars (make) ______ in Japan are very economical.
The old lady (stand) ______ in front of our house is our grandmother.
The students are copying the words (write) _______ on the blackboard.
The trees (stand) ______ near my school gate have big branches.
The story (tell) ______ by the teacher is interesting.
The students discussed the problem (cause) _______ by pollution.
A person (watch) ______ television is called a television viewer.
- Pay attention
- Practice in pairs
- Come to the board to play roles
Week 24 - Period 71
Date of preparing: 07/ 02/ 2021
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read 
Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B
Time: 1 period
A. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be aware of how to make, accept and decline invitations.
2. Behavior: Ss love making plans for a vacation abroad.
3. Competency: communication, coperation, solving problem.
B. Teaching aids:	Tape, cassette, poster
C. Procedure: 
1. Activity 1. Warm up (5’) 
a. Aim: Check ss’ basic knowledge about some countries in the world and make students’ study motivation
b. Content: pictures, questions
c. Outcome: Students answer which country is and make short conversations
d. Organization:
I. Warm up Getting Started 
 Guessing game 
- shows the pictures to Ss one by one and asks Ss to guess what country it is
 Answer key 
a. The USA d. Britain
b. Australia e. Canada
c. Thailand f. Japan
- asks if Ss know what the first two pictures are:
a. The Statue of Liberty
b. The Sydney Opera House
- asks Ss to work in pairs as the example:
S1: Which country do you want to visit?
S2: I’d like to visit Australia.
S1: Why?
S2: Because Australian people are friendly.
- calls on some pairs to demonstrate their dialogue
- gives feedback and corrects
- WC
- answer
- work in pairs
- practice again
2. Activity 2. Presentation (10’)
a. Aim: ss can memorize some new words and make ss curious and interested in studying the conversation
b. Content: vocabulary, True-False predictions
c. Outcome: ss memorise the new words and have the ideas about true false predictions
d. Organization:
- elicits the new words from students
(to) include (trans) : bao gồm
(to) come over = visit : đến thăm
(to) pick sb up (explanation) : đón...
abroad (adv)(in a foreign country) : ở nước ngoài
(to) be/ go/ travel/ live abroad : ở, đi, sống ở...
Checking vocab: Rub out and Remember
 True/ False Prediction (poster)
- sets the scene: Mrs Quyen is going to the USA for a vacation. She is phoning her friend, Mrs Smith, to tell her about the trip. First you have a guess about their conversation.
- puts the poster on the board and asks Ss to read the statements
a. Mrs Quyen is calling from the airport in San Francisco.
b. Mrs Smith invites Mrs Quyen and her husband to stay with her while they are in town.
c. Mrs Quyen declines Mrs Smith’s invitation because she wants to stay with another friend.
d. Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for 3 days.
e. Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over for dinner with the Smiths one night.
- asks students to guess
- gets feedback and writes some guesses
- repeat in chorus
- repeat individually
- copy
- rewrite the new words
- pay attention
3.Activity 3: Practice (20’)
a. Aims: Help Ss to understand the conversation and do the comprehension exercises
b. Contents: dialogue and comprehension exercises
c.Outcome: ss’ correct answers
- gets Ss to listen to the tape twice and check their predictions
- gets feedback and corrects 
 Answer key 
 a. F; b. T; c. F; d. T; e. F
- asks students to practice the dialogue 
- calls on some pairs to practice before the class
- gives feedback and corrects Ss’ pronunciation
 Grid: Ex1- P113
- draws the grid on the board and asks Ss copy it
- runs through the table
- asks Ss to read the dialogue again and complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule
- calls on some Ss to complete the grid on the board
- gives feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
Mon 25: coming to San Francisco
Tue 26: going out
Wed 27: having dinner with the Smiths
Thu 28: leaving San Francisco
 Comprehension questions: Ex2-P113
- asks Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions
- gets feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
a. No, they won’t. because they are coming on a tour, and their accommodation is included in the ticket price, so they will stay at a hotel.
b. No, he won’t. because he will have a business meeting in the evening that day.
c. Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel.
- listen and check the predictions
- call out the answers
- work in pairs
- practice again
- copy the table
- work in pairs
- write on the board
- work in pairs
- call out the answers
4.Activity 4: Application (10’)
a. Aims: ss can understand the dialogue more and distinguish some types of invitations and complaints
b. Contents: the dialogue and 
c.Outcome: ss can name famous places and their features
- asks Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the sentences indicating the following situations:
1. Making an invitation
2. Accepting an invitation
3. Declining an invitation
4. Making a complaint
- gets feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
1. “Would you like to come...?”
 You must come over for dinner...
2. Yes, I’d llove to but...
3. That’s very kind of you but we’re...
4. Oh, dear. He’s always working.
- asks Ss to copy the sentences
- explains some more about these grammar items
* Homework
- learn the new words by heart
- practice the dialogue again
- write the answers in your Ex-book
- work in pairs
- call out the answers 
- Copy the homework in their notebooks
Week 24
Period 72
Date of preparing: 07/02/ 2021
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 2: Speak 
Subject: English 8 Class 8A, 8B
Time: One period
A. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad. Practice in making plans using tourist brochures and flight information.
2. Behavior: Ss are interesred in speaking English.
3. Competencies: Communication, coperation, solving problem.
B. Teaching aids: Photocopied tables(P113-114), realia, poster.
C. Procedure: 
1. Activity 1. Warm up: (5’)
a. Aim: elecit the new lesson 	
b. Content: questions 
c. Outcome: Students can answer the teacher’s short questions 
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
I. Warm up: Chatting
- asks Ss some questions:
+ Have you ever been abroad?
+ If you have a vacation abroad, where will you go? Why?
+ What do you know about Los Angeles?
- introduces the lesson: Today you are going to learn to make plans for a trip abroad.
- answer (WC)
- pay attention
2. Activity 2. Presentation: (15')
a. Aim: ss memorize some new words
b. Content: new words, mapped dialogue
 c. Outcome: complete the itinerary
 d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
II. Presentation
an itinerary (realia) : lộ trình
a gallery (explanation) : phòng trưng bày
a flight (explanation) : chuyến bay
a brochure (realia) : sách quảng cáo về du lịch
Checking vocab: Rub out and Remember
- gives instructions: Imagine you and your friends are making a plan for a trip from Los Angeles to Boston. First, you complete your itinerary using the brochures and flight information.
- runs through the tables and asks Ss questions for information about flights, accommodation and tourist places
+ How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston?
+ Which flights can you take everyday of the week?
+ Which flight is cheaper?
+ How much is a double room in Revere Hotel? How about the Atlantic Hotel?
+ Where can you visit?
- asks Ss to complete their itinerary
 Mapped Dialogue: (poster)
- sets the scene: These people are making a plan for a trip from Los Angeles to Boston. Let’s do it with them.
- puts the mapped dialogue chart on the board 
- elicits the exchanges
- calls on some pairs to practice the exchanges
- gives feedback and corrects Ss’ pronunciation
Where shall we stay?
Where should we visit?
What time should we leave Los Angeles?
All right.
The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym
I think we should visit Paul Revere’s House...
There’s a daily flight at 10 am. Would that be OK?
- repeat in chorus
- repeat individually
- copy
- rewrite the new words
- pay attention
- answer (WC)
- pay attention
- repeat in chorus
- repeat individually
- work in pairs
- practice again
3.Activity 3: Practice (20’)
a. Aims: helps ss to practice speaking their conversation
b. Contents: making a plan for their trip
c.Outcome: conversation about a plan for their trip
Teacher’s activities
- asks Ss to work in pairs, making a plan for their trip, using the information from their itinerary and basing on the model exchanges.
- calls on Ss to practice before the class
- gives feedback and corrects
- work in pairs
- practice again
4.Activity 4: Application (5’)
a. Aims: futhermore practise speaking
b. Contents: conversation 
c.Outcome: ss’ conversations
Teacher’s activities
 Exercise 5 (workbook- page 104)
- gives instructions: Study the following situations. Then use the cues to make proper invitations, acceptances and declines.
- asks Ss to work in pairs
- calls on Ss to practice before the class
- gives feedback and corrects
- write all the exercises in your exercise book
- prepare the new lesson: Unit 12- Listen
- pay attention
- work in pairs
- practice again
- listen and takenote.
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 Ngày tháng năm 2021
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