Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 28 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Bùi Thị Phương

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 28 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Bùi Thị Phương

A. Objectives:

- Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for details about preparations for Tet and fill in the gaps.

- Skills: Train listening skill.

- Behavior: Ss are interesred in listening for details about preparations for Tet .

- Competencies: Communicative competence, solving problems competence, cooperation and self-study competences. They can listen for details about preparations for Tet and fill in the gaps.

* Disable sts: Ask Ss to listen, then fill in the blank.

B. Teaching aids:

 tape, cassette.

C. Procedure:

1. Activity 1. Warm up (2’)

a. Aim: elicit the new lesson topic “preparations for Tet festival”

b. Content: ask and answer

c. Outcome: ss’ answers


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Week 28
Period 85
Date of preparing: 07/02/2021
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 3: Listen
Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B
Time: 1 period
A. Objectives:
- Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for details about preparations for Tet and fill in the gaps. 
- Skills: Train listening skill.
- Behavior: Ss are interesred in listening for details about preparations for Tet .
- Competencies: Communicative competence, solving problems competence, cooperation and self-study competences. They can listen for details about preparations for Tet and fill in the gaps.
* Disable sts: Ask Ss to listen, then fill in the blank.
B. Teaching aids:	 
 tape, cassette.
C. Procedure: 
1. Activity 1. Warm up (2’)
a. Aim: elicit the new lesson topic “preparations for Tet festival”
b. Content: ask and answer
c. Outcome: ss’ answers 
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warm up: Chatting ( 5’)
- asks Ss some questions:
What do people often do to prepare for Tet?
What do you buy for Tet?
Do you cook any special meals?
Are there any special cakes?
- introduces the lesson: Today you are going listen about preparations for Tet.
- answer (WC)
- pay attention
2. Activity 2. Presentation (20')
a. Aim: help ss to memorize some new words and imagine what they are going to learn in the next part
b. Content: vocabulary, predictions
c. Outcome:Students can read and write some new words 
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
II. Pre-listening (10’)
- peach blossoms: (exp): hoa đào
- a marigold (exp): hoa cúc
- dried watermelon seeds (realia): hạt dưa
- spring rolls (trans): bánh đa nem
- candies (realia): kẹo
Checking vocab: Slap the board
 Open Prediction
- sets the scene: The Robinson family are making preparations for Tet. They want to buy things for Tet. So what do you think they want to buy? Think of things people want to have at Tet.
- writes some guesses on the board
- repeat in chorus
- repeat individually
- write
- work in 2 teams of 5
- pay attention
- guess
- call out the guesses
3.Activity 3: Practice (10’)
a. Aims: help ss to improve listening skill (fill in missing words)
b. Content: fill in missing words
c. Outcome: ss can fill in missing words
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
III. While-listening (20’)
- gets Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions
- checks Ss’ guesses
 Gap-fill: Ex1-P 124
- gives instructions: Now you listen to the conversation among Mr and Mrs Robinson and Liz, then fill in the gaps
- runs through the sentences
- gets students to listen to the tape twice 
- asks Ss to listen again to correct their answers
- gets feedback and corrects
 Answer key
a. Mr Robinson/ flower market
b. traditional
c. dried watermelon seeds
d. make
- asks Ss to compare the answers with their predictions
IV. Post-listening (8’)
 Grid: Ex2-P124
- asks Ss to copy the grid and fill the gaps with the information taken from the conversation
- calls on Ss to give out the answers
- gives feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
Mr Robinson: goes to the flower market to buy peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds
Liz: goes to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds
Mrs Robinson: goes to Mrs Nga’s to learn how to make spring rolls
- asks some students the question: 
 What do you often prepare for Tet?
- gives feedback and corrects
- listen twice
- pay attention
- listen and fill in the gaps
- listen again
- call out the answers
- check the predictions
- work in pairs
- read out the answers
- answer
4. Activity 4: Application (5’)
a. Aims: assign the homework
b. Content: exercises
c. Outcome: ss copy the homework
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
V. Homework(2’)
- write all the exercises in your exercise book
- do Ex1 in the workbook
- prepare new lesson.
- listen and take note.
Week 28 - Period 86
Date of preparing: 07/ 02/ 2021
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 4: Read 
Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B
Time: 1 period
A. Objectives:
- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some knowledge about Christmasand sts do a 15 minute - test.
- Skills: Train reading for details about Christmas.
- Behavior: Ss are interesred in Christmas.
- Competencies: Communicative competence, solving problems competence, cooperation and self-study competences. They can obtain some knowledge about some scenic spots in the USA .
* Disable sts: Ask Ss to complete the table.
B. Teaching aids:	 
C. Procedure: 
1.Activity 1: Warm-up (5’)
a. Aims: help ss review some vocabulary about Christmas
b. Content: complete the chart the topic “Christmas” on the board
c. Outcome: ss complete the chart
d. Organization
I. Warm up: Brainstorming (3’)
- asks Ss to think of what related to Christmas and write on the board
Christmas Christmas tree postcard
saint Santa Claus
Christmas Day church presents
- gives feedback and corrects
- introduces the lesson: Today you are going to read about Christmas
- write on the board
- pay attention
2. Activity 2. Presentation (10’)
a. Aim: ss can memorize some new words and check the ss’ knowledge about Christmas
b. Content: vocabulary, True-False predictions
c. Outcome: ss memorise the new words and have the ideas about true false predictions
d. Organization:
II. Pre-reading (10’)
- to spread (exp): lan tràn
- a carol (exp): thánh ca
- jolly = happy and cheerful: vui nhộn
- to decorate (exp): trang trí
- a custom (e.g): phong tục
- to design (trans): thiết kế
- a poem (e.g): bài thơ
Checking vocab: Matching (poster)
 True/ False Prediction (poster)
- sets the scene: Christmas is an important festival in many countries around the world. Today we’re going to get to know more about Christmas. First, you read the statements and guess.
1. The Christmas tree first appeared in Latvia.
2. The Christmas card came from France.
3. Carols are popular at Christmas.
4. Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in Clarke Moore’s poem.
- gets feedback and writes some guesses on the board
- repeat in chorus
- repeat individually
- write
- do the matching
- pay attention
- guess
3.Activity 3: Practice (20’)
a. Aims: Help Ss to improve reading comprehension with the topic “Christmas”
b. Contents: reading text
c.Outcome: read and complete the table
III. While-reading (12’)
- asks students to read the text and check their predictions
- gets feedback and corrects
 Grid: Ex1-P126
- draws the grid on the board and has Ss copy it
- runs through the grid
- asks Ss to read the text again and complete the table 
- asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners
- calls on Ss to complete the grid on the board
- gives feedback and corrects
 Comprehension questions: Ex2-P 126
- asks Ss to read the questions, then read the text again and answer the questions
- gets feedback and corrects
 Answer key 
a. More than a century ago.
b. He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends.
c. 800 years ago.
d. An American professor Clement Clarke Moore did
e. Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in Professor Moore’s poem.
IV. Post-reading (4’)
- asks Ss to recall the story based on the table and the answers in Ex 2
- calls on some students to recall the story
- gives feedback and corrects
- call out the guesses
- read silently and check the predictions 
- call out the answers
- copy the grid
- work individually
- work in pairs
- write on the board
- work in pairs
- call out the answers
- work individually
- recall the story
4.Activity 4: Application (10’)
a. Aims: make ss copy the homework and check the ss’ knowledge with a 15-minute test
b. Contents: homework and a 15-minute test
c.Outcome: ss copy homework and do the test
V. Homework (1’)
- learn the new words by heart.
- use the information in the grid to write a brief paragragh about Christmas
- prepare new lesson.
VI. 15 minute – test
- listen and take note.
15 minute – test
Question1: Circle the best option to complete each sentence. (4 pts)
 1. Choose the word with underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
	A. roofs	B. roots	C. tables	D. books 
 2. Choose the word with underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
	A. painted	 B. lasted	C. wanted	D. asked 
 3. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
	A. prision	 B. abroad	C. building	D. statue
 4. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
 A.prisioner B.liberty D.souvenir
 5. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. B.humid C.empire D.lava
 6. He was tired . walk any further.
 A.enough / to C.too/so D.None is correct
 7.This novel into English by a famous professor.
 A.traslated tnaslate C.was translete D.was tranlated
 8 .. you mind if I asked you some questions?
 A.Will B.Could C.Can D.Would
Question 2: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct forms. (2ps)
 1.When I ..( arrive) home, my mother ( watch) TV yesterday.
 2.What you (do) at 8 o’clock last night?
 3.Long ( run) over the dog as it .( run) across the road.
 4.While he ..(have) a bath, the phone . ..(ring)
Question 3: Make complete sentences(4ps)
 1.Mr Tuan / always / complain / weight / my suitcase .
 -> .. 
 2.Hoa / fall asleep / while / read / newspaper.
 3.Ba / do homework / while / youger sister / play games / computer.
 -> 4.When / I / come / his house / he / play / guitar.
 Answer key 
Question 1: (4pts, 0.5p for each correct answer)
 1.C / 2.D / 3.B / 4.D / 5.A / 6.C / 7D / 8.D
Question 2: (2pts)
 1.arrived (0,25p), was watching (0,25p)
 2. were doing (0,5p)
 3.ran (0,25p) , was running (0,25p)
 4.was having (0,25p), rang (0,25p)
 Question 3: (4pts, 1pt for each correct answer)
 1.Mr Tuan is always complaining about the weight of my suitcase .
 2.Hoa fell asleep while he was reading a newspaper.
 3.Ba was doing his homework while his youger sister was playing games on the computer.
 4.When I came to his house he was playing the guitar.
Week 28
Period 87
Date of preparing: 07/02/ 2021
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 5: Write 
Subject: English 8 Class 8A, 8B
Time: One period
A. Objectives:
- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their preparations for a festival.
- Skills: Train speaking skill.
- Behavior: Ss are interesred in speaking English about their preparations for a festival.
- Competencies: Communicative competence, solving problems competence, cooperation and self-study competences. They can talk about their preparations for a festival.
B. Teaching aids:	 
C. Procedure: 
1. Activity 1. Warm up: (5’)
a. Aim: review the rice-cooking festival to elicit the new lesson
b. Content: game “lucky stars” 
c. Outcome: Students can answer the teacher’s short questions 
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
I. Warm up: Lucky numbers (5’)
- writes the numbers on the board (There are three lucky numbers)
- asks Ss to choose their numbers and answer the questions briefly
1. What do you call the festival where people have to cook rice?
2. How many competitions are there in the rice-cooking festival?
3. Lucky number
4. What do people use to fetch water?
5. Lucky number
6. What do they use to make a fire?
7. What do people have to do before they cook the rice?
8. Lucky number
9. How many people are there in a team in the rice-cooking festival?
- introduces the lesson: Today you are going to learn how to write a report.
- work in 2 teams
(the rice-cooking festival)
(there are three)
(pieces of bamboo)
(separate the rice from the husk)
(9 people)
- pay attention
2. Activity 2. Presentation: (15')
a. Aim: help ss review the knowledge of the rice-cooking festival 
b. Content: complete the missing words
 c. Outcome: complete the summary about the rice-cooking festival 
 d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities
II. Pre-writing (10’)
 Gap-fill: Ex1-Page 127
- asks Ss to use the information in the dialogue on Page 121 and the picture to fill in the gaps 
- asks Ss to give out their answers
- gives feedback and corrects
 Answer key
rice-cooking 6. traditional
one/ a 7. bamboo
water-fetching 8. six
run 9. separate
water 10. added
 Questions and Answers
- sets the scene: You’re going to write a similar report on a festival you joined recently. First, answer the questions given (school festival).
- calls on some students to answer the questions
- gives feedback and writes the answers on the board
- explains some more on how to write a report
- work in pairs
- call out the answers
- pay attention
- answer the questions
3.Activity 3: Practice (20’)
a. Aims: helps ss to write a report basing questions as cues
b. Contents: complete a report basing the cues given
c.Outcome: ss’ reports
Teacher’s activities
III. While-writing (20’)
 Exercise 2: P 127
- asks Ss to connect the sentences to make it a report
- monitors and helps weaker students
IV. Post-writing (8’)
- asks students to swap their writing and correct mistakes for each other
- calls on some students to read out their reports
- gives feedback and corrects mistakes 
- work in groups of 4
- swap and correct mistakes for each other
- read aloud
- pay attention
4.Activity 4: Application (5’)
a. Aims: assign homework
b. Contents: homework 
c.Outcome: ss’s homework exercises
Teacher’s activities
VI.Homework (2’)
- write the report in your exercise book.
- prepare new lesson.
- sts do the test
- listen and take note.
Ký duyệt của tổ chuyên môn
 Ngày tháng năm 2021
 Ký duyệt của BGH

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