Giáo án Tiếng Anh Khối 8 - Unit 8: English speaking countries

I./. Objectives
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- listen and read the dialogue about Phong's summer camp in Singapore for details and then do some related exercises.
- use lexical items related to English speaking countries
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present .
-------------------------------o0o------------------------------ week:22 Preparing date: Period:62 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 1: Getting started I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - listen and read the dialogue about Phong's summer camp in Singapore for details and then do some related exercises. - use lexical items related to English speaking countries 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP AIMS: -To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson -To lead into the new lesson CONTENTS: Vocabulary about English speaking countries PRODUCTS: Sts’ attention on the topic ORGANIZATION: - Write the title ‘English speaking countries’ on the board. ? Call out names of English speaking countries and their main cities. ? Share any interesting facts you know about these places. - Now start the lesson. ‘English speaking countries’ E.g: Singapore - Singapore City ACTIVITY 2: Getting- started (10') AIMS: Help students listen, read and do some exercises about the conversation CONTENTS : - Listen to the conversation - learn new words about countries and languages PRODUCTS: - sts’ knowledge of languages - words and structures ORGANIZATION: 2.1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: What and where 2.2. Listen and read * Set the scenes: ? Look at the title of the conversation and the picture. - Ask them some questions: • Where are the children? • What do you think they are doing? - Ss answer the questions as a class. Play the recording and have Ss follow along. - absolutely (adv): tuyệt đối, chắc chắn - official (adj): chính thống, chính thức - accent (n): giọng điệu - native speaker (n): người bản xứ Repeat in chorus and individually Copy all the words - Answer the questions individually. * Suggested answers - They are at the summer camp. - Students' answer ACTIVITY 3: Doing(20'') AIMS: help Sts widen their knowledge of languages, and vocab CONTENTS : Exercises p17 PRODUCTS: Keys to Exercises p17 ORGANIZATION: 3.1. Find a word / an expression (1a P17) ? Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use when you: 1. think something is wonderful 2. ..... ? Share answers with your partner. - Teacher gets feedback ? Add any other expressions which have the same meaning. 3.2. Answer the questions (1b. P17) ? Run through the questions. ? Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions. - Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers. 3.3. Complete the sentences (2 P17) ? Underline these words/ phrases in the conversation. - Make sure they understand their meanings. ? Work independently to complete the sentences. ? Share your answers in pairs. - Confirm the correct answers. Note: Your first language is often known as your mother tongue, and your second language may refer to a language used as an official language in your country, like English in Malaysia, Singapore, India, or it could simply mean the foreign language you learnt at school as part of the curriculum. 3.4. Write the name of the countries (3 P17) Have Ss work in pairs/ groups to match the flags with the countries. T checks. Game: where are they? ? Form groups of five or six. - The first group to find all the countries wins. - If possible, prepare a black and white world map on A3 paper or quickly draw a world map on the board. - Ask one student from the winning group to go to the board and mark the six countries so that other groups can see and check. Key: 1. awesome 2. absolutely 3. It's hard to say 4. perhaps Key: 1. He’s at an international summer camp (in Singapore). 2. They come from different countries/from all over the world. 3. He has made new friends, visited places, (and taken part in different Ss and T’s activities.) 4. Because he uses English ever day with people from fidderent Ss and T’s activities.) 5. Two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA. 6. After July 15th. Key: 1. summer camp 2. native English speaking countries 3. native speakers 4. the USA 5. accents 6. official language Key: 1. the USA 2. The United Kingdom 3. Singapore 4. Australia 5. Canada 6. New Zeland Note: The UK, or the United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland Great Britain/ Britain = England + Scotland + Wales The USA = the United States of America. It is also known as the US, or the United States, or even just the States. In Canada, there are two official languages: English and French. Work in groups ACTIVITY 4: Production (5') AIMS: Review the lesson CONTENTS : New words and structures Some English speaking countries and special features PRODUCTS: Languages and knowledges of learning languages ORGANIZATION: ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. Homework: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex B3, 4 P13 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Closer Look 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries. - Answer individually - Take note -------------------------------o0o------------------------------ Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm . .. .. Week:22 Preparing date: Period:63 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - learn more words about English speaking countries. - remember the rules of stress in words ending in -ese and -ee II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: - lexical items related to English speaking countries. III. RESOURCES: - Materials: Ss’ books, workbook, tape and radio - Method: T- WC, group work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) AIMS: help sts change the state from relaxation to concentration CONTENTS : Languages of some familiar countries in the area PRODUCTS: Different forms of some words as well as some words/ phrases to talk about languages and learning languages ORGANIZATION: ? Work individually to write the names for the people. ? Share with a partner. - Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen and repeat. Malaysia – Malaysian Singapore – English China – Chinese (Hongkong – English) Japan – Japanese Vietnam - Vietnamese ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary (10') AIMS: teach new words CONTENTS : Vocabulary of A closer Look 1 Correct stress patterns PRODUCTS: Key to Task 2,3,4 TB P18 orn: ORGANIZATION 2. 1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board 2.2. Word formation (2 P18) ? Work in pairs to change the words into a noun (N), an adjective (A) or a verb (V). - Check the answers as a class. - If time allows, have two Ss write their answers on the board and then confirm the correct answers. ? Read all the words aloud. 2.3. Complete the sentences (3P18) ? Read each sentence and decide what the part of speech is for each word to be filled in the blank. - For example, the word for the blank in sentence 1 is a noun. They then complete the sentences. - Confirm the correct answers as a class. 2.4. Matching (4P18) ? Look at the pictures. ? What can you see in each of them? ? Work individually to match the words/ phrases to the pictures. - Check the answers as a class by asking Ss in which countries, from the list in 1, they might see these things. ? Give an example of these things. Key: 1. the Americans 2. the English 3. the Scottish/ the Scots 4. the Welsh 5. the Irish 6. the Canadians 7. the Australians 8. the New Zealanders - Point out the change of stress from ‘Canada to Ca’nadian - iconic (adj): (thuộc) tượng, hình tượng - spectacle (n): quang cảnh, cảnh tượng - koala (n): gấu túi - loch (n): (Ê cốt) hồ - adoptee (n): con nuôi, dưỡng tử - refugee (n): người tị nạn - addressee (n): người nhận thư - unique (adj): độc đáo, riêng biệt - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words 1. N = history 2. V = symbolise/ symbolize 3. A = legendary 4. N = icon 5. A = spectacular 6. N = festival 7. A = scenic 8. V = attract Key: 1. icon 2. symbolsies 3. scenic 4. unique 5. attracts Key: 1. castle 2. Icoch 3. parade 4. monument 5. state 6. cattle station ACTIVITY 3: Pronunciation(20'') AIMS: Help sts know the meaning and how to read different word forms CONTENTS : Rules of stress in words in –ese and –ee PRODUCTS: Key to Task 5 P19 ORGANIZATION: Stress in words ending in –ese and –ee 3.1. Listen and repeat (5 P18) ? Mark the stress in the words firstly and say the words aloud before they listen to the recording. ? Ss listen and repeat. - Then have Ss say the words individually. * Remember: For words ending in -ese and or -ee the stress is often placed on the final syllable. 3.2. Mark the stress in the underlined words - Put the underlined words on the board. ? Mark the stress in the words first. - Ask for a show of hands from the class of they think the stress is correct or not. ? Listen, check and say the sentences. -ese -ee Cato’nese employ’ee Taiwa’nese adop’tee Japa’nese addre’ssee Portu’guese interview’ee Key: 1. Chi’nese 2. refu’gee 3. trai’nee 4. Japa’nese 5. guaran’tee - Answer individually ACTIVITY 4: Production(5') AIMS: Help sts find more word ending with in –ese and –ee CONTENTS : A list of words ending with in –ese and –ee by sts PRODUCTS: Sts can read and inderstand the words given ORGANIZATION: ? Make a list of words ending in –ese and –ee Further practice (2') ? Recall the rule of stress in words ending in -ese and -ee Homework: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex A1,2 P 11; B1, 2 P13 ? Prepare: Closer Look 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries. - Answer individually - Take note -------------------------------o0o------------------------------ Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm . .. .. Week:23 Preparing date: Period:64 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - Review present tenses: present simple, present continuous and present perfect - Learn about the present simple for the future. 2. Skills: Use of English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP AIMS: Review Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect CONTENTS : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect: Usages and formula PRODUCTS: Sts can recall the knowledge the have learnt before. ORGANIZATION: Recall - Remind Ss about the use of the present simple, present continuous and present perfect. ? Work in three groups. Find out their distinct time signals. 1. Present simple S + V(inf, s, es)............. * Adverbs of time: every day/week/ year/ morning/ Sunday, on Mondays.... * Adverbs of frequency: once/ twice/ three times a week. always, usually, sometime, often, never..... 2. Present continuous S + ia/am/are + V-ing............... * Adverbs of time: now, right now, at present, at the moment, today...... * Verbs after: It is + time..... Look!, Listen! 3. Present perfect S + have/ has + PP................. * Adverbs of time: since, for, never, ever, recently, lately, so far, yet, already, just..... * Verbs after: It's the first/ second.... time.... It's the only + N..... Superlative ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary (7') AIMS: Help sts know deeply how and when to use the correct verb form CONTENTS : Present Simple Present Continuous Present Prefect PRODUCTS: Sts’understanding ORGANIZATION: 1. vocabulary: - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: R.O.R - parade (n): cuộc diễu hành - pose (v): đứng/ ngồi (để làm mẫu nghệ thuật) - serve (v): phục vụ - sc edule (n): lộ trình, thời khóa biểu - promote (v): thăng cấp, làm tăng tiến - increase (v): tăng lên - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words ACTIVITY 3: GRAMMAR AIMS: Help sts know deeply how and when to use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect CONTENTS : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect PRODUCTS: Sts’understanding of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect ORGANIZATION: 1. Grammar 1 Review: Present tenses (12') 1. Complete the sentences (1 P19) ? Work individually to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. - Allow Ss to share ideas in pairs or small groups. Encourage Ss to explain how they decided on the tense in each sentence. Correct as a class. 2. Correct mistakes (2 P19) ? Work individually first. - Then let them share and discuss in pairs or small groups. Check, and have Ss explain why a certain tense is used. 3. Grammar 2: Present simple for the future (15'') 1. Use ? Study the REMEMBER. ? What do we use the present simple for? ? Read the examples in the REMEMBER. 2. Activity 3a P19 ? Read the monthly schedule for the extra Ss and T’s activities at Vancouver Christian School. - Then have them underline the verbs in the sentences. 3. Activity 3b P19 - Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty answering question ? Is a schedule usually for present or future Ss and T’s activities? 4. Activity 4 P19 Have Ss do this exercise independently. T checks the answers as a class. 5. Activity 5 P19 ? Work in groups to make notes of some Ss and T’s activities our school has organised for next week. - Encourage them to be imaginative. ? Then write down the sentences. - Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their sentences. Key: 1. has served 2. is increasing 3. symbolises 4. form 5. has celebrated 6. Is Key: In the passage Correct 2 visit èhave visited 3. increaseè is increasing 5. has celebratedè celebrates 7. are dancingè dance - We use the present simple with a future meaning when we talk about schedules, programs. e.t.c (for example: puplic transport, cinema, television, schools...) 1 The Debating Competition takes place in the Main Hall on April 3rd 2 The bus for the excursion to the chocolate factory leaves at 8.00 a.m in April 14th. 1.The future 2. The present simple 1. starts – finishes 2. takes place 3. holds 4. hosts 5. lasts E.g: - The English speaking contest is held on next Monday morning. - All the students take part in "Trong Com" performance on Tuesday and Sartuday. ACTIVITY 4: Further practice AIMS: Review and Further Practices CONTENTS : Some sample sentences PRODUCTS: Sts can use and differ the Tenses ORGANIZATION: Further practice: ? Recall the uses of the four tenses. Homework: ? Learn by heart all the new words and structures. ? Do Ex B5, 6 P13 - 14 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Communication - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries. - Answer individually - Take note -------------------------------o0o------------------------------ Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm . .. .. week:23 Preparing date: Period:65 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 4: Communication I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic ‘English speaking countries’ to introduce about some English speaking countries 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP AIMS: -To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson -To lead into the new lesson CONTENTS: Vocabulary about ways of learning languages PRODUCTS: Sts’ attention on the topic ORGANIZATION: Brainstorming - Teacher elicits the topic from students ? Can you name some English speaking countries that you know? ? What do you know about them? - Introduce the new lesson * Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board Answer the questions - territory (n):lãnh thổ - North Pole: Bắc cực - Arctic Circle: Vòng bắc cực - Garment(n):quần áo - Koala(n):gấu túi - Emu(n):đà điểu sa mạc ACTIVITY 2 : Presentation (15’) AIMS: - help sts learn more words about ways of learning languages CONTENTS: Vocabulary about pollution PRODUCTS: Vocabulary Concepts of pollution cause and effect ORGANIZATION: Activity: Do the quiz and choose the correct answers - Have ss do the quiz individually as quick as possible - Set a limit time is 5 minutes - Ask ss to share their answers with their partners - Check the class by asking for a show of hands for each question. - Answer the questions individually first then share compare Key : 1C 2A 3C 4B 5B 6B 7C 8A 9B 10 A ACTIVITY 3: Practice (10’) AIMS: -practice the main topic CONTENTS: Discussion on languages and ways of learning them, using differents Tenses PRODUCTS: Sts’ own opinion on the topic Vocabulary about languages Key to task 1,2,3,4 P21 ORGANIZATION: 3.2.Write the names of the countries next to their facts - Have ss to work in pairs - T calls on some ss to read aloud their answers then confirms the correct answers 3.3. Game. How much you kow about a country? a. - Put ss into groups of 4 ss then explain that they have a chance to put together what they know about a country, including all the information they have got so far from the lesson - Ask ss to write the information in short notes first without mentioning the name of the country b. -Ask each group to stand up in front of the class. Each member of the group will give one fact about the country. When they have finished, the rest of the class can guess what country it is. When every group has done their presentation, the class can vote for the most informative and interesting one - Work in pair Key: 1. The USA 2. New Zealand 3. The UK 4. Canada 5. Australia Work in groups of 4 ss -Write the information in short notes first without mentioning the name of the country Give the facts about the country -Guess what country it is -Vote for the most informative and interesting one Answer ACTIVITY 4 : Production (5’) AIMS: Review CONTENTS : Varieties of English all over the world PRODUCTS: Facts ORGANIZATION: Further practice - Summarize the lesson Homework: ? Prepare Skill 1 - Collect some pairs of words which varies from Britain English to American English. - Take note -------------------------------o0o------------------------------ Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm . .. .. week: 23 Preparing date: Period:66 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 5: Skills 1 I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read for specific information about family customs and traditions - Talk about interesting facts of a country 2. Skills: Speaking, reading. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) AIMS: Review vocab about languages CONTENTS : Pairs of words which varies from Britain English to American English. PRODUCTS: Sts can recall the knowledge the have learnt before. ORGANIZATION: Chatting - Ask ss to close the book and answer the question ? What do you know about Scotland - Introduce the new lesson * Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board - Answer the questions -piping(n): sự thổi sáo -haunt(v): ám ảnh -unique(adj): độc đáo -scenic(adj): thuộc cảnh vật -fire brigade(n): đội cứu hỏa ACTIVITY 2 : Reading - (15') AIMS: Help sts promote reading skill CONTENTS : Questions and answers about the 2 pictures in the textbook PRODUCTS: Sts can say the differences between the 2 pictures ORGANIZATION: Pre-Reading * Set the scene: - We are going to read a passage about Scotland 2.1. Discuss the questions. Then read the passage - Allow ss 3 minutes to discuss the questions without looking at the passage - Collect some ss’ ideas - Ask ss to read the passage then check their answers - T calls 2 ss to write the answers on the board then confirms the correct answers - T uses a map to show where is Scotland While-reading 2.2. Matching - Ask ss to read the passage again then ask them scan the places first. Read carefully the information about each place and choose the two features related to it 2.3. Read the passage again then answer the questions - Work individually then compare their answers with a classmate before giving the answers to T. Guessing Discuss the questions without looking at the passage -Read the passage then check their answers Key : 1. It is in the north of Great Britain 2. Any or all the following: It is famous for its rich and unique culture as well as its amazing natural beaty. Its historic castles, its traditional festivals and its whisky. It is also famous for various inventions Work individually Key: 1-d,f 2-a,c 3-b,h 4e,g Key: 1. Yes, it is 2. a ghost 3. piping, drumming, dancing 4. the telephone, television, penicillin, the rain coat 5. In 1824 ACTIVITY 3: Post - Reading (20') AIMS: Help sts promote reading skill CONTENTS : Reading comprehension, discussion PRODUCTS: Sts can underline the key words and work individually ORGANIZATION: 3.4. Work in pairs talk about the things you like most about Scotland. Give reasons - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about their choice. - Ask some pairs to represent 3.5. Work in groups. Read and discuss these interesting facts about Australia . Prepare a short introduce of Australia then represent - Have ss work in groups of 4 ss and discuss if there is any pieces of information they are not clear about. - Check as a class to make sure that the information is understood correctly - Ask some groups to represent Eg: S1: What do you like about Scotland? S2: I like the castles S1: Why? S2: Because I want to see a ghost - Work in groups of 4 ss ACTIVITY 4: Production AIMS: Review CONTENTS : Present Tenses Languages and facts PRODUCTS: Facts ORGANIZATION: Further practice (3') - Sum up the main content of the lesson. Homework (2') - Do Ex C1.2, D1 P 14, 15 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries. - Take note -------------------------------o0o------------------------------ Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm . .. .. week:24 Preparing date: Period:67 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 6: Skills 2 I./. Objectives 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town Write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour 2. Skills: listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . IV./. Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP AIMS: Review usages of Present Tenses CONTENTS : Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect PRODUCTS: Sts can recall the knowledge the have learnt before. Vocab and knowledge of languages and ways of learning languages ORGANIZATION: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the introduction to the listening. Ask them what features from the pictures they are interested in, and what they think Wanaka is like. - Look at the pictures and answer teacher’s questions ACTIVITY 2 : Listening- 15' AIMS: Improve listening skill CONTENTS : Ways to describe schedules PRODUCTS: Sts can recall the knowledge the have learnt before. Vocab and knowledge of schedules of events ORGANIZATION: Pre-listening: 2.1. Activity 1: - Ask Ss to read the questions. T then plays the recording and Ss write the answers. T can play the recording at least twice. Elicit the answers from Ss and write the correct answers on the board. 2.2. Activity 2: - Give Ss some time to read the questions. Check if they know the meaning of the words ‘illusion’ (something that appears to be there but is not) and ‘3-D hologram’ (three-dimensional image). Ss then listen to the recording again, as many times as needed if time allows, and choose the correct answers. T checks the answers as a class. While-listening: 3.1. Activity 3a: - Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four. Read the Ss and T’s activities and decide on the four Ss and T’s activities they would like to do together in their two-day visit to Washington D.C. b. Once they have made their decision, allow them time to schedule their visit and fill in the schedule table. Key: 1/ 9.30 2/ 12.30 3/ 4.00 4/ 4.15 Key: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A Group work ACTIVITY 3: Post-listening (20') AIMS: Improve writing skill and review vacab CONTENTS : Causes and effects of water pollution and some other types of pollution PRODUCTS: Sts can recall the knowledge the have learnt before. Vocab and knowledge of types of pollution ORGANIZATION: 3.2. Activity 4: Write a passage . - Have each group write a description of their visit. The description should include: the name of the activity, the time they do it, and what it involves. If possible, give each group a big piece of paper to write their answers. Ask the two quickest groups to present their answers. Other groups and T give comments. Give marks to the groups. Other groups complete their writing as homework and bring it back in the next lesson. Group work Example: This is the schedule for our group’s two-day visit to Washington D.C. On the first day we plan to go to the White House early at 8 o’clock. This way, we avoid the crowds. Then we get on a Hop-on Hop-off trolley, which rides around the city. We do some shopping and go for a nice lunch. Then we see some of the sights of the city. On the second day, we take the 8.30 shuttle bus to the canoe club to join a canoe trip along the C&O canal. This canal is famous for its beautiful scenery, especially in Autumn. The trip takes about three hours. In the afternoon, we visit the National Children’s Museum. The brochure says that this museum offers a lot of fun Ss and T’s activities where they can
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